I like your data
Thanks for sharing it !
I don't know the As to your Qs but there are all kinds of unimaginable chemical and physical events that will combine in unknown ways to make each motor as different as are snowflakes -- they're all different but they're much the same in the important ways ( total impulse and general shape of the thrust -vs- time curve ).
One thing I found useful when flying an accelerometer is to be sure to record the Motor Manufacturer's BATCH ID from the paperwork ... you might see something useful in that info.
One thing I see is that the deceleration after burnout is significant in your data plots. I am not sure of the units ( ??? Gs ??? )
I've got an awk script that I wrote specifically for 8-bit, 16 Hz AltAcc Acceleration Data that more-or-less automates the process of extracting thrust curves from raw accelerometer data and a launch parameter file.
In keeping with the Black Sky naming scheme, the script is called PROPULSE.
I plan to port so it can process Blue Raven Data when I can get around to it.
In a nutshell, the script takes the rocket characteristics and launch site conditions and then back-calculates Force -vs- Time from the raw acceleration data by factoring in the force due to drag during the motor burn phase.
There are some invalid assumptions in PROPULSE.
The most glaring issue is that PROPULSE assumes drag -vs- velocity during the burn phase is the same as it is during the coast phase. It is not.
Another less important thing I never bothered with was the rate of consumption of the delay grain and the effect of the hot smoke from the delay on drag during the coast phase. But I figured it was insignificant with large enough rockets and motors.
The script is very specific to AltAcc Data Sets but porting it for other Accelerometers is absolutely doable,
Be happy to share it if you want it.
-- kjh
@OverTheTop --
Please stop tickling my lab tech nostalgia bone. I sold my micro beam balance when I moved from the SF Bay Area to San DIego ( but I did keep my K&E Polar Planimeter )
EDIT: these are PROPULSE plots from AltAcc Data for three G40's I flew at Ocotillo, CA in 1997 ...