I have G. Harry Stine's book and know that 12 inches will work fine, but I don't need that much. I am thinking maybe 8 inches.
Regardless of the length you choose, I believe you can improve your chances of upper stage ignition by keeping the hot blow-through gases (from the lower motor) more tightly contained, and thereby hotter.
Of course, the gases are going to expand as they move forward through the stuffer tube (or if you're not using a stuffer, through the lower stage rocket body tube). Expansion due to forward travel is kind of unavoidable, but you can at least minimize the expansion by not letting the hot gas expand in a radial direction any more than absolutely necessary.
The more the hot gas (from the lower motor) is allowed to expand, the more it will cool off (this is basic thermodynamics & gas flow). If you provide a forward gas path that is close to the same diameter as the inside of the lower motor, the blow-through hot gas will still expand a little but not nearly as much as if the blow-through gas was vented into a larger body tube.
For an 18mm motor in the lower mount, you could just extend the motor mount tube past the thrust ring to contain the hot gas forward to the upper motor nozzle. For a 24mm motor in the lower mount, you could still use an 18mm stuffer tube by gluing it inside a CR2050 thrust ring for the lower motor. The 18mm stuffer would be about the same ID as the lower 24mm motor and would do a good job of containing and focusing the hot blow-through gas until it reaches the upper motor nozzle.
You might not need the extra "help" from a stuffer tube, but then again, you never know--
(This is one of those design features that you never notice when they are working well, but if you leave it out and then have problems later, you'll kick yourself for missing the chance to add a quick, cheap ignition aid.)