L2 2nd attempt - LOC Minie-Magg

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Why? Whatta they going to do if you fail? Make you fly another rocket? :grin:

If you get to a lot of launches, it is not a big deal because you can always catch another one. If you don't get to many launches, and getting the cert. is important to you, one strategy is to plan for maximal chance of success so that you don't have to wait a long period of time to try again.

If you get to a lot of launches, it is not a big deal because you can always catch another one. If you don't get to many launches, and getting the cert. is important to you, one strategy is to plan for maximal chance of success so that you don't have to wait a long period of time to try again.


At which point you fly another rocket with a J-L motor in it, just like you would if you had been successful previously. The only thing you are waiting for is to fly again. Whether you are L2 or not won't change that.

The best strategy is to fly and have fun. Do your best to be safe, and don't sweat it if things don't work out. You could be L2 and still have a J-L flight failure. The cert doesn't guarantee successful flights forevermore. The cert flight is just one out of hopefully many you will have. :cheers:

Edit: dang, that's twice I've posted and forgotten to say - nice rocket! :)
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Are the beer bottles for scale or "part of the build process?" :cool:

The beer bottle up front is for scale; I sent that picture to my parents to show them the size of the rocket. The beer bottles behind are from my other hobby. I am also a homebrewer. Those are empties waiting for my next batch. I save a bunch of money by washing and reusing the bottles.
Finally attached the laundry, and the total weight is 4lbs, 2oz.

Our local club has the next launch date on July 13th, and I'm going to run a few motors. I want to launch first on an H133, then I180, then sneak up to a level 2 on a J285 if there's time. I'm not in a hurry on this one, and I want this rocket to survive more than two launches. So far none of my high powered rockets have survived their second launch.
Figuring out the delays on the motors I'm going to launch this weekend. Should have video later Saturday or Sunday.
I want to launch first on an H133, then I180 skidmark. Eventually I want to sneak up to a level 2 on a J285, but I'll probably save that one for the August launch.
A baby J will get you the L2, but you know you still have to build a L2 bird. Something with at least a 54mm MMT so you can fly the J, K and baby L motors.

Good Luck
A baby J will get you the L2, but you know you still have to build a L2 bird. Something with at least a 54mm MMT so you can fly the J, K and baby L motors.

Good Luck

Are you saying you HAVE to build a rocket specifically for L2?
A baby J will get you the L2, but you know you still have to build a L2 bird. Something with at least a 54mm MMT so you can fly the J, K and baby L motors.

Good Luck

I would disagree. Maybe this is what he wants for now. I have rockets with 54mm MMTs and have no intention of flying more than a J in any of them. Call me a Mildman, a wus, wimp, what ever you want, but I am a low & slow kinda guy. A baby J is enough for me. Later after I hit the Lotto, maybe I'll fly bigger motors.
In reading this thread I just realized that I have only launched my Magg on J's. I have yet to send it up on anything else, it really getts up and moves. A couple hundred feet shy of 4k on the last launch. I think its a fine excuse to get a lvl 2 with.

Yeah, and I'm short on cash at the moment. I built this Magg always intending to use it for my L2 cert flight. Those 54mm motors and all the hardware are too much for me right now. I'm starting up a TARC team at the school where I teach, and all my extra money is going to the registration fees, parts, and motors we need for our team launches.
Yeah, and I'm short on cash at the moment. I built this Magg always intending to use it for my L2 cert flight. Those 54mm motors and all the hardware are too much for me right now. I'm starting up a TARC team at the school where I teach, and all my extra money is going to the registration fees, parts, and motors we need for our team launches.

Sounds disappointing, but it also sounds like you have your priorities in the correct order.
GOT IT! L2 certified. Launched the Magg on a J285. Beautiful flight, perfect recovery. Also set a new personal altitude record of 3,659 ft!
Nice job. I am pretty glad to see the thing stayed under 4K on a J. I am building one now, not sure I will fly it on a J but it's nice to know I can and stay under 4500'.
Congrats !

I'm sure a Mini Magg on a J really pushes the envelope, don't let the naysayers tell you you need bigger rockets or more power, have fun doing what you're doing.
( personally, I'd never run a J motor in A Mini Magg, so have to respect that .. did my own L2 on a K550 powered Bruiser, low and slow, well maybe not too low, lol ) .

Now go have yourself a beer.
GOT IT! L2 certified. Launched the Magg on a J285. Beautiful flight, perfect recovery. Also set a new personal altitude record of 3,659 ft!

Congratulations !

I have been eyeing the 38mm 5g case so I can use the new long burn I125
