Gonna' Teach Myself How to Tie an Albright Knot

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Well-Known Member
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Jun 9, 2015
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Denver, Colorado, USA
Why do you want to teach yourself how to tie an Albright knot, you might ask?

I am glad you asked!

I want to tie the shroud lines of an LPR parachute to a piece of kevlar string (100 pound). Then I will attach the kevlar string to a snap swivel. Then I will attach the snap swivel to a loop in the shock cord of my rocket, somewhere near the nose cone (but not too close).

Why do I want to do this, you might ask?

I am glad you asked!

I find that trying to thread the multiple shroud lines from a parachute onto the little ring on one side of a snap swivel is either hard to do or impossible. The bulk of the multiple shroud lines is just too big to fit easily through the little ring.

But if I could terminate the shroud lines, neatly, in a knot to a short piece of kevlar string, the other end of the kevlar string will easily fit through the ring on the snap swivel.

The Albright knot is supposed to be a compact knot. That is good for preventing the knot from getting tangled with the shock cord or the shroud lines.

The Albright knot is supposed to be good for connecting one kind of string (cotton/poly shroud line thread) to a different kind of string (kevlar cord).

The Albright knot is supposed to be strong.

WIsh me luck in my knot-tying journey!

- Brock

Cool knot! Looks a little like half of a double fisherman's.

I do something similar, but omit the swivel. I put a short piece of kevlar through both my parachute loop and the loop in my recovery harness (tied with an alpine butterfly). I usually close the loop on the short kevlar with a double bowline, backed up with an extra hitch and some masking tape. The short loop basically replaces any quick links and all knots are easy to untie if I want to remove the parachute or move the loop on the recovery harness. I use this on 24mm's with D's through 75mm's with M's.