Supportive wife??

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My wifes support is tentative at best while she doesn't discourage me most of the time, she is far from supportive. Mostly because I support her in her hobbies so it would be kind of hypocritical for her to harass me. Not that has ever stopped her, but for the most part she lets me alone with my rockets. My kids on the other hand love it and to go the launches with me.

Its a far cry from the open hostility towards my hobbies that she had when we were first married, to the point I had to give up the HPR for a long while. Its all good now and my attitude is such that she knows i'm doing it no matter what, plus with five kids she has learned to pick her battles. Dad is much nicer when he gets to play rockets.:eyeroll:

I ask this because I am not married. There is a guy in my club that is married. His wife hates rockets, thinks they are stupid. She has never attended a single launch for him even though they live 1 hr from the launch site. I just feel bad for him. He even goes to Argonia to launch, his wife does not even go with him even though he stays in a hotel. He is level 3 and his wife didn't even go to his certification flights. I just figure when there is this much money invested you would think a married woman would come to or at least to some of them to be supportive.

I guess there are just those type of woman out there. The type I would steer clear from. But to each there own.

Not necessarily a bad thing.

She isn't making a fuss about spending a lot of money (and by the time you get to level 3, everything costs a LOT of money), she isn't whining about the time commitment (because flying a lvl 3 rocket takes a lot of time to plan, build, travel and fly). Often times spouses have very different interest. My wife has never seen me scuba dive (non-diving spouses are called "bubble watchers"), and she has only flown with me once when our entire family built and flew the Gold Semroc rockets for Sky of Gold. But she lets me spend money, she has no problem with me building things on the kitchen table or spending hours on the computer (okay, sometimes she wants more couch time with me), and she encourages me to take our sons halfway across the country for a week of rocket flying at NARAM. At the same time, I don't go with her to ride horses twice a week (although I do like horses and try to go once or twice a year), or do much of anything to help her quilt and crochet. Rockets aren't her thing, quilting isn't mine but we support one another and encourage each other to do what we love to do.

That is still being supportive.

There are spouses who are openly opposed to their mate's hobbies, and who make it difficult to impossible to participate. That is being *un*-supportive.
I ask this because I am not married. There is a guy in my club that is married. His wife hates rockets, thinks they are stupid. She has never attended a single launch for him even though they live 1 hr from the launch site. I just feel bad for him. He even goes to Argonia to launch, his wife does not even go with him even though he stays in a hotel. He is level 3 and his wife didn't even go to his certification flights. I just figure when there is this much money invested you would think a married woman would come to or at least to some of them to be supportive.

I guess there are just those type of woman out there. The type I would steer clear from. But to each there own.

My wife wants nothing to do with rockets, never came to a launch, and if that is her wish fine. Some women don't care to trample around in in the middle of a dusty, sometimes pretty hot, sometimes full of cow crap farm field. She used to sell Avon, I didn't want anything to do with that. She has bought rocketry related items, gift certificates included for me on my birthday, and at Christmas. I don't have a cell phone, my wife has a "talk only" Trac phone and at every launch at our home field I take the phone with me. I use the phone to call her let her know when I'll be home for the supper she has ready for me. If not too long she will keep it warm, or make a plate up for me and refrigerate it. I love her!!

It is much more harder to swallow when your sons "hit that age" and decide to drop out of the hobby. They do however come to a launch once in a while.
Betty is pretty supportive of my rocketry hobby... I think she realizes that I *COULD* and have been involved in MUCH more expensive hobbies, like my brother, who has a Mustang he hops up and has restored numerous older vehicles. I've departed that phase fortunately...

I support her hobbies as well, to the extent I can... She's mainly into sewing and collecting bear-related stuff...

We both have a "sock fund" of our own money that we spend on our hobbies... if it's a "bigger purchase" we run it past each other first to make sure that it's not going to impact the budget...

Later! OL JR :)
Mrs. OD is pretty supportive overall and attends launches occasionally. She enjoys the outdoors and being part of a gathering of the faithful. Doesn't even mind the drives to the various's sightseeing in a way...and we often stop to eat at restaurants.

What she doesn't care for are the port-a-potties.
Since there are those of us that have supportive SPOUSES / PARTNERS / PARENTS the title of this thread could be better named.

What the Hell "Partner"??????? This is about supportive Wives and I guess supportive parents, but not partners!!!

But I guess different people beat by a different drum!
How many men on here can say they have wives that support their rocketry hobby 100% or cannot absolutely handle it and think it must go??????

I am just curious to see how many men actually have a wife who is "rocketry supportive."

I am just wondering for ***** and giggles!

I figured you weren't married from your first sentence and you confirmed it later on in the thread. Few things in marriage, in my experience, are 100% either way. I have been married 44 years to the same woman and can count on one hand the number
of decisions we've made that were black and white 100% clear.

My wife supports my hobbies. She purchased an Evolutuion 160cc 7 cylinder radial engine for me for Christmas because I said
I would like to have one for the new plane I am building. I told her not to buy it because it was too expensive but she did anyway. Is that support or defiance? I did not get mad at her.

She has not been to a R/C or rocketry event with me in years but I think you could call her supportive. 100%? No because
when I told her I was planning on going to a rocket launch the weekend before Christmas "we" decided that might not be the
best timing.

Support works both ways. Even 100% supportive doesn't mean I get to do everything I want anytime I want. That means she is being supported 0%. Unacceptable.
What the Hell "Partner"??????? This is about supportive Wives and I guess supportive parents, but not partners!!!

But I guess different people beat by a different drum!

You obviously don't know this but the person who posted this is one half of one of the coolest "partnerships" in our community (and yes they are female and male so don't get your panties in such a wad). I don't even know if they are actually married, and it makes NO difference anyway. Husband/wife? Partners? - its' all good. And these two are some of the best. It would not be unreasonable of you to offer an apology to her at least.


You obviously don't know this but the person who posted this is one half of one of the coolest "partnerships" in our community (and yes they are female and male so don't get your panties in such a wad). I don't even know if they are actually married, and it makes NO difference anyway. Husband/wife? Partners? - its' all good. And these two are some of the best. It would not be unreasonable of you to offer an apology to her at least.


Well okay than. I did not know when you were refering to "Partners" as being man and woman that are not married. I thought you ment the "other" type of partners! If you catch my drift. No harm no foul.
Well okay than. I did not know when you were refering to "Partners" as being man and woman that are not married. I thought you ment the "other" type of partners! If you catch my drift. No harm no foul.

Even if it was, so what?

Let's not make this a political thread.
Even if it was, so what?

Let's not make this a political thread.

You said politcal not me! :)

Here is the definition of the word

Political: of or relating to the government or the public affairs of a country.

I checked all my posts nothing had to do with any of that. Just had to do with a suportive wife.
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Oh, I do "catch your drift". And I'm sorry but I still don't see it as "no foul"

In case you are one of those people who think that being rude and offensive is something to be proud of, here's a hint - it's not.

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My wife describes it as "bloody rocket sh!t!"
So I will leave you to work it out....
It's been my experience that the vast majority of wives or girlfriends support their husband's hobbies, regardless of what they are, as long as they don't replace or exclude the girlfriend or spouse but it has to work both ways. If you want 100% support, you need to give 100% support, regardless of the activity. If you support your wife in her interests most likely she will support yours. If it's legal and ethical, why would I oppose a hobby my husband enjoys?

And then there is commom sense too. Don't spend your house payment on rocket supplies.

The first time I ever went to a launch was just me and Randy and from the first time he mentioned it, I was very interested. Many years later we still enjoy it, TOGETHER. It's our hobby. Due to work conditions, at the moment, our only problem is finding time to get to the field. I've worked every Saturday for almost a year and that won't change for another five or six months but at some point I will be back out there. In the mean time I hope he gets to fly as much as possible.

You can find my support, in the links below.

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I ask this because I am not married. There is a guy in my club that is married. His wife hates rockets, thinks they are stupid. She has never attended a single launch for him even though they live 1 hr from the launch site. I just feel bad for him. He even goes to Argonia to launch, his wife does not even go with him even though he stays in a hotel. He is level 3 and his wife didn't even go to his certification flights. I just figure when there is this much money invested you would think a married woman would come to or at least to some of them to be supportive.

I guess there are just those type of woman out there. The type I would steer clear from. But to each there own.

Well, with everyone saying their wife is 80% - 100% supportive, I feel a little bad to say my wife barely tolerates it. She has only come to a single neighborhood launch because my son was launching. She has not come to a single club launch, not even my L1 or L2. And I bet it she probably wouldn't come to a L3 launch unless I begged (which I won't). She does get me some rocket stuff for Christmas/birthday, but it's also the only stuff I put on my list.
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My wife describes it as "bloody rocket sh!t!"
So I will leave you to work it out....

Yeah, that pretty much tears it no matter what hobby you're into when she uses that language....
my wife and I support each other 100%; she supports my rocketry, woodworking classes, and Ironman training, and I her cardmaking, scrapbooking, and sewing ( and Crossfit). And we support our two boys (5, 3) 100% as well, swimming, reading, and little league.

You know what we don't support? The cable company. It it like that Steven Tyler/Aerosmith quote... "Sex, drugs, and rock and roll... if you cut out the drugs there is more time for the other two!"
Oh, I do "catch your drift". And I'm sorry but I still don't see it as "no foul"

In case you are one of those people who think that being rude and offensive is something to be proud of, here's a hint - it's not.


Well said on all fronts, Stealth6.
My wife is totally supportive of my stuff. She understands it gives me a creative outlet and she would rather the money go to AP then to the bar or other crap.
I'm very lucky to have a wife that supports my interests 100%. This includes a fairly small but growing stable of rockets, a pretty big collection of painted and unpainted miniature soldiers, and several tons of books. Never has complained once, and joins me at the field often.
My girlfriend supports my hobby pretty good. Heck, when I was low on cash, she bought me a Com Spec receiver from Wildman for me... I didn't get Christmas presents for a few years, but hey, it was worth it. Her hobby is horses, and guess who keeps the automatic waterers working, the fences repaired and the mower and skid steer running...
She has come to a launch or two, but only when she's got nothing else going on.

Well okay than. I did not know when you were refering to "Partners" as being man and woman that are not married. I thought you ment the "other" type of partners! If you catch my drift. No harm no foul.

Not cool. Harm done and foul committed. Thought this was about rocketry, not your personal judgments. Please keep such discrimination to yourself in the future, lest something even worse fall from your pie hole.
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Since there are those of us that have supportive SPOUSES / PARTNERS / PARENTS the title of this thread could be better named.

That being noted, I can say Wayne is exceptionally supportive of my rocketry.

After 31 years being married to this woman I can honestly say that we support each other in almost every aspect of our relationship. Reading this thread reminds me of all the different types of people who share our sport and how they can be so different and still be the same.
Yes, Sharon can fit her hand into a 3" tube, and does so often to help clean up our rockets. Yes, she also works with me when I have a big launch, not only to prep a rocket, but also to retrieve it. I do the same for her big projects. This is how we share our lives together.
We both have a budget for rocketry, and if I want a carbon fiber Mongoose, we share the finances and the build. Her L-2 project was all her deal, even the soldering!


You gotta love a woman that flies her L-2 certification rocket on a K540 Metalstorm:


You obviously don't know this but the person who posted this is one half of one of the coolest "partnerships" in our community (and yes they are female and male so don't get your panties in such a wad). I don't even know if they are actually married, and it makes NO difference anyway. Husband/wife? Partners? - its' all good. And these two are some of the best. It would not be unreasonable of you to offer an apology to her at least.


Thanks for the compliment, but lets not let this sidetrack an interesting thread.
My wife is supportive in the sense that she lets me pretty well do what I want when it comes to rocketry (within reason, of course). However, because of her health issues she is unable to accompany me to the field.
I'll get in here before this thing gets locked.

My wife is as supportive as I could reasonably expect her to be. She is good with the rockets as long as some ground rules are followed. 1) The rockets stay in their pre agreed upon places (our house is not big, everything has a pre agreed upon place). 2) The rocket stuff comes from my share of the "fun money" in the monthly budget. The same system applies to her cross stitching and genealogy/photo archiving effort/hobby. She comes to as many launches as her schedule allows, as long as the temp is between 40 and 105. She even brings the kids separately to high power launches so I can go early and stay late to help with range setup and tear down. She likes the launches partly because it is a family activity outside that doesn't involve a screen, and you can never have enough of those. She was also a good sport and built a High Flyer the kids got her for Mother's day, but it really wasn't her thing.

Lastly, and this seams like bragging, she didn't really flinch when I said I would like to go by myself to Airfest this year to get a break from responsibility for a few days.

This is all more evidence that I married up.
I am real lucky :cool: Took my wife (of 3 years at the time) to the DARS Mod Roc launch back in Aug. 2012, just to do something different. (up to that time, the last build was in 1992 [Estes Phoenix Missile] w/ nephews). During that event she encouraged me to get back in the hobbie :clap: So that is how I became a BAR. She is 100% supported in all my hobbies, R/C Aircraft, N Scale RR, Photography & attending Air Shows. The only one she doesn't support 100% is my weapons/shooting. She dosen't object to me spending a day shooting (she does not want to go, I ask, but will not push it) nor does she object to spending $$$ on ammo & accesories/cleaning. I guess when we had an "event" @ 4:30am in our back yard, she appreciates the firearms and the security they provide with me on the trigger:wink: Ofcourse all of my hobbies purchases are within our budget. Hence only Mid Power Vehicals/small R/C plans & Helies no RR Layout in spare BR yet & no new weapons or lenses with our current budget:mad: But if our finances improve, she wouldn't object to me purchasing any of the above. So cheers to my better half :cheers:

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