LDRS 30 September 1-6, 2011

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Phoenix Driver
Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
It's official!

LDRS 30 will be held over Labor Day weekend (September 1-6, 2011) at Argonia, KS. Our standing waiver is 34,500' AGL all day, every day. We will be posting more of the details as we firm them up but you should plan on coming out and flying with us. I'm certain you will have a great time.

There will be discussions on why Labor Day weekend and not the middle of (insert your favorite summer month here). Here's the short answer. The Kloudbusters are allowed to fly and recover our rockets off of many miles of private land. This is not BLM or any other government alphabetical soup owner land. These landowners have graciously allowed us (and our rocketry friends from around the planet) access to their land to enjoy our hobby. They do not have to do this! Our "rocket fields" are their "farming fields" where they earn their living and feed us city folk. Most of the acreage is planted in wheat during the winter. This wheat matures and is havested in late June/early July. Just before it's harvested the wheat is tall and very dry (fire prone) so we do not fly off of our field from late April through the middle of July. So right off the bat, June is out!

Then comes late July through August. These are the hottest months of the year in Kansas. While air temperatures can reach triple digits, out in the plowed, dark fields the surface temperatures easily exceed 125 degrees. It's really too hot to be enjoyable for folks who live in more temperate climates.

Labor day weekend has always been a great time to fly rockets in Kansas. The weather should be in the mid 80's and all of the crops are out of the fields so recovering rockets is easy.

While we recognize that some folks have other commitments at that time, truthfully there is not a six day period where everyone will be happy!

For our old rocket friends, please come back and fly with us again. For those of you who have never flown with us, come on out and we will make you feel like family! The Kloudbusters and our landowners look forward to visit.

Bob Brown
Launch Director, LDRS 30
Can't wait until next year!

Since it we'll be in the middle of their farmland, will flying sparkies/metal storms be a fire issue?
Can't wait until next year!

Since it we'll be in the middle of their farmland, will flying sparkies/metal storms be a fire issue?

Sparkie motors should not be a challenge! Our away pads (M safety distance) are normally set out in a plowed, dirt field. All sparkie motors regardless of impulse will fly from the pads set in the dirt. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Just another LDRS I won't be able to attend. Crossing my fingers for 31:(

Same here.

The drive isn't the problem for me, but if I went I'd be missing the first week of my senior year in high school. Here's also hoping for 31, if I can go to that I may even be attempting my L2 or L3 there.
Same here.

The drive isn't the problem for me, but if I went I'd be missing the first week of my senior year in high school. Here's also hoping for 31, if I can go to that I may even be attempting my L2 or L3 there.

Complete opposite for me :D Ill be out of high school! I cant freaking wait!

Ive always wanted to fly at Argonia. This will be great!

Sounds like inspired scheduling to me! I'll have to start saving my nickels for that one. It'll take an awful lot of bottle deposits to pay for the trip, but I'd love to see the legendary Argonia range. :) :D
I WILL be there! Write it in stone! It IS going to happen come heck or high water!(whatever that is supposed to mean!:roll:) Got a sticky on the desk and as soon as I get my 2011 calender that block is being circled off! Plus it's my birth week..Uh, oh..Just realized I will be....Nope aint gonna say..:neener:
This is (unfortunately) after the start of the school year for me. I'll try to come for a couple days, but I certainly can't make the whole event.
Complete opposite for me :D Ill be out of high school! I cant freaking wait!

Ive always wanted to fly at Argonia. This will be great!


Mind going 19 hours out of your way to come get me? :D

I'd be missing some of my school year too, but I'd just be a freshmen ;)
Count me in!

Might have to scratch build a 54mm min diameter project I've been thinking about--try to exceed 20K with a CTI K300 :eek:. Or, just save up my pennies for that too cool Two Dogs kit.
Mind going 19 hours out of your way to come get me? :D

I'd be missing some of my school year too, but I'd just be a freshmen ;)

you never know ;)

Im REALLY hoping to get a true L.D.R.S. ready for this event. Been wanting to do it for a while, and 34k feet is enough to do it :p

you never know ;)

Im REALLY hoping to get a true L.D.R.S. ready for this event. Been wanting to do it for a while, and 34k feet is enough to do it :p


You know, in order to make it 34k, you first need to make it off the rail...
Well it's only 1200 miles for me... Maybe I better start getting ready..

The Aries will fly again... I am thinking 75mm mounts for the little joe.
and I have always wanted to do a 12" diam Ramjet... I wonder if wildman will part with the tubes from the MEGA after he has flown it a few times.. :confused2:
Hey, I could make it to 31 if it was at tripoli Idaho ;)

However, the waiver is 16,700 with windows to 20,700 and there is a no sparkies rule.

I would love for an EX launch to be arranged out here.

or the salt flats. 5 days of burning alive :D
That wont be any issue.

OK. I hope to be there for at least a couple days - maybe I'll see your flight.

(School might be an issue for me though due to how late in the year it is, so I'll have to see if I can make it)
I'm there! It's a 25 hour drive, but I ain't skeered.

Hmmm...now I gotta come up with something good. I've got a few ideas swimming around in my head.
OK. I hope to be there for at least a couple days - maybe I'll see your flight.

(School might be an issue for me though due to how late in the year it is, so I'll have to see if I can make it)

If I can scrape together the build team and get the body tube it will happen. Its been sitting in some guys warehouse for 2 years and he keeps telling me he will let me get it but I remind him every 2 months and he keeps putting it off.

A definite maybe for me. I've heard nothing but good things about Argonia as an LDRS spot, and I would love to go check it out!
A definite maybe for me. I've heard nothing but good things about Argonia as an LDRS spot, and I would love to go check it out!

You NEED to be there.

Trust me that we'll make it worth the trip. Chris has seen our handiwork. Besides we may beable toshare some project build ideas.

Added to my calendar. Certainly like the idea of getting back out there, but can't guarantee anything just yet. Would be 14 days of rockets with 2 day gap in the middle to get over the pond. Again.
OK. I hope to be there for at least a couple days - maybe I'll see your flight.

(School might be an issue for me though due to how late in the year it is, so I'll have to see if I can make it)

2 Words: Sick Days. :D:D:D
2 Words: Sick Days. :D:D:D

It's not a matter of whether I can ditch class - the professor won't care. It's a matter of whether I can afford to ditch class - the homework and material covered while I'm gone doesn't just vanish.
A number of us were musing about the "odd roc" possibilities afforded to us by the fact that this is going to be "LDRS Triple-X".... :y:

It might be worth a 23 hour drive to be there to see that! :jaw: