If you have any Archetype / Prarie Twister style cable cutters that you'd like to sell, please send me a PM. I'm looking for new or well cared for cutters.
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If you have any Archetype / Prarie Twister style cable cutters that you'd like to sell, please send me a PM. I'm looking for new or well cared for cutters.
I've got one for certain, maybe two. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, but I can drop them at the PO on my way out. After the release of the JLCR, I'll never use them again, so they're yours, no charge. PM me your address.
PM Sent. Thanks a ton!
Anyone else have one or two you're not going to use that you'd like to sell?
You changed your Avatar Bill. Nice Pic
I'll take one or two if somebody else wants to sell 'em cheap...
I have one, I'll dig it out of my shop tonight. How much do you want it for?
Thanks BB. $15 shipped?