Who wants an O

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Feb 18, 2009
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Van Orin illinois
Ok I messed up
We have finally gotten through the Black Saturday Sale and I have an extra O 25000.
That's right an O 25000
This is a single use O motor.
My screw up is your gain.
The normal price on these is $2249.99 + the special shipping to us that normally equals out to about $500-1000.
I will let this one go for only $1500 but it will have to be picked up either at a launch that I am at or from here in Van Orin.
If you have ever wanted to fly an affordable O motor this is the time.
Will that fit in the Wildman Jr. I just got from you Tim? I think it might be a good cert engine for my L1.
Sure it will, just need a bigger Fin can, or it's a booster dart:flyingpig:
This would be a cool motor for a club group build, any of you WOOSH members interested?
If it could be added to my Hobbyline order, could take it : my wife just asked for a Big 'O'


Will that fit in the Wildman Jr. I just got from you Tim? I think it might be a good cert engine for my L1.

I think that motor alone is bigger than your Wildman Jr. Never seen an "O" motor, but aren't they over 5" in diameter? I know you are kidding, but I think your money would be better spent on gas so you could attend Springfest next month with Tripoli Vegas. Fly one of those monster "I" motors like the 5 grain I216 I just got for my DS Jr.
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Go Manny go, buy it, buy it, buy it.....

Your logic is failing. Don't you know that one of the key elements of being a rocketeer is to buy things precisely WHEN you "can't right now"? Put it on a credit card, borrow money from someone close to you, sell something you don't really want to.....ANYTHING it takes to make this purchase. Help the economy! Do your patriotic duty and go into debt.

Duct Tape a stick on its side. That would make it stable :D jk :D

Something tells me the RSO is not gonna let that fly. In fact he might use some colorful 4 letter explicatives drive the point home.
I'm not sure you could get enough nose weight to make it stable with the WM Jr. :wink:

I think Chuck has a nose cone out the garage that will fit the bill. It is lovingly nicknamed "the boat anchor." We are talking cruise ship not bass boat.
Go Manny go, buy it, buy it, buy it.....

Your logic is failing. Don't you know that one of the key elements of being a rocketeer is to buy things precisely WHEN you "can't right now"? Put it on a credit card, borrow money from someone close to you, sell something you don't really want to.....ANYTHING it takes to make this purchase. Help the economy! Do your patriotic duty and go into debt.


I'm 18 years old, the only people I have to loan me money are my parents and the only thing I have that I could sell is my car (and I can't go to work and make money with no car)........
I think Chuck has a nose cone out the garage that will fit the bill. It is lovingly nicknamed "the boat anchor." We are talking cruise ship not bass boat.

See CW... you have permission, just get rid of that boat anchor!!
I'm 18 years old, the only people I have to loan me money are my parents and the only thing I have that I could sell is my car (and I can't go to work and make money with no car)........

Don't be one of those people who's hawking all his motor hardware at a launch, to get gas money to drive home.

Keep the car. Fly an O later.

Don't be one of those people who's hawking all his motor hardware at a launch, to get gas money to drive home.

Keep the car. Fly an O later.


I've heard that story before haha

I've got gas covered.......

I have money saved up to make a down payment on this and I would make payments along the way. The thing is, I would be doing this for LDRS, and this would be one of only two flights I would be able to make. My dad is trying to talk me out of it to afford other projects. Not only is the motor a money problem, but I'd have to build a rocket too, and I have a BIG build pile to finish....trust me, I want to do this; there are just to many factors leading me to decide against this. I'm still thinking hard about this....
I've heard that story before haha

I've got gas covered.......

I have money saved up to make a down payment on this and I would make payments along the way. The thing is, I would be doing this for LDRS, and this would be one of only two flights I would be able to make. My dad is trying to talk me out of it to afford other projects. Not only is the motor a money problem, but I'd have to build a rocket too, and I have a BIG build pile to finish....trust me, I want to do this; there are just to many factors leading me to decide against this. I'm still thinking hard about this....

This is a put up, or shut up thing. I already have $1500+ committed to a 3/4 scale FG Nike Smoke. Clearly Manny isn't putting up and neither am I. Gus? Sather? Alex Z.?
It's a good deal, I'd be on it, if I din't have one already. :eek:

Wayco - it is ~5.38" diameter.
I'm making a near minimum diameter rocket with this motor to fly at balls this year!