What builds are in your future?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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NB Canada

This is a thread were you can post what your planed/future builds will be :)

I'll start:


-Shape Shifter Jr, for my Canadian level 1-2 (and possibly 3) (Ok Ok, I technically have started work on her, but I haven't started gluing yet; so I'll list it here)

-Shape Shifter Mini

-Estes Partizon made to look like an upscale Arreaux

Scratch Built

-Build another Phoenix (see attached photo) out of Blue Tube and with a filament wound fiberglass nose cone, to replace the one pictured (which suffered a CATO, but has since been repaired, repainted, and renamed "Firelight") Thinking I'll name this one "Phoenix 2.0"

- A Mach busting 29mm minimum diameter rocket named Ceiling Pusher 29. (A downscale of a rocket owned by a fellow club member)

- Build this design:
This one probably won't happen for a while though.

-Some MPR tube fin design.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment; but I know I have a TON more. I'll update this post as I think of them :)
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Scratch Build for Box o Parts build thread
Potential Small 2 stage rocket for Civil Air Patrol
Formula 75
Formula 38
Warrior Mini
Any scratch build that comes to mind from my grab box from Rocketry Warehouse... Probably something fun (there is an 11 inch tube in there...:))
Good question......

Semroc Orbital Transport
Squirrel Works Tuber
Upscale USS Hyperion....... ooops
Big list ....
An upscale of my son's evil minon his is a 2 3/8 " 10" tall 6 tube fin 24mm flew great on a f20
Mine 4.25" 3.75' tall with 1.5' 4.25" tube fins on a 54mm
Upscale big bertha ( the autism rocks ) full vinyl from sticker shock and signed from 1000 or so people flown then given to corner stone center for autism.
Mega mosquitos 38mm
Some low power stuff for the kids
The classified goblin 6"
A original costom equnox (sp) 29mm
There is others I can't remember at this time
In progress and in future:

3in Minimum Diameter - M something or another at Aeronaut (In progress)

54 Minimum Diameter - L something or another at Aeronaut

3in Rocket with a 54 hole (maybe 38) - General sport flying.

5in Rocket with a 54 hole - General Sport flying.

Couple kits from Wildman
Darkstar Lite- for evetual conversion Into my first DD rocket
Blackhawk 24
Mini Shaape Shifter
I plan to get an Astrobee-D sometime

Should be some fun winter builds!!
I have a couple of things currently under construction, but the next project I expect to start will be a 4x upscale of the Big Daddy. Planning to have a central 98 with four 54's. The trick to this is that I have a Toyota Prius and want to be able to cart this thing to the launch site in it. So, I'm still engineering things but it will have a slip off airframe and removable fins. It will be plumbed for air-starts and the internal construction will allow for the 6-grain 98 motors. This will be complex/interesting enough that I'll likely do a build thread. I hope to start in January.
No sooner did our Estes Rocket order arrive, than we started surfing the web, looking for more appealing rockets from Semroc, Custom Rockets, E Rockets, Flis rockets, and more.

My buddy's package of the LONG TOM and the Xarconian Cruiser arrived first,
and when I got home, I discovered my big box of Flutter By, Long Tom, Neon XL, Space Commander, Dual Chute and something else, all arrived in great shape. My family is disgusted that I ordered all these rockets, when they had gone through erockets to get me one under the tree.... and I'm betting that Santa has brought me the Egganator!
Upscale Colonial Viper, Torellian Invader and Orion Starfighter from K&S.

Plus, this...

(I bought it from someone who did a great job building up to this point, but now I've got to finish it.)


I have one other build planned for next year. I'd like to do either a 3x or 4x upscale of the Estes Asteroid Hunter. The tough parts of this build will be the nosecone/cockpit and the aft nozzle. I'd like to build the nose cone with a detailed cockpit interior (including clear windows and lighting). I envision this model a little differently than the write up on the kit does. I see this as a one or two person scout craft that takes samples and surveys potential targets before the main Asteroid Harvester (yet to be designed) comes in to do the heavy mining. As such it is a one or two person smaller craft. Scale nozzles are going to be pretty big and fragile, so I'm thinking of ways to rig the main so that the body descends horizontally rather than the usual nozzle first. I'm tired of just building 3 or 4 finned tubes with a nose cone for a rocket.
Upscale Colonial Viper, Torellian Invader and Orion Starfighter from K&S.

Plus, this...

(I bought it from someone who did a great job building up to this point, but now I've got to finish it.)

Nice rocket. It looks as though the airframe comes off. If the fins detach from the motor mount assembly, I would very much like to see some pictures of that.
Well, when I finish my current project--have not touched it in a month--I've promised the other half I would make her a dragon. Yea, it's really big--4ft wingspan--and will take the better part of the year. That said, I plan on these two projects from the design pile. I can do them on the side while the dragon is being created----article-2163953-13C3335B000005DC-399_634x408.jpgSpacepatrol.jpg. The space patrol is pretty sraight forward but the other one is going to be a challenge. The wife picked that one! I do have to get back on the JQ build also. So I guess my year is full already:facepalm:
My next build will be a modified LOC Onyx with a 38mm motor mount, 1/4" TTW fins, and 8 oz nose weight. Sims at 501 mph and 3457 ft on a H225. I'll start after the holidays. I haven't picked a paint design yet but so far I like this one best:

No kits to build but I'll probibly put together 40-50 rockets over the winter. I buy parts and let my imagination run. I have 7 in various stages of construction right now :)
Let's see:

Blackhawk 38
Super dx3 for my jr 1 cert
Some lpr stuff from Estes
Habenero from hotrod rockets
Whatever my secret Santa got me
I have a couple of things currently under construction, but the next project I expect to start will be a 4x upscale of the Big Daddy. Planning to have a central 98 with four 54's. The trick to this is that I have a Toyota Prius and want to be able to cart this thing to the launch site in it. So, I'm still engineering things but it will have a slip off airframe and removable fins. It will be plumbed for air-starts and the internal construction will allow for the 6-grain 98 motors. This will be complex/interesting enough that I'll likely do a build thread. I hope to start in January.

I'll be subscribing to this one. Beyond the cool factor of the upscale, your portability goals will be fun to watch as they evolve.
This one has been on my "To-Do" list for a while -
The Peter Alway SATURN IV

Saturn IV.jpg

The plans are HERE and HERE

This one reminds me of a Zooch style model, not huge but with some detailing.
It'll be built on the blog - eventually!
Been trying to decide, but my tentative list is

Scratch built Box of Parts
Excelsior Avenger Guinivere
Rocketarium Rebel John

Clone of Estes Cherokee D or Trident

Still debating on a Goony, Fliskit, and a larger kit
Giant Leap Mariah 38: Built, need to fly. Can't wait to get this in the air. I didn't get much of a flying season last year.

Badd Azz Space Cowboy (54 mm): Just starting on it. Will add Eric's custom Av-Bay. Will be awesome. Have CTI 6-grain and 6XL grain motors and two 6XL grain reloads for it already. Have ordered an AMW 2550 complete motor (backordered) that I hope to be able to put in it also. Hoping to take it to Black Rock.

Estes Pro II Mega Der Red Max and Leviathan: Christmas presents for my 7- and 9- year olds. Looks like they will need help building!

Getting close to improving my rocketry budget. If that happens, look out.
Lots and lots of upscales.....trying to finish my upscale of the Estes Goblin (which I have dubbed the "Hobgoblin")

Then I have upscales of -

Estes Astron Beta (BT-60)
Sizzler (LOC 2.56)
Astron Omega (BT-80 upscale flying on the new 29mm BP motors)
After Black Saturday I became addicted to buying kits so now I have to build:

Madcow 2.6" glass patriot
Madcow Screech
Vaughn Brothers VB Extreme 54
Scratch built VB Extreme 24 with Vaughn Brothers parts purchased from Discount Rocketry
Starlight Flash 24
Wildman mini Competitor
RW Formula 38
Blackhawk 29 with dual deploy option
Blackhawk 24
and already in progress needing to be completed
My scratch built Crow 18
Scratch built Crow 24 F motor version

Too many things to build!!

Forgot, also have a LOC Lil Nuke to build!!
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Holidays and fall flying left me with new kits and a few fixes

Blackhawk 24
Estes Pro Series II Nike Smoke
3" upscale National Aerospace Plane (quest kit upscale)

To Be Fixed:
EZI-65 (My L1 and L2 bird) needs sanding on fins and body tub due to road rash

Looks to be a fun building season!
I'm going to start my Semroc Snake Jumper 01/06/2014. That's when my kids go back to school from Christmas break.:) After that, I hope to get the necessary parts from Semroc to do a replica of the Centuri Sky Cycle. I then plan to start the Snarky, which I've already ordered from Apogee. These will be the first kits I've built in about a decade. After that, who knows? I have a bunch of kits I've been hoarding for awhile.

Wish me luck.:)
I have a plastic wire spool with a hollow 5” dia translucent core that is going to get built as a night launch spool.

When/if Public Missiles ever gets their electronic products situation straightened out I plan to build their “Mini-Black Brant” with the accompanying “Terrier” booster. I am still waiting for a Co-Pilot for the last kit I bought from them.

I need to decide what rocket to build that utilizes a 75mm motor mount so as to launch “L” motors.