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Sorry I didn`t get back to your question HD .

The camera is just a Nikon Coolpix ,I bought using my travel miles a couple years ago.I know my pix are not the best compared to many here on the forum ,but they`re basically to give you an idea of what`s going on.I also get a little impatient while taking them ,so I pretty much rush, take a bunch and then do some culling LOL

I know the camera can take better pictures than what I`m getting out of it ,but hey ,it`s a rocketry forum ,not "Photog Phorums" :wink:

I have the camera set at macro ,and snap away and hope for the best !

I do howeverr want to try the piece od paper over the flash trick I saw here, to difuse the light.

Take care

Paul T

Thanks, frankly I think your pics are right on the mark---I know what you mean by rushing through and then culling.
Thanks, frankly I think your pics are right on the mark---I know what you mean by rushing through and then culling.

Trust me my friend......I do a lot of culling !!!!!! LOL

Some of my pictures are pretty bad and fuzzy ,and I sometimes have to post them anyway.I have trouble getting in really close ,but ..oh well.. !

Paul t
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Paul...your pictures have been great...its just a fantastic build thread!!

Trust me my friend......I do a lot of culling !!!!!! LOL

Some of my pictures are pretty bad and fuzzy ,and I sometimes have to post them anyway.I have trouble getting in really close ,but ..oh we.. !

Paul t
Trust me my friend......I do a lot of culling !!!!!! LOL
Paul This might just be me, But it looks like you do your build threads as you would like to see them yourself on here....Am I wrong?

My Canuck Brother you add A LOT of Enjoyment to this Forum and should be a "Stunt Builder" for The Launch Pad....but you have gone beyond that with your scratch builds.
The wielding of the Zona Saw reminds me of Neil Peart twirling his drum sticks during a Rush drum solo (OK that might have been over the top)...
But keep doing this Bro!:pop::clap: I tip a large cold dark lager to you!:cheers:

John Stitz
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Yes he does, and I wish I had the patients to do the same (mostly I just get building and forget to document). The guy knows how to put a build together and a good show.

Enough talk back to rockets. :w:

You know......I think I spend more time making fixtures and jigs than I do building rockets ! But it`s still fun :wink:

Paul T

It's all the little things that make a big project truly great. And every part is applicable to something / someone else. Thanks for taking the time to share.
Paul This might just be me, But it looks like you do your build threads as you would like to see them yourself on here....Am I wrong?

My Canuck Brother you add A LOT of Enjoyment to this Forum and should be a "Stunt Builder" for The Launch Pad....but you have gone beyond that with your scratch builds.
The wielding of the Zona Saw reminds me of Neil Peart twirling his drum sticks during a Rush drum solo (OK that might have been over the top)...
But keep doing this Bro!:pop::clap: I tip a large cold dark lager to you!:cheers:

John Stitz

Neil Peart....NICE ! Love RUSH :w:

A good Lager is always good !

Have not done much ,working out of town ,so when I get home ,I`m pretty frazzled ,as I have a young kid / apprentice working as my partner....good good, just a little green LOL

I`ll get plenty done this weekend though !

Take care and thanks for the good words !!!!

paul T
It's all the little things that make a big project truly great. And every part is applicable to something / someone else. Thanks for taking the time to share.

Some times I enjoy making the jigs just as much as the rocket parts themselves ,but I suppose it is an end to the means !

Hope to have more done soon ,as i have two projects going on ,the other I started ,so a thread should be appropriate I guess ?

Still want one of those cool branding irons like yours !

Regards Sather

Paul T
Yes he does, and I wish I had the patients to do the same (mostly I just get building and forget to document). The guy knows how to put a build together and a good show.

Enough talk back to rockets. :w:


Back to rockets indeed ,all this work has made me a lazy boy ,but the weekend is comming ,and that time will be spent in the workshop :wink:

Cheers buddy !

Paul T
It also looks like Paul has good ambient lighting.

One of my fluor. light fixtures blew a balast last year ,and needs to be replaced ,but to get something up and going until then ,I installed a fixture above my work table that has 3 x 50 watt halogen bulbs ,very nice task light ,and also probably aids in the picture/photo lighting.

The halogen fixture i installed is permanent ,but the new fluorescent fixture will need to be addressed.

paul T
Ahhhhhh.....Saturday morning and it`s just past 6 AM and the weekend is all mine ,so work can be done in earnest !!

After a nice stiff cup of coffee ,I broke out the epoxy and glued in the interior support plates I made awhile back.

Here`s a picture of the interior of the nosecone and Bluetube nosecone extension.You can see the support ring I added to the base of the NC shoulder and the large access hole I drilled and jig sawed ,this allows me to glue in the support plates and to later add lead to adjust the CG.

The forward fins will be epoxied one at a time ,then once set up ,I`ll go back inside and add more epoxy to the tab and support plate slots.

More soon !

Paul t

Fins are now getting epoxied on ,one at a time...but it`s going pretty quick.

I`m using my 3" tube slotting sled as a craddle to hole the nosecone section ,works great.

Paul T


I have the last fin epoxied into place and setting.

Next will be to get back into the interior and epoxy the tabs to the support plate slots and make everything nice and sturdy :eek:

External fin fillets will be done last ,using 30 min. epoxy and filler.

Regards and thanks for looking !

Paul T

I`m getting ready to epoxy the fin tabs to the slots in the support plates on the interior of the nosecone section.It`s a little hard to reach ,so a long stick and a headlamp are being used to slather in the epoxy.

The fins ,passing through a layer of Bluetube ,FG nosecone shoulder and 1/4" thick plywd. support plates should add plenty of strength to them.....I hope !

You can see where I reinforced the interior of the NC with FG and epoxy.

As you can see ,the opening I made in the CR is not my finest work ,perhaps even a little "cowboyish" but oh well, it works :gavel:


Paul t



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As you can see ,the opening I made in the CR is not my finest work ,perhaps even a little "cowboyish" but oh well, it works :gavel:


Paul t

Yes, when it's all done we're going to say "Ugh, remember that hideous inside support ring he cut and put inside and unseen, terrible" :rofl:
Yes, when it's all done we're going to say "Ugh, remember that hideous inside support ring he cut and put inside and unseen, terrible" :rofl:

Keeps me humble :wink:

......well actually.....there`s a lot you guys don`t see :blush:

They use the term "cowboy" in my trade ,and when they`s never good ,as in "this won`t fit ......what do you mean it won`t fit........then just cowboy it in ! "

Take care

Paul T (not a cowboy.....more of an urban plowboy )
The fins are all in and the support plates affixed.

Just need to do some small fillets with a micro-ballon mix ,and then I`ll work on the bulkhead/coupler.


Paul t


Keeps me humble :wink:

......well actually.....there`s a lot you guys don`t see :blush:

They use the term "cowboy" in my trade ,and when they`s never good ,as in "this won`t fit ......what do you mean it won`t fit........then just cowboy it in ! "

Take care

Paul T (not a cowboy.....more of an urban plowboy )

Here in the states, we call that "Mickey Mouse", or "Jerry-rigged"........
Looking awesome Paul!!

I have the last fin epoxied into place and setting.

Next will be to get back into the interior and epoxy the tabs to the support plate slots and make everything nice and sturdy :eek:

External fin fillets will be done last ,using 30 min. epoxy and filler.

Regards and thanks for looking !

Paul T
the fins look perfect! its really enjoyable to see your work coming together watching a puzzle come together. Excellent job!!

The fins are all in and the support plates affixed.

Just need to do some small fillets with a micro-ballon mix ,and then I`ll work on the bulkhead/coupler.


Paul t
Here in the states, we call that "Mickey Mouse", or "Jerry-rigged"........

Oh ,don`t worry Tim ,I`ve heard both of those many times.When the company I work for first started out ,we were called a "Mickey Mouse outfit"

We`re now the biggest in my province /state including parts of the Eastern and Western portions of the provinces next to me.

AND...I did have to "Jerry-Rig" something last week ,not good ,because I`m the onsite safety officer :blush: (I`m glad it`s not my project)

Git `R Done .....:bangbang:

Paul T
the fins look perfect! its really enjoyable to see your work coming together watching a puzzle come together. Excellent job!!

Thanks Rick ,but you got the puzzle part right ,more of a surprise really ,because as I`ve said ,I build as I go, no plans !

As I come up to a new part ,I go to my favorites ,look at the pictures ,jot down some notes ,go to the table and make measurements and ..GO ! LOL

I do however have all my scale measurements in my file folder.


Paul t
I`m working on the bulkhead assembly ,shockcord attachment point.

As I may have mentioned before ,this rocket is modular in it`s parts and thus has several major sub-assemblies ,much like the real missile (warhead section, seeker section ,motor section etc.) 3 major section in total.

I cut a bulkhead plate and will secure a forged lifting eyebolt with large fender washers ,the nuts will be epoxied to resist unscrewing.

I`m cutting a section of Bluetube for the bulkhead/coupler next and some homemade coupler rings ,but more on that next.

Oh...of course my pics are out of sequence ,but who cares ,it`s not important LOL


Paul t



You've been a busy boy today ! Man, you do some nice work !! I know what ya mean by build as you go--at least for me it's more satisfying that way. Keeps the grey matter fluid--or rabid--guess it depends on your point of view.
You've been a busy boy today ! Man, you do some nice work !! I know what ya mean by build as you go--at least for me it's more satisfying that way. Keeps the grey matter fluid--or rabid--guess it depends on your point of view.

It is nice to get down in the shops and cut some wood and tubes and then that lovely smell of epoxy....mmmmmmmmmm !

I hope to get the main fins on tomorrow.

Take care HD

Paul T
This morning I worked on the coupler /bulkhead assembly ,and so started by cutting 3 rings from a length of body tube ,about 4" long.

The rings were slit and cut to fit inside the coupler ,each one fitting into the other "nesting" you could say.This is being done to give me the desired thickness so the hardware has plenty to grab onto ,as I now have 4 layers of Bluetube in which to drill and tap for the various screws etc.

The nosecone/fin sub-assembly gets fastened to the coupler via hardware ,making one whole sub-section (seeker/guidance)

Here you may see the 3 rings nested inside the coupler ,all is epoxied together.

Paul T


Well, your up nice and early. I like the progress your making on this . I won't get a thing done on mine for a few days--work schedule---Is your shop in house or in a seperate building? Deb used to want to murder me in the mornings in the old house--shop was in the basement---AHHH, the soung of power tools at 5A.M.-----Have a great day bud---looks great so far----H
I`ve now tacked the bulkplate into the coupler from the inside.

To make everything stronger ,I cut another 1" wide ring and slit it ,then measured and removed a portion so it fits together and slides into the coupler.The ring butts up against the bulk plate and will be epoxied into place ,so now that plate will never pull out !

Paul t
