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I know sometimes the video quality suffers when uploaded to utube, but... that video was really disappointing. I'd been waiting to buy one of these since the Estes catalog first announced them in the Spring. Now I doubt I'll get one. Poor frame rate, no sound (in that video anyway), and only 12 to 16 seconds worth of video? Why Estes why???
I know sometimes the video quality suffers when uploaded to utube, but... that video was really disappointing. I'd been waiting to buy one of these since the Estes catalog first announced them in the Spring. Now I doubt I'll get one. Poor frame rate, no sound (in that video anyway), and only 12 to 16 seconds worth of video? Why Estes why???


I know sometimes the video quality suffers when uploaded to utube, but... that video was really disappointing. I'd been waiting to buy one of these since the Estes catalog first announced them in the Spring. Now I doubt I'll get one. Poor frame rate, no sound (in that video anyway), and only 12 to 16 seconds worth of video? Why Estes why???

The Astrovision is designed to appeal to the 'standard' Estes consumer (10-14 year old, male, short attenton span) who will probably be given one as a gift. He will fly it one to three times and then go back to his Wii or PS3.

The set contains the launch pad and launch controller which makes it a almost single purchase buy to get it into the air (It still needs batteries, motors and wadding).

It is about $50 less (SRP) than the Oracle.

I plan to pick one up and try it out. Being able to fly it on 'B' and 'C' motors will sure make the cost per flight more affordable.
I know sometimes the video quality suffers when uploaded to utube, but... that video was really disappointing. I'd been waiting to buy one of these since the Estes catalog first announced them in the Spring. Now I doubt I'll get one. Poor frame rate, no sound (in that video anyway), and only 12 to 16 seconds worth of video? Why Estes why???

After seeing a the quality/length of video it produces I just can't justify buying it.

I really would have expected more from Estes on this one. I know... my bad...:rolleyes:
I emailed Estes a week or so ago about the frame rate and got no response. If it's not included on the package I wonder if they even know what it is.

Being a BT-55 size NC with 640 X 320 resolution is pretty good if you ask me. You should be able to crank it up to 2000 feet or more feet on a two stager. I assume Estes limits the recording time to 12 seconds to match the short flight time on the recommended engines, but I would think that the flash memory has more potential than that. Why not give us 30 seconds or more Estes?

Are you sure that it is BT-55 ??

I thought all those rockets were BT-56.