Quote? What is your favorite quote?

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"I usually make up my mind about a man in ten seconds, and I very rarely change it."​

Courage is very important. Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use.​

~Ruth Gordon

"Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never suspect or judge from appearances, but look for what is beautiful in my neighbor's souls and come to their rescue."

"Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful, so that I should never speak negatively of my neighbor, but have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all."

-St. Faustina

There was a whole list of these, praying for help for various body parts to be merciful, but these were my two favorites.
“This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”​
“To live without risk for me would be tantamount to death."​
“Give the world the best you have, and the best will come to you.”​
“I’m a idiot, but I’m not stupid”

-me, to a teacher who called me a genius:rolleyes:
Give yourself credit. The best way to learn is to make mistakes and keep trying. You learn from them. Not every mistake is a smart one.
Naw, we start ignorant and become educated. And maybe we become smarter in the process. But you can't fix stupid.
True enough (I have met more true idiots than I care to think about) I was mostly laughing it her calling ME a genius, (I hate that word used to describe anyone who’s IQ is less than 123, I find it a bit disrespectful) and I thought it was fun enough to share.
“When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not.”​
Naw, we start ignorant and become educated. And maybe we become smarter in the process. But you can't fix stupid.
No truer words were ever said. When I rotated in Psychiatry in Medical School, one of my instructors once said: "You can't fix crazy or stupid, but there is a pill for one of those".
(I hate that word used to describe anyone who’s IQ is less than 123, I find it a bit disrespectful)

Note, in particular, the graph of use over time. The word was in much more common use than it is today back at least to 1800, long before Alfred Binet presumed to quantify intelligence (1905) let alone to arbitrarily assign particular rigid values to common words.

Here's a Wikipedia article on genius in general; the link is to it's section on IQ:

According to that, the word genius is no longer used as an IQ range name. It also states that psychologists generally consider an IQ of about 125 to be necessary to achieve genius. That means 1⅔σ above the mean, so it includes about 48 of every 1000 random, people chosen from the whole population. I don't know you very well, having only conversed using this quite limited medium, but I would bet money that you are among the 48 smartest people in a room full of 1000 random folks.
Note, in particular, the graph of use over time. The word was in much more common use than it is today back at least to 1800, long before Alfred Binet presumed to quantify intelligence (1905) let alone to arbitrarily assign particular rigid values to common words.

Here's a Wikipedia article on genius in general; the link is to it's section on IQ:

According to that, the word genius is no longer used as an IQ range name. It also states that psychologists generally consider an IQ of about 125 to be necessary to achieve genius. That means 1⅔σ above the mean, so it includes about 48 of every 1000 random, people chosen from the whole population. I don't know you very well, having only conversed using this quite limited medium, but I would bet money that you are among the 48 smartest people in a room full of 1000 random folks.
Hmm I wonder why it’s deciding in use, I can’t think of an obvious replacement word (intelligent is much milder, brilliant maybe). As for being in the 48, possibly your right but consider that a lot of those people will be from 3 world nations which will limit access to good schools and change the outcome of the test eg I once took a IQ test and it required you to add to numbers together like 2+5 but someone with no training in math will not be able to do that as they have not been taught to think in a linear way. (Compared to the way we do math naturally that is non linear).
Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
Common myth. A good quote, but it wasn't Einstein. It was Rita Mae Brown.

"Don't believe everything you read on the internet."
-- Abraham Lincoln​