Well someone got a great deal

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May 1, 2011
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Figured I'd share the joy and the pain with the good folk of TRF.

I've been building up my inventory of motor hardware over the last few months - basically grabbing things when good deals come around. Some of these I don't really need right now as I'm not yet ready to launch them; it's more about planning for the future.

Lately though, I'm in a pretty tight financial bind and really can't justify spending money on things I don't absolutely need. So, in the last couple of weeks I've had to let a couple of good deals pass me by. Oh well....but last night was a doozy.

Late last night I had a look on E(vil)bay to see what might be around (I still check even though I likely won't be buying sometimes). And stumbled on this:

54/852-1706 in Desert Fire.

Sweet! The listing had just been posted so few people had likely seen it yet. And the kicker - the BuyItNow price was just $125. Yikes. Now, I DID have the actual cash in the account, so I COULD have technically bought them, but I REALLY couldn't afford it. Arrrrrrrrrg!! My resolve was being severely tested. When I checked back this morning it was gone.

So, the "pain" part is obvious. But the "joy"? - feeling good about sticking to my resolve and not spending cash I don't really have, or going into debt when I really shouldn't. I'd also get more joy knowing that some fine TRF person snagged them and got a smokin' deal. Anyone here?

side note - the listing was from Mark's (Stickershock) town, which is a pretty small place. Wonder if he knows who was selling?

happy skies to whoever won the auction, s6