Will you watch the NFL Pro Bowl?

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Will you watch the 2013 NFL Pro Bowl?

  • I love all things football and wouldn’t miss it

  • I find it mildly interesting and might watch it

  • It really doesn’t interest me, so I will probably skip it

  • Good God man Downton Abbey is on at the same time and I’m dying to find out if Lady Mary is pregge

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Will you be watching the NFL Pro Bowl tonight?

Are you one of those people that loves all things NFL and couldn't miss this for anything? Or are you of the opinion that this is just a sorry excuse for the NFL to stick one more game on the air?
I much preferred the Pro Bowl when it followed the Super Bowl.

In its current form, the players going to the Super Bowl will sit out the Pro Bowl. No point in getting injured the weekend before the big dance, is there?
Not much of a sports fan, but when I do watch, I MUCH prefer college sports... I just don't care for pro-sports...

Later! OL JR :)
Not interested. Only All Star game I watch is baseball. Same rules in the game. No D in the others.
No, I hate all sports. No competition is equal in any respect. There is always a different amount of experience involved.
I don't know what Down Town Abbey is, but it can't be much more painful than watching a "football" game where nobody tries hard, because nobody wants to risk anything.

To tell you the truth, I'd rather them show a skills competition than the game. Much more entertaining. Shoot, have a flag football tourney between the cheerleaders, and show the final 4 on TV.
I don't know what Down Town Abbey is, but it can't be much more painful than watching a "football" game where nobody tries hard, because nobody wants to risk anything.


Downton Abbey is a drama series on PBS about British aristocrats in the 1910s. I don't watch it, so that is the extent of my knowlege.
If you saw Gosford Park, you've seen Downton Abbey. Written by the same guy. Same setting and mostly the same characters.

As for the Pro Bowl...they still play that?
Pro football (and that includes the vast majority of college teams) has zero interest for me.
Not a fan of most sports, especially football. The average game only has 12 1/2 minutes of action, so I find it pretty boring.