The Remarkable Rocket Recovery Harness Giveaway

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Jan 2, 2009
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The Remarkable Rocket Recovery Harness Giveaway

rocketery   Onebadhawk logo  1400086743.jpg

Ted over at Onebadhawk has offered 3 of his Rocket Recovery Harnesses for our members here on RocketryForum!!! Don't miss your chance to win! Details are as follows:

1st Prize (1):

11/32" Tubular Kevlar Harness W/ 3 Sewn Loops

rocketry - 11-32  keveler three tie rocket retriever.jpg

High Power Rocketry Recovery Harnesses
with 3 sewn Loops.

These recovery harnesses have a 3rd loop sewn approximately 5 ft. from one end.

These are made from 4000 lb.
11/32" Tubular Kevlar.
This material is 1/32" smaller then 3/8".
This is incredibly strong material.

These harnesses are perfect for
54 mm (2.1"), 2.5", and 3" Rockets.

This webbing is, as you know Fire Resistant.

2nd Prize(1):

3/4" Tubular Nylon Harness w/ Kevlar Sleeve- 3 Loops

rocketry - 2nd place prize harness 2157920_orig.jpg

These recovery harnesses have a 3rd loop sewn approximately 5 ft from one end.

These are made from 3/4" Tubular Nylon.

This material is listed as having a
2300 lb minimum breaking strength.

The Thread used to sew the loops is Tex 90 Kevlar.
( That's a very heavy weight thread
and is extremely strong ),

And is, I'm sure you know, Fire Resistant.

3rd Prize (1):

9/16" Tubular Nylon Harness w/ 2 Sewn Loops

rocketery - 9-16 nylon recovery  consolation.jpg

High Power Rocketry Recovery Harness
with 2 sewn Loops.

These are made from
9/16" Military Spec. Tubular Nylon.

The U.S. Military spec # is NSN 8305-00-082-5750

This material is listed as having a
1500 lb minimum breaking strength.

The Thread used to sew the loops is Tex 90 Kevlar.
( That's a very heavy weight thread
and is extremely strong ),

And is also, I'm sure you know, Fire Resistant.

Rules & Entry

- Have 25 posts (You must have 25 post as of the close date of this thread or your entry will be removed)

- Reply to this thread one time.


On July 28th we will close this giveaway, and draw the three (3) winners on July 29th.

Thanks to Onebadhawk for this awesome donation!

rocketry - onebadhawk circle logo  7470198_orig.jpg

No purchase necessary. To enter by mail send full name, address, phone number to . Entries must be received by July 28th, 2014. Void where prohibited.
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This is my entry. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Don't anybody else bother to enter, I'ma gonna win....
Count me in cause ya never know.
Thanks for doing it and to OneBadHawk.


This is a very cool thing to do (I'm already in with earler post)

If I were to win it will go on this...a "Blue Max" version of Bill Cooks "Mega Der Drei Max".
redWhiteblue max.jpg

Consider me entered. Thanks to "Onebadhawk" for the generosity.
Count me in! Would have to be crazy to pass up a try at such quality recovery harnesses! :wink:
Don't anybody else bother to enter, I'ma gonna win....

One thing we have in common SwingWing... I worked on a swing wing (the F-111E). Thus we both have swing wings in our past.

One thing you're wrong about... convincing me not to try to enter.

[EDIT] Rather than potentially violating the spirit of the rules (one reply to thread only), I'm editing my sole entry...

I think that a couple of "lurkers" have been driven out of the shadows by this offer. I've seen at least one join, and posts are coming fast and furious. [/EDIT]
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What the hey - a chance at some nice free stuff?

I'm in.

Wow, you guy's are fast...
I just got the email that said "Game on"....
This is the first time I see it,,,,,
and there's 15 entries......... lol

Good luck too all.....
And,,, again,,,
Thank you all truly for your support and kind wishes......


I can't even answer all of these nice comments individually...
Suffice it to say...
I am always donating prizes to the local clubs to raffle off......
I figured I should offer some type of a raffle or other prize to everybody.......

You must have a minimum of 25 posts to your name total by the end of the contest.....
That's just to ensure someone doesn't walk in straight off of the internet and win one of the prizes.... The prizes stay within the community......
And at the end of the designated time frame ( I believe it's July 28th ) a "Random number generator" will be used to pick numbers.....
Those "Post #'s" will be the respective winners.............

Thank you all again,,,,,,,,


I'm in also.
Teddy is one AWESOME guy! Glad to call him a friend :wink:

Thank you so much Joe,,,,,,,,,

I'm really sorry guy's,,,,,,,

I've been laughing,,,,,,,

At least half the people who have entered I just sent harnesses............ lol


Straight off the internet.

With almost 2000 posts !!!!!!!!

I think that qualifies you as a stalker of some sort..... lol


Ditto... very nice of you, Teddy!
Maybe I should consider such a giveaway?

Thank you very much Jim,,,
It's obvious I would recommend it ,,,,
I donate to all of the local raffles so for me this is a no brainer....


Count me in! Quite a while ago teddy gave me two very nice 30' 1/2'' nylon harnesses for my heavy Black Brant X, and they have held up superbly through many not-so-great recoveries and excessive ejection charges (I may be one of the few who have actually "blown it up" instead of "blowing it out"!:lol:) Thanks teddy!

Coleman that's really funny...
On a couple of your flights at separation it sounded like a high powered rifle going off.... lol


Wow, Teddy!
This is a real service to the whole rocketry community, thank you for all that you do!
I'll put my name in, why not.

BTW, I have one of Teddy's nylon harnesses and it is really just incredible. Beautifully sewn, great material, and the cord itself is very strong. It's brought my Jr. L1 rocket and one other rocket back safely on at least six occasions. A great product sold by an even better guy!


I'll send you another $5 in the mail.........


You are all quite welcome,,,
And thank you so much for all of your kind words and support............


Howdy. I'm in. Ted's harnesses are art.

Thanks man...

Good man and great harnesses, sign me up too!

Thank you Ray,,,
You need a heavier harness for that 3" Dark Star of yours....... lol


No shipping cost for me Ted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Harnesses ..........

Actually I just want a shirt

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lol,,, lol,,, lol,,,

You've got it Mickey,,,,
I'll deliver your to the launch......


HAha! Brilliant! It's like roll call for TRF!

How funny is that,,,, lol.........
I am amazed at how true that is...... lol


Just crossed the line. :)

Sent from my iPad using Rocketry Forum

I hope you all realize,,,,,,
My entire customer base is rather small.....
My sales are not......
I've said it many times before..........
The same people,,, again and again and again..............

Once you cross over
You can never go back.............................

(How do you do a sinister laugh in typing) lol.................


what about the clowns???

I dun get it...


You are quite welcome Joe,,,

I can help you,, in reference to your signature....

You need to be in ball of harnesses..... lol


:present: Me! Me! Pick me!

What took you so long,,,,
I was just going to send you a personal invitation............ lol


Come to think of it,,,,
Where's Hank Ball...............


Wow Scotty,,,,
I think that just about beats all fer sure........


Well... I am pretty close:
:p :)

Wow Matt....
This doesn't surprise me....
But man is that a lot of posting.... lol


This doesn't mean you get 238 entries, does it?

Now that really takes a sick mind.......
I can't believe you actually did the math......... lol


But do you get 1 entry per 25 posts? :p If so... :p

That's what Thirsty

And your quite welcome to all.......


So I get 225 entries? 226 in a day or two. :p

Hey wait a minute Matt,,,,
You already won the raffle,,,
2 or 3 times..... lol...


Have to put it in Teddy!
Hope to see you at the next launch!

How are ya Pete...
I'm sure glad your in...
I sure will see you at the launch,,,


Count me In!!!!! burnt a harness off at LDRS33 last weekend!!!

I wish I could have been to LDRS...
It sounds like everybody had a fantastic time...
What size harness did you burn up ???

I'm in!

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Im in! Im down to my last 2 shock cords.

Count me in!
These are great!
I have many, but could always use one more.
I'm in I should have 25 posts in that time . Some say I post to much
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