The bluest of blue

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2009
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chicago is correct, said formulas have been removed.
Somebody posted the formulas for those motors and either they removed them or a mod did. Thats why my 2nd post is still up there.

Now you need to drag-race one with Redline or Red Rhino, one with White Lightning, and one of yours for Independence Day.
Yeah, somebody was going to do a 6 motor cluster and there would be 2 White lighting motors, 2 redlines and 2 of our super blues. The rocket would be painted like the American Flag. All of them probobly J motors, or some other kind of 54mm motors.
Originally posted by chicagonative17
Yeah, somebody was going to do a 6 motor cluster and there would be 2 White lighting motors, 2 redlines and 2 of our super blues. The rocket would be painted like the American Flag. All of them probobly J motors, or some other kind of 54mm motors.
Maybe groundlit Redlines, airlit White Lightnings on short delay, airlit Blues on a longer delay. :D

Crazy? Who knows?
I don't know why that slipped by...I know I was mostly out-of-pocket for about a year. But the problem has been corrected.
yes, but people who already know how, might be able to figure it out. And that link you have, says on my screen that it can't accessed.

I see that the whole thread is now gone. Unfortunate, because there was a great deal of useful information there.

That propellant formula post was made by Anthony Cesaroni. Did the moderator remove him for violating the forum rules?

-John DeMar
PS: The "Flag Rocket" with red/white/blue clustering has already been done by Woody Hoburg. 4" core with 54mm outboards. The rocket has also flown at the X-Prize Cup.
While I generally try to pull specific items, going back thru a long thread, getting a post in the middle, and then looking for the responses that quoted the offending material became a pain in my you know what. So anyone who wishes the useful material stayed should thank the person the posted the formulas when they knew good and well that it's against our TOS.

Maybe the editing process will be easier once the new forum software is installed.
Originally posted by jsdemar
That propellant formula post was made by Anthony Cesaroni. Did the moderator remove him for violating the forum rules?

Big difference. The main issue is Anthony Cesaroni is posting as himself and, whether he purposely violated the TOS or not, has contributed considerably to TRF. Loves2fly1, on the other hand, is merely a new account (whose every post to date ended up pulled) that was created to replace an account that was already banned. Between that and the posting history of the new account, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to determine that the account was created just for the purpose of stirring up trouble.
Just a note.

If anyone wants to post formulas or talk about making EX motors
go to the TQC website and join the group. It is not banned but

Originally posted by chicagonative17
Directly from my clubs (tripoli quad cities) forum. Here are some of the experimental blue motors we make. They are definately bluer than anything manufactured.

Aren't those motors Darren Wrights and Mike McBurnnet's? (sorry mike, not sure how to spell your last name) I have flown with both these guys and they are both East coast flyers, if you notice those links are to the MDRA website. I know the cow was flown by Neil at MDRA. These guys don't fly in the Midwest.

Darren Wright is the guy who posted those pictures on the TQC forum. Just from a brief browsing of their forum, it appears there are members from all over the country that post there.
Originally posted by KermieD
Darren Wright is the guy who posted those pictures on the TQC forum. Just from a brief browsing of their forum, it appears there are members from all over the country that post there.

Sorry for the double post, mouse ghitters.

Mod please delete this if you can. Thanks.
Originally posted by KermieD
Darren Wright is the guy who posted those pictures on the TQC forum. Just from a brief browsing of their forum, it appears there are members from all over the country that post there.

Yea, anyone from anywhere can join in on the forum even though
it might be more of a TQC group. You don't have to be from the
Midwest or a part of the TQC club to post or read. We talk about
all kinds of things not just EX or about the TQC. Seem's like my
membership in the TQC club has lapsed.:eek: I'll have to send in
my renewal (note: not required for their forum).

Forum registration is free.

Our club's (TQC aka QCRS) message board has the advantage of being free to the public. Like WillCarney said, membership in our club is not a necessity to create a profile + post on the TQC forum(s).

Here are some of the experimental blue motors we make.

Just curious Ian, but who is this we you speak of? Are you implying that you had a hand in making these Research motors???

Justin F.
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