Coronavirus Outbreak

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Best of luck to you. But, won't that flight be cancelled per the new order effectively closing the border with EU? If I were you I would try to get a flight departing UK which is likely to have fewer cancellations since it is exempted from the ban.
That's what got me, if the UK is exempt, what's to keep people from just traveling there and take a flight?
The idea as clarified by the WH is that no matter the departing airport, if you've been to a proscribed country in last 14 days you can't get in except for US folks. Also, it was not made clear last night that US folks returning could get in... A very poorly worded speech.

But I expect nearly all flights from EU countries to US will be cancelled with just a few running to bring Americans home. Home to quarantine.
The idea as clarified by the WH is that no matter the departing airport, if you've been to a proscribed country in last 14 days you can't get in except for US folks. Also, it was not made clear last night that US folks returning could get in... A very poorly worded speech.

But I expect nearly all flights from EU countries to US will be cancelled with just a few running to bring Americans home. Home to quarantine.
"Perceived Illogic and Impracticality"
Money rules over safety. Especially those making policy who crave it.
Lots of confusion after last night's speech.
As reflected in today's markets.

A few clarifications here:

Bottom line:
  • Trade is still on, despite what Trump had said
  • Travel is still on, for US citizens, permanent residents, and immediate family members of U.S. citizens, though it just got harder as airlines are starting to cancel flights
  • Panic is still on * 2

I'm sorry, but were you seriously expecting that from our government?
It had stopped doing that a while back.
It’s not “political crap” to point out that the President addressed the nation in a nationally televised Oval Office address and gave out inaccurate and incomplete information.

He literally said that no trade or cargo would enter the country from Europe for the next 30 days. That’s not even remotely true. Completely false. That statement triggered a lot of futures trading bidding the market down in real time during the speech. This was a prepared teleprompter speech. Why can’t they get this stuff straight? How can you put out a false statement about something that important that will obviously tank the stock market?
Why would anyone expect a change. Consistency is to be expected from everyone.
Guys, I recommend we avoid political discussions. A few have been warned. I suggested people watch it. It is a hot button topic. It is east to sharp shoot decisions. Based on my review, I think we need to do something to reduce the spread. The suggestion is that we would reach as high as 40% of the public infected if we take no action.
My main takeaways when I watched the speech were that there will be travel restrictions, which I think is probably a good idea, even if he blew it on communicating the scope and what it would apply to. And there would be some kind of economic measures, although I’m not sure exactly how much of that is a done deal or how effective it would be.

But my main concerns and questions were not addressed. What is going on with testing? Where are we at with that? Not a word about it. There have been conflicting and inconsistent statements about the availability of test kits from the president, Vice President, HHS secretary, and others over the past week. This speech was a chance to clear it all up. He didn’t even talk about it.

What is the government doing to deal with the spread of the virus domestically? Maybe travel restrictions will help prevent incoming cases, but it’s here already. It’s not all coming in from overseas. It’s spreading in our communities. How are we dealing with that? Is our healthcare system ready? Will there be enough hospital beds, ventilators, caregivers, medicine, etc.?

Also there was misinformation about the health insurance industry. He said something about a deal with the insurance industry to waive copays for tests and treatment. The insurance industry is disputing the details of that. And however that turns out, it doesn’t address the even more important question of deductibles. Having your copay waived doesn’t help you if you haven’t met your deductible yet.
Some people will say anything and do anything to maintain their present position
Back on point. Like cw says, let's avoid political stuff and talk MEASURES to mitigate the spread.
Washington state just announced all gatherings of 250 people or more are cancelled.
Includes ALL gatherings: sporting events, church services, festivals, family celebrations, etc.
Shortly after Oregon announced they are following suit.
If health officials can slow it down MAYBE they can avoid overwhelming the health care system.
Hopefully by the time the next wave appears (if it appears) there will be an effective vaccine available.
Still months off.
My office just announced that all non-essential employees (everyone but manufacturing and the call centers) should work from home until April 30th. 5000 people working from home for 6 weeks.
Our site in Santa Clara is now working from home. AFAIK all other sites are still working from our regular locations (thoughout the world), although I suspect Torino in Italy has some major disruption. All but urgent travel is cancelled.
Back on point. Like cw says, let's avoid political stuff and talk MEASURES to mitigate the spread.
Washington state just announced all gatherings of 250 people or more are cancelled.
Includes ALL gatherings: sporting events, church services, festivals, family celebrations, etc.
Shortly after Oregon announced they are following suit.
If health officials can slow it down MAYBE they can avoid overwhelming the health care system.
Hopefully by the time the next wave appears (if it appears) there will be an effective vaccine available.
Still months off.
Yeah, I'm encouraged by seeing the RIGHT moves being taken everywhere in the US including places that don't have or barely have cases yet. I just watched a video that pointed out that massively affected Italy and Iran did not cut off travel from China as they should have because they are both major China fans due to their bad economic situations. China has plenty of money to buy friends and influence... and viruses to bring down their population.
Almost all schools here in the metro Atlanta area just closed indefinitely. I work from home FT so not a big deal for me, but others don’t have that luxury.
Schools in the Seattle area (including both of my daughters' schools) closed through April 24th. Yay.
Our situation evolves on a daily basis. N95 masks and gowns are in short supply, so we need to be careful with them and not waste any. We have also suspended all non-essential staff meetings, training sessions, and conferences.

No official word on dealing with staff shortages, but I expect mandatory OT to keep the vehicles in service. There are too many unknowns right now and the first goal is to keep ourselves and our patients as safe as possible.
Inside A Secret Government Warehouse Prepped For Health Catastrophes
June 27, 2016

Thousands of lives might someday depend on this stockpile, which holds all kinds of medical supplies that the officials would need in the wake of a terrorist attack with a chemical, biological or nuclear weapon.

The location of these warehouses is secret. How many there are is secret. (Although a former government official recently said at a public meeting that there are six.) And exactly what's in them is secret.

"If everybody knows exactly what we have, then you know exactly what you can do to us that we can't fix," says Burel. "And we just don't want that to happen."

What he will reveal is how much the stockpile is worth: "We currently value the inventory at a little over $7 billion."

But some public health specialists worry about how all this would actually be deployed in an emergency.

"The warehouse is fine in terms of the management of stuff in there. What gets in the warehouse and where does it go after the warehouse, and how fast does it go to people, is where we have questions," says Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University.

I recently asked to go take a look at one of the warehouses, and was surprised when the answer was yes. I was told I was the first reporter ever to visit a stockpile storage site.

Since I had to sign a confidentiality agreement, I can't describe the outside. But the inside is huge.

"If you envision, say, a Super Walmart and stick two of those side by side and take out all the drop ceiling, that's about the same kind of space that we would occupy in one of these storage locations," Burel says.

A big American flag hangs from the ceiling, and shelves packed with stuff stand so tall that looking up makes me dizzy.

"We have the capability, if something bad happens, that we can intervene in a positive way, but then we don't ever want to have to do that. So it's kind of a strange place," says Burel. "But we would be foolish not to prepare for those events that we could predict might happen."

The Strategic National Stockpile got its start back in 1999, with a budget of about $50 million. Since then, even though the details aren't public, it's clear that it has amassed an incredible array of countermeasures against possible security threats.

The inventory includes millions of doses of vaccines against bioterrorism agents like smallpox, antivirals in case of a deadly flu pandemic, medicines used to treat radiation sickness and burns, chemical agent antidotes, wound care supplies, IV fluids and antibiotics.
Because of risks to the gallery, probably:
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OK, understanding news reports now. With these events there are "choke" areas such as the locker rooms, caddie quarters, press tents, etc. They also had identified infected individuals in particular counties in which events were planned. With all that, they decided to shut the PGA schedule down.

BTW, the last time PGA were cancelled was during WWII.
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