X-15, ALCM and Bomarc RCBG flying on new Aerotech G-25 29mm 120 casing

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Jan 27, 2009
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I finally got some of the Aerotech G-25 29mm 120ns reloads to try in my larger X-15 and bomarc, they are both 6' tall, and are 37 and 38 ounces RTF, I'm estimating about 600-700 foot vertical boost, and were gentle enough for my depron gliders to not cause any flutter...I think this is a good rcbg motor, a good push off the pad and then tapering... I'm glad because the G-38 and G40 were a little too hard on the Bomarc(a bit of twisting on boost) and the G12 was too puny and F23 and F32's weren't enough boost to make them worth while. This seems to be good replacement for the old 40-120 G-33 reload that was discontinued. There were 10-15 mph gusts and they boosted nice and straight with landings right on the runway centerline. My Son was supposed to be further back before launch but my wife lit the motor too early. That is not normal procedure.

Video is here

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Great flights! Thanks for sharing!

Also - your rcgroups page is fantastic.
Very nice flights! Thank you for the video.

Those flew exceptionally well, Frank!

Yes, I'd say the new G25 load seems to be the perfect 'drop-in' for the defunct G33. I wonder who all is selling those things? Might spring for the hardware if the loads are 'readily available'.

I gotta do an X-15 sometime again.....
I just got some more from red arrow, they are hazmat though since the propellant is a single grain with offset core.
My Son was holding the bomarc from blowing the pad over during gusts till we did the countdown, he was probably a bit close, my wife got anxious.

Beautiful flights!

On another note, I'm not your wife, but I would have been damn angry if anyone had used my son for such a needlesly dangerous task. What about safety first? :confused:
The task of holding the bomarc before we were ready was not dangerous, my wife was in charge of the countdown and launch and should have waited for Max to get clear first so that was in her control, not mine.

Beautiful flights!

On another note, I'm not your wife, but I would have been damn angry if anyone had used my son for such a needlesly dangerous task. What about safety first? :confused:
The task of holding the bomarc before we were ready was not dangerous, my wife was in charge of the countdown and launch and should have waited for Max to get clear first so that was in her control, not mine.

Frank, I did not wanted to accuse anybody of anything. I just wanted to express my feeling about what looks like avoidable risk, as depicted in the video.

Being the father of a 2 months old, it did give me the goosebumps to think of my son being put in such a situation. I am sure neither of you ever wanted to put you son under any risk, so please read my comment as coming from an over-concerned new dad.

Take care
It's interesting, if you watch either of my launches in .25x speed, you can see definite spitting in the first second of boost or so, then it stabilizes......
Got out with my 5' ALCM as well this morning, I added 6 oz of weight at the CG to try to keep the speed down on boost but did see just a bit of wing flutter just before burnout on the outboard panels where the KF step airfoil was single ply. So I laminated and taped a second layer behind the KF step to make it just a doubled flat plate and flew again and it was nice and straight with no flutter, this is a nice motor.

short video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggAB0b0CzJc&feature=youtu.be

again it was windy today so I kept it high and tried to s turn to keep it within the runway, mostly worked.

Very impressive.
Thanks for sharing because I recently saw a Bomarc Glider mentioned in another Thread and really wondered what that would look like flying.
My Son was holding the bomarc from blowing the pad over during gusts till we did the countdown, he was probably a bit close, my wife got anxious.

Video is here


Since I'm into RC as well as rockets I loved the video, motor and the rocket/glider. RC skills aren't bad either.

As to the comment above about your son holding the rocket to stabilize it before launch why not install rail buttons on the rocket/glider and use a "rail" launch pad?
That would eliminate the need for holding it and your son or whoever from being so close to it on launch. If the motor were to Cato that could be potentially dangerous for the holder.

Just my :2:

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All, this is using a rail and rail buttons, and again, my son is not holding the boost glider while we are igniting it. He was just keeping the pad from tipping from a large gust while I was setting up, unfortunately my wife ignited before he was as clear as he should have been, this is not normal procedure. I just need to get some large spikes to plant in the feet of the pad to prevent tipping with these larger wingspan gliders, even with the 5' footprint of the pad.

my wife ignited before he was as clear as he should have been, this is not normal procedure.


I completely mis-understood your reason for holding it,,sorry.:facepalm:

On the other hand I completely understand why it happened. :wink:

I have to give +1 on jsargevt comments about your RCG page,,, really good stuff there,, I encourage everyone to take a look.

While it can be very enjoyable to engage friends and family in the actual launch, it does create opportunities for miscommunication sometimes.

I have a launch controller that works with my R/C transmitter. In its simplest form, it's a second receiver with a brushed speed controller and a battery. All this stays on the ground. I connect my igniter to the ESC, and when I push throttle up, the glider takes off. Hands free operation.

My system has evolved now, with mixes to change flaps from boost to glide configuration in conjunction with ignition, a safety interlock and a bunch of other improvements. But the basic idea is still the same: I can launch my glider from the same transmitter that I use to fly it.

Ari, I've done this in the past with self launch capability, when I use E motors, I was using a different setup for the larger G igniters and didn't bring that with me.


While it can be very enjoyable to engage friends and family in the actual launch, it does create opportunities for miscommunication sometimes.

I have a launch controller that works with my R/C transmitter. In its simplest form, it's a second receiver with a brushed speed controller and a battery. All this stays on the ground. I connect my igniter to the ESC, and when I push throttle up, the glider takes off. Hands free operation.

My system has evolved now, with mixes to change flaps from boost to glide configuration in conjunction with ignition, a safety interlock and a bunch of other improvements. But the basic idea is still the same: I can launch my glider from the same transmitter that I use to fly it.

I think your setup is fine. Use what works on any particular day :=)

I just want to see more of your videos!

Here are some great shots of my bomarc and Boeing ALCM on the G-25 at the last launch, photos by Gary Goncher



