What had become of my thread?

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Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
I posted a thread about the static test of a N clas motor more than an hour ago,but I cannot find it.Is that topic about high-power motor forbidden here and only available in the restricted research area?
If you included information about actually making the motor, it was probably moved to the research section or deleted.

I don't think that thread involves any details about making the motor.But some details about the motor is included,such as the length,diameter,nozzle diameter,the meterial and some informatin about the propellent grains.Are those datum counted as part of the "actually making motor information"?

Thanks for your reply.
Probably, yes. Note: not a member of research section, so I don't know the details of the criteria.
I don't think that thread involves any details about making the motor.But some details about the motor is included,such as the length,diameter,nozzle diameter,the meterial and some informatin about the propellent grains.Are those datum counted as part of the "actually making motor information"?

Thanks for your reply.

Probably so...

Ask the geniuses that think they need some self-imposed version of ITAR...:eyeroll::eyeroll:

Later! OL JR :)
I posted a thread about the static test of a N clas motor more than an hour ago,but I cannot find it.
Could it be you've (done like I've done before and) hit "preview" but failed to hit "submit"?


Could it be you've (done like I've done before and) hit "preview" but failed to hit "submit"?



I'm pretty sure that I did hit the "submit" instead of "preview.Then it said that I may wait for a while before I can see my posted thread,more than 12 hours has past though.It took me more than an hour to finish that thread,and it is gone without trace.It said it was autosaved(the reason why I didn't save a copy),but I can't find it anywhere.It is kind of wierd.

Your post was flagged as a moderated post.

It is not about a commercial motor. It's about a home made N motor which is a topic permitted only in the restricted research forum for NAR and TRA high power certified US citizens over 18. As the topic is not permitted in the Propulsion Forum by TRF policy it will not be posted. Sorry.

Bob Krech, TRF Moderator
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Wernher Van Braun was not from here...

That's all well and good. But the fact there are those out there who would like to do harm with the information here shouldn't be ignored.

(also he became a citizen in '55)
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Oh,I see,thanks a lot for your reply.So any information homemade highpower engine is forbidden here? What if I only post some videos,pictures instead of any details?By the way,is a homemade J class engine allowed here?
QHarryQ, in reply to your questions:
No - doesn't matter whether it is an 'A' class or an 'N' class

Your post was flagged as a moderated post.

It is not about a commercial motor. It's about a home made N motor which is a topic permitted only in the restricted research forum for high power certified US citizens over 21. As the topic is not permitted in the Propulsion Forum by TRF policy it will not be posted. Sorry.

Bob Krech, TRF Moderator

Over 18 years old right?