A (not so) funny thing happened on the way to Oklahoma

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Seems about right :facepalm:

My heart does go out to those poor folks in the tornado ravaged areas !!

Paul T
There could have been a terrorist hiding in the disposable diapers.

A holes!
Weapons of mass aroma!:rofl:..

But, seriously, that is asinine..And then classifying it as 'commercial'?!?!REALLY??:facepalm:

The sad thing is, it may change the way people give/donate and where they do so....AND if they do so !!

Paul T
Its hard to believe a few phone calls couldn't clear this up, but that would mean finding someone in charge willing to make an intelligent decision.
Its called a Chinese Inspection . When they get a load of lettuce or other perishables that there not sure if they want in the country or not , they will let it sit there till they are good and ready to inspect it . By that time there isn't anything left to inspect . It is truly a F'ed up situation that is for sure .

I have crossed at Windsor; there are some real idiots on the US side. The Canadians were cool.

I was towing a 30’ long trailer and the customs person asked what was in it,
Conversation was like this,

‘What’s in the trailer?’
‘A Sailplane.’
‘What’s a sailplane?’
‘A glider…..’
‘What’s a glider?’
‘An airplane with no engine’.
‘Day don’t make airplane with no engine.’
I was sent to the inspection area and the guy I drove up to said, “What’s in the trailer? A glider?”
I still had to go through all the inspection process and lose an hour of my life.

Next time I will risk the Lake Effect Snow and cross at Niagara Falls. Anything is better than Detroit.

Typical government bureaucratic B.S. :confused2:
God Bless everyone in Oklahoma!!!
I just read the entire article and the whole thing appalls me. Makes me wish I could rent a fleet of Grey Hound buses and drive all the newly homeless people in OK to the very corrupt USDA headquarters in DC so each and every one of these people had a chance to tell them exactly what they think! That or send a tornado to their homes and see how they like waiting on aid. This just pisses me off.
Someone very high up has chosen not to waive this. It makes no sense.

Well if the US gov't won't say it, I will: "Thank you, Canada, for your love of our storm-ravaged countrymen!"

Doesn't surprise me. Do you remember Hunger Aid for Africa? We shipped tons of food to that country and it sat on the docks rotting away cuz their gubmint didn't want to give to them. Sounds like these are the same people.
This is why my political philosophy is VERY simple: The government needs to be smaller.

I agree - the same here in Oz.

This just seems like bureaucracy being taken to a whole new level though ?!

I hope it gets sorted and sorted quick - and the food and clothes gets to the people who need 'em.

What this amounts to is someone who make a 5, or more than likely 6 figure income is trying to justify his salary.

As far as I'm concerned someone higher up really, really needs to lose his cushy unjustified government job!

Thank you Canada. In times of need we are reminded who our real friends are.
As someone too close to what happened, I want to give a huge shout-out of gratitude to the people of Canada for their generosity.

In the morning, I'm calling my Senators and Reps. I've been e-mailing the TV, radio stations, and newspapers around here.
The sad thing is, it may change the way people give/donate and where they do so....AND if they do so !!

Paul T

This is probably why it is being done. With Progressives all aid MUST come from the STATE.
Discouraging private donations and aid is instrumental to the above agenda.
This is probably why it is being done. With Progressives all aid MUST come from the STATE.
Discouraging private donations and aid is instrumental to the above agenda.

Good job making the thread politically partisan. Before you know it, it'll get locked.
This is definitely a stupid bureaucratic fuster cluck. I'd be surprised if the attention didn't get things moving.

Generally if you want to send aid to a disaster area, the best way to do it is to donate money, not send food, supplies or clothes. Donate to a reputable and experienced relief organization instead. Shipping a truckload of perishable food from Canada to Oklahoma, shows a great generosity and spirit of kindness, but from a logistics point of view, it's not the most effective way to help.
This is definitely a stupid bureaucratic fuster cluck. I'd be surprised if the attention didn't get things moving.

Generally if you want to send aid to a disaster area, the best way to do it is to donate money, not send food, supplies or clothes. Donate to a reputable and experienced relief organization instead. Shipping a truckload of perishable food from Canada to Oklahoma, shows a great generosity and spirit of kindness, but from a logistics point of view, it's not the most effective way to help.

You hit the nail on the head when it comes to donate funds etc....make sure they are who they say they are and that the donations go to those who need it ,and not some scammers or big administrations and their costs.

You do hear of organizations that are less than reputable and "off the shelf"......the same lot that loot and plunder these sites !!

Paul T
Its called a Chinese Inspection . When they get a load of lettuce or other perishables that there not sure if they want in the country or not , they will let it sit there till they are good and ready to inspect it . By that time there isn't anything left to inspect . It is truly a F'ed up situation that is for sure .


it may have originated in a foreign land, but we drank the coolaid whosale.. I think we need to be like those countries whove isolated themselves to protect thier culture. (NOT!!) but we seem to be moving backwards in that direction. Mainly because we dont demand anything different.

I will say from my perspective... AMAZING. I have never - ever - ever - seen so much selflessnes.
I think my wife made 15 or so new friends in other states as far away as vermont. I can thank a church/medical group in Olathe, KS for this 2 week pain in my arm from tetanus booster... i still want to cry from the muscular pain.

It really put things into my scope, like haiti, japan, and tailand... where you found contreversy over the "aid" comming from america.
If you have never experienced a disaster, its easy to distance yourself. BUT, at the end of the day, we are all the same. People.
This is definitely a stupid bureaucratic fuster cluck. I'd be surprised if the attention didn't get things moving.

Generally if you want to send aid to a disaster area, the best way to do it is to donate money, not send food, supplies or clothes. Donate to a reputable and experienced relief organization instead. Shipping a truckload of perishable food from Canada to Oklahoma, shows a great generosity and spirit of kindness, but from a logistics point of view, it's not the most effective way to help.


what you say is true, and - at the same time not. you would be supprised at how fast water disappears when there is no treatment faciltiy.
Also, you have everyone waking up to reality, they dont have a weeks worth of diapers. so they go buy 2 packs. this causes a surge of diapers for surrounding areas.

This does not help when you have thousands of people converging on one site from the entire country.

The canada group coordinated this with a local church, who i am sure found good use for everything efficiently.... THese groups are far better than the large slow groups, and infinately better than FEMA.

And that is comming from personal experience.
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what you say is true, and - at the same time not. you would be supprised at how fast water disappears when there is no treatment faciltiy.
Also, you have everyone waking up to reality, they dont have a weeks worth of diapers. so they go buy 2 packs. this causes a surge of diapers for surrounding areas.

This does not help when you have thousands of people converging on one site from the entire country.

The canada group coordinated this with a local church, who i am sure found good use for everything efficiently.... THese groups are far better than the large slow groups, and infinately better than FEMA.

And that is comming from personal experience.

These churches may have had things worked out perfectly if this border issue had not got in the way. They may have known exactly how to collect, process, transport, sort, store and distribute everything efficiently. I wouldn't want to say they are doing it "wrong."

However, in almost all disasters there are anecdotes of well-intentioned aid being wasted because it was not appropriate for the situation. Often it is perishable food that spoils due to lack of refrigeration or inefficient distribution. Sometimes it's mountains of used clothes that are not needed or cannot be stored, sorted and distributed. Generally, experienced relief organizations don't have those issues. They can turn a cash donation into real relief very efficiently.
I'd like to add my thanks to our Canadian friends for helping us in our time of need.
Glad to see the truck did get cleared through the border.

And, yes, thanks to our Canadian friends for their generous help.