Introducing..... The El Diablo

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NO! NO! Wait! Not banishment. I will make it up. I promise. I will buy 6 cans tonight. I swear by all that is holy I WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF PRIMER AGAIN!!!!

Wait. ""brushing" on leftover latex from three years ago." - DOH!

Change of subject: How do you sand off left over latex from three years ago? Um, just asking, cause a friend of mine... :)
Today's Lowe's purchase:

6 cans of primer
15 sheets of 100 grit for the Mouse

Does that show that I mean business? Can I still come in April?
Well, that's a start. But what we said was "at least 3 cans EACH of white and gray primer ON HAND." Which means, if you only bought six cans, as soon as you use a can you will only have 5 on hand.

I guess you can go on the trip in April. But I am going to have Carl provide you with special training on how to fold and pack a parachute. :D ;) :p
Who, me? Tell what? I didn't tell anything. (But on retrospect I sure wish I had been thinking quick enough to get a picture. That picture would have been worth a LOT. But by that time I think I was too frozen to even think.) I merely said that I thought you should take lessons from Carl on parachute folding and packing. Just being thoughtful. And I never promised anything.

And is that any way to talk to your bestest buddy that sold you one of his precious H242 Blue Thunder's from his secret stash?
Parachute folding??? Your kidding, right Ken???

Don't tell me he needs help there (holding it back)


whew! That felt good...OK, I will mark my calendar to insure we have time to visit the HPR school of chute packing.

Sorry Phil, I couldn't help it, but ya know we all luvs ya man!!!:)

All right... all right... I just can't stand it any longer.

Sorry, Phil... I gotta tell him.

Carl... if you could have seen the way Phil wadded the chute up and crammed it into the Stygian Witch for its maiden flight at Whitakers last Saturday you would have gone into anal retentive shock. As bad as I am at folding and packing parachutes, what Phil did to that chute was unbelievable.

Believe me, a single class is not going to solve the problem. I'm thinking he's gonna need a multi-day course. See if you can find a few ruler-totin' knuckle-bustin' ornery ole Catholic nuns to teach it, too. He needs the full dose.

Like I said, sorry, Phil... but hey - I lasted almost a whole week !!
ROTFLOL.... This does deserve an explination.

Time: 5:00pm
Place: Whitakers, NC
Parachute folding area: none.
Last Launch of the day.

We had just loaded 3 engines for Mark's Viper. Alan had asked if this was the last flight. I told him yeah and Alan seemed pleased. He had to get ready for Sunday. Anyway, then, Ken comes out with this H242 from his arse or somewhere. I start salivating BUT WE ARE ON THE LAST LAUNCH. So I hurried to load the motor. Then I got to the parachute. "Wait, wait for me" I exclaimed as everyone started walking to the pad. I looked around for a flat surface to fold the chute, there was none. So I looked at that backstabbing Ken (grin) and said "Don't tell Carl" and shoved the parachute in. Ken laughed at me, but hey it worked.

I swear Carl, PML chutes always get folded like PML suggests. However, that dirty Ken pulled a last minute motor on me and, well, it had to happen.

Thank you Ken for the boss motor. :)
Last night was spent, yet again, priming and sanding. But... I was able to do my final coat on the nosecone. I got a wild hair up my butt and decided to color coat the nosecone. So, she is now red. :) Pictures to follow.
Today was spent mostly sanding and priming and sanding and priming. But I do believe tomorrow night will me my 400 grit sanding, then maybe tomorrow or Tuesday I will be color coating the body.

I did epoxy the bulkhead in the nosecone. Tomorrow night I will pour an epoxy fillet to seal the bulkhead.

The elDiablo is almost complete. :)
Thank you Dick Burns. :)

Well I finished the first clear coat and when it dried I added some decals. Click on the link below for the added pics. :) The only thing missing now is the name. Those decals are coming.

I think I'm in love with this rocket. Personally I think it is the best job I have done to date. It still aint perfect but for me, it is darn good. I think I will cry if she bites the dust.... :(

Oh, and this weekend I will be working on the motor mount so keep your eyes peeled for more pictures.
Nice job, Phil. I didn't know you had it in you. :D

You and Mark need to arrange a drag race - minor Diablo against major Diablo. That would be cool.
And for those patiently waiting to know about how the Motor Mount Adaptor works, here are the 38mm pics:

I have enough materials to build a 54mm adaptor which I shall start working on shortly.

I'm hoping the design of this will allow me to do clusters and even Hybrids just by building another adaptor. So, what do you guys think?
Nice job Phil...

I just have one question...where is the canister for the altimeter and where are you going to mount the external Black Powder Charge???

I mention this because I know you know that you are probably going to need around a minimum of 4 grams or more of black powder to seperate the nosecone. You may need a bit more too, as I do recommend shear pins for a nosecone of this size.

Once again, great job so far bro,

For it's maiden (level 2) flight, I plan on doing just motor ejection. But, there is enough air in the Motor Mount Sleeve that I could easily build an airframe. Do you think a loaded 38mm charge will be able to remove the nosecone?

Well, we will see how it goes... Every one pray... :)
Phil said: "...Do you think a loaded 38mm charge will be able to remove the nosecone?... "

In a word...No!

Testing is always goood. There are also calculators to size the amt of BP. The problem I've had is no one seems to knows how mych BP the motors hold (based on getting multiple answers).

Two random ideas:

1. Add a tape on extension to the RMS case and add more BP

2. Based on your alt maounting thread: The new HPR mag has a description of an ejection cannister made from PVC pipe (seen this before). You get a coupler that accepts screw-on plugs. I guess you chop the coupler in half (makes 2) and glue it into a bulkhead (or CR). Drill a hole in a plug, install an elec match, fill with BP, cover with masking tape, and screw it into the coupler. I'm not sure how tight the threads are so I'd use gread to seal the threads.

Hope to see other opinions!
Dick, that is almost exactly what I had in mind. Jim Livingston had this setup using a PVC pipe epoxied to the CR. You would make a film canister that holds the electric match and BP. The leads of the electric match are hot glued to the film canister to prevent the blast from escaping that direction. Then the leads are fed through the CR to the altimeter. It seemed cheap and functional. I like the idea of the screw in adaptor, maybe I will start thinking that direction. Thanks...
ZOWIE !!! That bird looks great, Phil. Sooo.... how many coats of wax do you have on it?
That is one nice looking rocket! So when does he (el is masculine of course) go up?
Man that is a beaut!!! You have come a long way from the Este's rockets we launched not more than a year ago in your neighborhood. Remember those 12" long, 1" in diameter things?

Really coooollll!!!!:D
He (good catch rstaff) will be going up mid-April in OH. I'm still planning on using Him to level 2 cert. A Pro38 6 grain is being held for me. I can't wait. He weighs 16 lbs so it will be touch and go but lots of fun.

Ahh fond memories Milo. I remember them like they were yesterday. The size of the rockets may have changed but the fun still remains.