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Wonderful shots, Looks like you guy's had a great time! thanks for posting them.
Hope you rermembers to pull out the stem on your AstroCam. I wasted a whole roll of film...Not to mention missing a bunch of photos by forgetting that one little detail:( Oh Man did I feel dumb!:D I stuck a nomex tag tied to the hole in the stem with a little note to self " PULL OUT THE STEM";) DOH!!!
Originally posted by MarkH
Aside from the open/closed slide, and the piece that cocks the shutter (which I think is what you're referring to), that's all there is to do right? I had that covered. The new shutter mechanism works much better than the old style string activated shutter.

Yeap! that's it...the piece that cocks the shutter.. totally forgot about it! DOH... won't happen again tho:D
That's sorta what it is Jim! Just stays with the camera/nose cone instead of being outside the body:)

It was quite a shock to get back a whole roll of blank totally clean film! and a refund for the printing:( We'll just do better on the next roll:)
Thats a great face plant photo!!!!!

My son has done that a few times chasing rockets. My dad has 8 milimeter footage of me doing a faceplant as a six year old, while chasing the maxi-brute V-2 he built me!
Yeah looks like good fun:) Post the pics from the Astro cam. I have never had that rocket although I hope too sometime. Also I have never seen any photos from one. My buddy launched one ohhh must have been about 5 years ago and he still hasnt got the film develped:rolleyes:
Great pics, a Sunday launch with the kids is always a good time! :D
Cool Pics!

Why do I have a feeling that Face Plant photo will haunt that kid for some time to come?

I belive we have all done that, just no photographic evidence.:D
Originally posted by Ed Wagoner
Yeah looks like good fun:) Post the pics from the Astro cam. I have never had that rocket although I hope too sometime. Also I have never seen any photos from one. My buddy launched one ohhh must have been about 5 years ago and he still hasnt got the film develped:rolleyes:

Heres one taken with one of the older Astrocam-110s, Looking across the anacoatia river toward downtown DC, from Anacoatia Naval station on the south end of Bolling AFB, in SE DC. C6-5 motor flight
Hey now those pictures are great! Much better than I thought they would be. Thanks for posting them :)
I am still amused that Estes chose to use the pictures from my modified, rearward facing Astrocam with out any explaination how the shots were obtained:eek:
The first Astrocams used 200speed film only, those shots were even grainer then some of the 400 speed 110 film shots from the "newer" astrocams and now the snap-Shot. Corase I can't say what the snap-shot pic will look like...Cause I didn't cock the shutter...DoH!
Heres another I like of College Park Airport, the oldest still operation airport in the country. This one taken during one of our Air-show Mod-roc Flight demos.