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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Reaction score
New to the forum and relatively new to rocketry but not chemistry. I have a lot of questions but I will spare you.....for now. :)Been wanting to get into HPR and have done alot of static firings with H motors in sugar based propellants (mostly KNDX and Pollino's flexi-fuel) I have also just finished my first build (Zephyr). Wanting to join my local Tripoli in Tampa, Florida to attempt a Cert 1, but I can't get any response. Does anyone here know anyone in the Tampa area. I would like to join their next launch in mid September, but, like I said, I can't seem to get a response (whether by email or phone). Thanks and glad to be part of this wonderful community.
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Oh crap, my apologies for the repeat pics. Still getting used to how this works. Sorry.

Nevermind, just figured it out.
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That is a nice Zephyr, Tim sure seems to be selling a lot of them. What color paint is that? Looks a lot like Rusto 2x Key Lime, but could be something else similar.

As you may or may not know, discussion of research motors is restricted to a specific subforum here, and there are requirements to be granted access. More info here: https://www.rocketryforum.com/threads/research-forum-access.17943/.
Thanks!! It's a Behr paint and primer spray called "Gloss Venom" P340-7. Got it at Home Depot.

Yes, I'm aware of the restricted discussions. Just made mention of the fuels without any further discussion about it.
Welcome! Nice job on the Zephyr. While I can't help you with the Tampa issue, I can say that it's appreciated that you're not the kind of person who gets your nose in a kink by being warned about restricted areas. If there's anything I can help with, feel free to ask (except for a sim of the Zephyr (being in the PRC kinda makes it a PITA to get samples to me).
Thanks, K'Tesh!!
I actually appreciate the restricted areas. It shows responsible behavior.

Yeah, hopefully someone from Tampa chimes in. Cheers.
Thanks, K'Tesh!!
I actually appreciate the restricted areas. It shows responsible behavior.

Yeah, hopefully someone from Tampa chimes in. Cheers.
I don't know what is going on in Tampa, I'm in Indiana, but my advice is to just show up at the Launch, introduce yourself to anyone running the launch, they will help you. Rocket people are the best!
Yeah, I'm thinking of contacting Tripoli Association and joining up that way, then asking them for contact info for Tampa Tripoli.
Yeah, I'm thinking of contacting Tripoli Association and joining up that way, then asking them for contact info for Tampa Tripoli.
Good deal joining Tripoli. Again you can just show up at the launch. Get the email of the club's Prefect and try to contact them that way. It should be on their website.
Yep, the emails are on the website and I reached out via email to both the secretary and president but still waiting for reply. No worries; maybe the email page has not been updated.

Thanks! Glad to be part of like-minded folks. (something that appears to be lacking in this country lately...) My bad. Let's not even go there. Cheers.
I'm new-ish. I rejoined Tripoli about a week or so ago from an almost 20 year hiatus. It took them a couple of days answering my emails. I did do the Paypal renewal, admittedly for some reason was more difficult to find for me than it should have been. I think I paid on Thursday and my membership book was in the mail by Monday.

Good luck and I hope you find a club soon!