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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
This is starting to pi** me off.
Attached is a poor quality screen shot of what my Word window looks like.
As you can see the curser is all the way at the top of the page, and I don't like it there.
It is NOT a set up issue, the margins are all set to 1"; top, bottom, left, and right.
It is some sort of display or view thing (within Word).
Can anyone tell me what I need to change to make it show the margins as set?
And will saving that as "Normal" make it permanent?

Ok, first things first. Right click on the paperclip and click Hide. ;)

You see the ruler on the left hand side of the screen? Just to the right of the New, Open, Save, etc buttons. Right at the top of the ruler, there is a tiny patch of dark grey. Drag that down to where you want the top of the page to be.

I'm not sure about saving that, I haven't used Word for a while.


I just tested WiK's solution on Word 2002, and it works fine on there.

I think you clicked the show/hide whitespace button. When the cursor is at the top of the pge, in gray space, it becomes a kind of double arrow thing with a tooltip that says "hide white space". Put your mouse in the tiny gray bar just above the page and click. The margins should come back.
I don't know what exactly is on my company computer (it started out as XP but they are constantly "upgrading" stuff) but in my Word files:

Click on the VIEW button in the top toolbar, dropping open a list

Click on the PRINT LAYOUT selection to see the page with margins

Click on the NORMAL selection to return to your original situation

Whether you save it as "NORMAL" or not, anytime that you re-open the file you can change the format around (and re-save)
Originally posted by WiK
Ok, first things first. Right click on the paperclip and click Hide. ;)

Too bad there isn't a "disembowel" or "dissolve in acid" option for ol' Clippy!
No, that would be too fast

We need a "bury him up to his head next to an anthill" option

Then again, how would MS sell their bloat-ware without all these helpful little additions?
Actually, for Word 97 I had a cat that was reminicient of Bill the Cat from Bloom County.
He'd smell his armpits, get pulled into the printer, get eaten by a shark.
He was quite fun but as I recall, he doesn't work with later editions of Word.

And the winner of the "Solve Greg's Dilema" contest is


That's the problem.
Now to figure out how to disable the thing in the first place.

Let's see,

Start > Run > regedit

dig around.....

Originally posted by 11Bravo
Actually, for Word 97 I had a cat that was reminicient of Bill the Cat from Bloom County.
He'd smell his armpits, get pulled into the printer, get eaten by a shark.
He was quite fun but as I recall, he doesn't work with later editions of Word.
Ahh, yes! I had him too. I believe his name was Earl.
Originally posted by 11Bravo
Let's see,

Start > Run > regedit

dig around.....


Scream in horror as the MS Windows operating system collapses on itself & 11Bravo is never heard from again...

Well, let's not hope anything like that happens anyway ;)
I don't think there is any way to disable it because it is a "feature". For example, you can disable Clippy, but you can't disable enabling clippy. (you can hide white space, but you can't disable hiding white space)

Just don't click in the gray space between pages.
Originally posted by cmmeyers
Ahh, yes! I had him too. I believe his name was Earl.

Theer ya go.

Earl was a hoot.

Lance, Lance, Lance, the registry is our friend.
Actually, once you get to know about it and get comfortable in there, it IS a very handy place to go for things.
I used to know my way around the registries in 98 and NT4, but not in XP so I don't get there very often.

As for disabeling it, I'm sure there is a registry hack somewhere, but knowing no more about the XP registry than I do, I'm not going there.

Thanks again guys,

Originally posted by 11Bravo
Lance, Lance, Lance, the registry is our friend.

Well, I was making an admittedly weak attempt at humor... :eek:

But seriously, the last thing the Windows Registry is anybody's friend. As long as Windows has the registry, I've got one thing: job security :p