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Well-Known Member
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Jun 9, 2015
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Denver, Colorado, USA
How did I manage to do this? I need a new eyeglasses prescription…

I was trying to thread the shroud lines through the little eyelet on the snap swivel. I got two of the three through but one loop of shroud line escaped. Doh!


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I was wondering, too. I'd assumed that the lines hadn't been tied yet. When faced with a situation like that, I sometimes resort to one of those visor magnifiers, though usually I can just take off my glasses, since I'm nearsighted. But if I'm trying to solder a wire to a surface mount resistor, I use the visor, and a bright light. Originally bought it for making EZB's. The F1L shown at the following site is just like an EZB, except it weighs three times what a really competitive EZB would, or twice what mine weighed. (i.e. 1.2 grams vs. 0.4 for a good one or 0.6 for my best). The magnifier helped when working with .025" square tail spars.
I've started tying a loop of string through the shroud loops, then attaching that loop to the swivel. I do it because it keeps the shroud lines neater, and because I can easily fix a really bad tangle by just cutting the loop and replacing it.

I hadn't considered it before, but not having to work at too small a scale is another advantage — much easier to get a string through the big ol' shroud loops than to get all the shroud loops through the tiny eye of the swivel!

(This does mean the single loop has to withstand the full force of the chute opening, but that hasn't been an issue with LPR for me.)
I use readers, currently a 3.25 for the really small stuff and 1.75 for reading and such. But I'm 68. Presbyopia happens!
I have a variety of glasses for different things. You can find some really strong ones on the internet- for really tiny closeup work I use a pair of 5.0 or 6.0. They're too strong for anything else.
I have a variety of glasses for different things. You can find some really strong ones on the internet- for really tiny closeup work I use a pair of 5.0 or 6.0. They're too strong for anything else.
I saw another member here, I forget who, who said he had up to 12.0 I can't imagine doing 6.0, but yes, I plan to look anyway!