Self Defense

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Ban whatever you want. Tip-toe around the gazillion interpretations till you're blue. People who take the 2nd at face value don't care what anyone else thinks. I can crank out 5 white (80%, no FFL transfer required) AR lowers a week on my mill in my spare time. All other components are simple, unregulated parts. From here on out no law will ever end the production of new AR style "Assault" rifles. 1911 blanks (among other frame styles, including polymer, which are much easier to mill) are becoming more popular as well. Cheap PC driven garage/basement mills and 14 year old software geeks who can pump out parts STL's for fun will be the new manufacturing sector. Technology is well on its way to rendering all your liberal anti-gunner arguments null. Cry now, get it out of your system, and move on to some other moot subject, like environmentalism (which really only works on people with IQ's <80). There is no stopping this. Ban guns and make more criminals. That is all you will achieve. Deal with it.
True. Self defense is the most basic right we have. Defense of those who cannot defend them selves is the most basic obligation that we have.
I am a self defense instructor (Combat Hapkido), I have trained people from all walks of life including law enforcement officers. When the bad stuff happens the police are minutes away and you only have seconds to act. The best tools are training (hand to hand and firearm!) and two reliable firearms, one hand gun and one long gun, and ARs and AKs are better suited for defensive shooting than a hunting rifle. Just remember NO law will ever stop a bad guy from obtaining what ever weapon he wants. All guns are illegal in France and look what happened there.

Ban whatever you want. Tip-toe around the gazillion interpretations till you're blue. People who take the 2nd at face value don't care what anyone else thinks. I can crank out 5 white (80%, no FFL transfer required) AR lowers a week on my mill in my spare time. All other components are simple, unregulated parts. From here on out no law will ever end the production of new AR style "Assault" rifles. 1911 blanks (among other frame styles, including polymer, which are much easier to mill) are becoming more popular as well. Cheap PC driven garage/basement mills and 14 year old software geeks who can pump out parts STL's for fun will be the new manufacturing sector. Technology is well on its way to rendering all your liberal anti-gunner arguments null. Cry now, get it out of your system, and move on to some other moot subject, like environmentalism (which really only works on people with IQ's <80). There is no stopping this. Ban guns and make more criminals. That is all you will achieve. Deal with it.
Great post. The name isn't what's important, it's the effectiveness of the weapon at mowing down the innocent.

Not to mention mowing down evil, which is why I have an AR & a MINI 14 each with 7 30 round mags & a 90 round drum for the MINI & a 50 Round drum for the AR.
The gun banners argue that if less lawful people own guns, then somehow criminals will have less guns because there aren't any, and they point to countries like Japan as example.

I'm not sure what to make of this but I do know that in some societies where there are less guns there are still violent crimes. Who needs guns when you can 80% be sure that your victims aren't armed?
Bill Clinton's Assault Rifle Ban (again I have to reiterate that an "Assault Rifle" is a full auto [machine gun] CLASS III weapon, which by the way a civilian can own in many states, but the background checks go through the ATF & include finger prints. CLASS III weapons have been regulated since the early 1930s. In over 80 years in which MACHINE GUNS have been regulated, there have been only 2 crimes committed with a REGISTERED MACHINE GUN!!! WHICH MAKE LEGAL MACHINE GUNS the MOST SAFE weapons in America!!!) Chew on that anti-gunners!

OK, back to Willies gun ban. Its a little more complicated (research it yourself if you are interested) but basically it targeted 6 "evil" items on rifles. Now according to the ban, a semi auto rifle could only have 2 of these evil items, if you had 3, it was a banned weapon!

1: collapsable/folding stock. 2. pistol grip (by the trigger) 3. Detachable magazine capacity of more than 10 rounds. 4. Bayonet Lug, this allows a bayonet (knife) on the front of the weapon. 5. A Grenade Launcher mount. 6. Last but not least, a Flash Suppressor, reduces the brightness of the flame coming out of the muzzle (front of the gun).

The stock, that's understandable, I do not agree it should be banned but I understand it. What the uninformed do not know, is that a collapsable stock is most used as an adjustable stock. All shooters like the trigger a certain distance away from the body, now a 6 position stock would allow the shooter to keep that distance no mater if he is wearing a heavy coat in the winter, a T-Shirt in the summer or different levels of body armor, not to mention a tall shooter selling it to a vertically challenged shooter (like my "PC" there?).

Now let's talk about the pistol grip, I wonder just how many more people were killed because a rifle had a pistol grip as opposed to a normal straight stock or semi grip?

I do understand the hate towards high capacity magazines, again I don't agree.

Now come ON!! a bayonet lug!!!!! How many US citizens have died from having cold steel run through them from the end of a rifle! Same can be said for Flash Suppressor and Grenade Launcher!

According to the ban a rifle became illegal if you had 3 of these horrible items.

Now most semi auto rifles use detachable magazines, so in the case of an AR style rifle you had the detach mag & a pistol grip, so off came the flash suppressor, bayo lug and the collapsable stock.

In my opinion the ban only made the uniformed feel safe! And did NOTHING to improve civilian safety!

Now the ban ONLY affected weapons after the ban went into law, so I was able to keep my AR & Mini 14. However in 1999 when the price for a pre ban AR was at an all time high, I sold my AR for a $2000 profit, thank you Bill Clinton. After the ban "sunset" I acquired a sweet LWRC AR!

Why do I need these types of weapons, well it's called The Bill of RIGHTS! And inalienable rights not ONLY means can not be taken away, it means that you can NOT give them away!

There are many reasons to have these weapons, I know the chance that any of them will materialize are slim, but I like being prepared & self reliant. The most likely scenario is a riot, like we have seen in Baltimore & Ferguson. I bought a house 15 years ago on the outskirts of a bad area, with hopes that the planned civic improvements would improve the area. It was looking good till the 08 financial crash! I have to drive through a 3rd world area to and from work every day, and i am not going to go 3 miles out of my way to avoid it. So now when there is any hint of racial tensions, I carry my Springfield TRP on my person and one of my military style rifles loaded for bear in my trunk. I will no become another Reginald Denny!

Say what you want about me (crazy, paranoid, etc.), but my family loves that I am a provider &

I agree with Ben Franklin &#8220;Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety&#8221;

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Hey, whoa... I know this is crazy and everything, but look!!! There's a forum for guns and gun owner issues!!! What?! I know, crazy, right? Here, here's the URL. I slaved over my computer for an exhausting one second to find it, so I'm willing to share the link with you all. I'm such a nice guy.
And, you'll never guess it... there was like a gazillion of them! One for each and every state! Even several cities! Even a gun owner/lover dating forum! So you can easily find people who love to talk guns! Whoa... what an amazing time to be alive!
I sure would appreciate it if someone could point me to a rocketry forum that isn't a haven for people to spew their politics all over... you know a forum for people to discuss rockets and rocketry issues? I've been looking for one for a couple years now... anyone?
Per the FBI, in 2014, 12,000 homicides were committed using all forms of weapons (firearms, knives, blunt instruments, hands,feet, etc.) Of those, approximately 8100 were with firearms. The vast majority of the firearms homicides were gang related (gang-banger killing a gang-banger, gang-banger killing a bystander while targeting a gang-banger, gang-banger killing a crime victim). How about we get rid of gangs?

If people are really concerned about doing something because "people are dying", let's put some focus what the causes are, and solve those. Or at least enforce the laws already on the books before we go and put more regulations and controls in place, when we aren't even trying with the tools already available.

How do we get rid of gangs? Legalize marijuana. It's the profit for the drug gangs that established them just as alcohol fueled the gangs of the Prohibition. Plus it gives them the pipeline to move their other garbage like meth. Prescription drugs are legal in Mexico and they don't have a drug problem, *WE* are Mexico's drug problem. The Cartel's money comes from Americans and their drug addictions. Cut out the money and the gangs are gone.
Not likely to happen. Politicians are willfully oblivious to Mexico's drug and gang problem. They blame America's guns thinking that if we Americans get rid of guns the gangs there will somehow lose their source of guns. There's so much money in drugs being illegal that it's going to take a miracle for drugs to become legalized. They rather blame something else than address the real problem.

It seems a lot of police department's revenue comes from civil forfeiture from drug activities so do you really think they'd want the war on drugs to stop? Not to mention all the private prisons which Republican supports. It's a big gravy train for sure.
Hey, whoa... I know this is crazy and everything, but look!!! There's a forum for guns and gun owner issues!!! What?! I know, crazy, right? Here, here's the URL. I slaved over my computer for an exhausting one second to find it, so I'm willing to share the link with you all. I'm such a nice guy.
And, you'll never guess it... there was like a gazillion of them! One for each and every state! Even several cities! Even a gun owner/lover dating forum! So you can easily find people who love to talk guns! Whoa... what an amazing time to be alive!
I sure would appreciate it if someone could point me to a rocketry forum that isn't a haven for people to spew their politics all over... you know a forum for people to discuss rockets and rocketry issues? I've been looking for one for a couple years now... anyone?

Hey CZ, this is the watering hole, for subjects not necessarily pertaining to rockets. This thread started on the subject of self defense. It has been very civil and yes it has ventured into politics.
But even in the bylaws of the forum recognize that this will happen. I have not seen any personal attacks & I believe that is why the mods have let this go for 9 pages.
It seems to me that the majority of the people posting on this thread (from both sides of the aisle) are enjoying putting forth their views, and a small minority complain that this subject should NOT be on this forum! Well if you do not like this subject, just scoll to the top of the page, click/tap on the "The Rocketry Forum" icon and go to Low Power, Mid Power, etc. Just because you don't like this subject dosn't mean that every one else who are having a discussion on this subject & doing it in a civil way has to stop.
The gun banners argue that if less lawful people own guns, then somehow criminals will have less guns because there aren't any, and they point to countries like Japan as example.

I'm not sure what to make of this but I do know that in some societies where there are less guns there are still violent crimes. Who needs guns when you can 80% be sure that your victims aren't armed?

Violent crimes don't necessarily mean lethal, which is one of my main points - guns make crazies more lethal. In 2012 a man in China went berserk and went to a school with a kitchen knife. He injured 24 - but every single child survived. NO ONE died - and every parent got to hug their child that night. When I say that guns make the crazies more lethal, there is no way this would have been fatality free if he'd had a gun.

Compare this total to every school shooting in American history.

And yes, I know this solution only works with the complete absence of guns, and given the 'gun behind every blade of grass' quote I know this solution won't work for the US. But, in my opinion, the premise of making sure the bad guy doesn't get the gun in the first place DOES save lives. And yes, your opinion may differ.
I have not seen any personal attacks & I believe that is why the mods have let this go for 9 pages. It seems to me that the majority of the people posting on this thread (from both sides of the aisle) are enjoying putting forth their views, and a small minority complain that this subject should NOT be on this forum! Well if you do not like this subject, just scoll to the top of the page, click/tap on the "The Rocketry Forum" icon and go to Low Power, Mid Power, etc. Just because you don't like this subject dosn't mean that every one else who are having a discussion on this subject & doing it in a civil way has to stop.

Completely agree. I may not agree with what you're saying, but I certainly agree with your ability to say it. I think we're in completely new territory - 9 pages debating gun control without a personal attack. Whodathunkit?
"I need a gun,

to have me some fun,

I need a gun,

give me your love, give me your love"


The original name of this song is 'The Ballad of Richard Speck'. You don't need a combat-style weapon to induce terror. I think he used a 5 shot Smith & Wesson .38 Special...
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Show me how a gun free society would save lives? I mean violence has always existed even long before gun existed. In fact one reason Feudalism is so common back then is because melee weapons take a lot of skill to use properly, skill reserved for the nobility, meaning they had significant advantage over the common people so they couldn't possibly resist them. Violence was also much more common back then where trivial stuff today is instant execution back then.

A knife attack is no guarantee that it would be less lethal than a gun attack. I would even say a knife attack is more lethal simply for the fact that it happens at close range, and if you are within contact range with the victim you might as well stab them multiple times, and it doesn't take a long time to do so. Multiple stab wounds are harder to survive than a single gunshot wound. In fact in contact range a knife is as lethal as a gun.

I don't know Turkey's gun law, I'm sure it's strict, but it sure didn't stop the terrorists from that airport attack.
Hey CZ, this is the watering hole, for subjects not necessarily pertaining to rockets. This thread started on the subject of self defense. It has been very civil and yes it has ventured into politics.
But even in the bylaws of the forum recognize that this will happen. I have not seen any personal attacks & I believe that is why the mods have let this go for 9 pages.
It seems to me that the majority of the people posting on this thread (from both sides of the aisle) are enjoying putting forth their views, and a small minority complain that this subject should NOT be on this forum!

Maybe you're missing my point...
There's already several Gun related threads here on TRF. I can literally not go anywhere without seeing gun-obsessed people talking about how much they love their guns, how much they need their guns to defend themselves, how much "Liberals" are stupid and don't know anything about guns, and how "Liberals" are trying to destroy their rights because of sensible gun legislation.
I'm pretty sick and tired of it. Of course you don't see it as name calling because you're the one doing it. I've tried a couple times on this thread to put my opinion into the mix, and what I got in response was the standard "gun-lover" taking points I listed above.
How much internet do y'all need? Can't you all just shut up about your precious guns? I've never, ever, ever, ever seen a "Liberal" start a thread on TRF about how we need to take away guns, but I've seen many threads about how crappy "liberals"are for trying to "take guns away from law abiding citizens." Neither of which happen to be true. So I arrive at TRF to read about rockets, and I'm inundated by everyone's political views on guns. Meanwhile, there is zero comparison of "other side" threads. No where did anyone start a thread saying, let's celebrate one year of legal gay marriage!... No where did anyone start a thread denigrating someone else's profession, no where did anyone start a thread called, "what's wrong with America's welders?"... yet I have to browse through those threads, have to look at your hatred of me and my point of view on a daily basis... thanks for that. Then, when i comment as such, I'm told that, "we're just felt expressing ourselves." Well yeah, but y'all are completely unable to respond to what I've actually said instead of responding to what y'all think I think... again, pretty sick and tired of having to scroll past just another gun thread.
Even as I type this, I realize that several TRF members will respond with the exact same talking points instead of actually reading what I've said... so until y'all can actually respond to me, in going to continue pointing out how absolutely ridiculous this obsession is and how ridiculous it is that y'all feel inclined to shove it down everybody's throat all the time in every space of your lives. A friend of mine posted up thread. I know how he feels about guns and I don't see him talking about it all the time everywhere he goes. That's a healthy enjoyment of his guns.
I guess the only thing I should do, then, if this is allowable on TRF is start threads posting my political obsessions and make sure to refer to "Conservatives" as if they're all a single person with a single mindset and make blanket statements about them... no? Because when I do that, the threads get locked and pulled because "conservatives" always resort to name-calling which, of course, gets threads locked.
And no, i don't want to just scroll past it. What really makes America great is that we can all do whatever want, and I want to never run and hide from a debate... doing that might lead opposing views to believe that their view is the only one out there...
I'd bet a K motor that I get more irrational responses to this comment than rational. ...
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Whatever you do, don't get my father-in-law going about the lack of quality welders these days. It is a serious problem, apparently...

As far as this thread, it seems to be a bunch of people "preaching to the choir" with the occasional dissenter banging their heads against the wall...

I empathize, CZ. I have a terrible time just trying to simply look past threads that gather a lot of activity, but for various reasons are better off avoided. I didn't know there was a latent wreck-watcher inside me.

So thanks for being a Teacher. And I'll happily grouse with you about the lack of quality Welders in this country these days.
Maybe you're missing my point... There's already several Gun related threads here on TRF. I can literally not go anywhere without seeing gun-obsessed people talking about how much they love their guns, how much they need their guns to defend themselves, how much "Liberals" are stupid and don't know anything about guns, and how "Liberals" are trying to destroy their rights because of sensible gun legislation. I'm pretty sick and tired of it. Of course you don't see it as name calling because you're the one doing it. I've tried a couple times on this thread to put my opinion into the mix, and what I got in response was the standard "gun-lover" taking points I listed above. How much internet do y'all need? Can't you all just shut up about your precious guns? I've never, ever, ever, ever seen a "Liberal" start a thread on TRF about how we need to take away guns, but I've seen many threads about how crappy "liberals"are for trying to "take guns away from law abiding citizens." Neither of which happen to be true. So I arrive at TRF to read about rockets, and I'm inundated by everyone's political views on guns. Meanwhile, there is zero comparison of "other side" threads. No where did anyone start a thread saying, let's celebrate one year of legal gay marriage!... No where did anyone start a thread denigrating someone else's profession, no where did anyone start a thread called, "what's wrong with America's welders?"... yet I have to browse through those threads, have to look at your hatred of me and my point of view on a daily basis... thanks for that. Then, when i comment as such, I'm told that, "we're just felt expressing ourselves." Well yeah, but y'all are completely unable to respond to what I've actually said instead of responding to what y'all think I think... again, pretty sick and tired of having to scroll past just another gun thread. Even as I type this, I realize that several TRF members will respond with the exact same talking points instead of actually reading what I've said... so until y'all can actually respond to me, in going to continue pointing out how absolutely ridiculous this obsession is and how ridiculous it is that y'all feel inclined to shove it down everybody's throat all the time in every space of your lives. A friend of mine posted up thread. I know how he feels about guns and I don't see him talking about it all the time everywhere he goes. That's a healthy enjoyment of his guns. I guess the only thing I should do, then, if this is allowable on TRF is start threads posting my political obsessions and make sure to refer to "Conservatives" as if they're all a single person with a single mindset and make blanket statements about them... no? Because when I do that, the threads get locked and pulled because "conservatives" always resort to name-calling which, of course, gets threads locked.And no, i don't want to just scroll past it. What really makes America great is that we can all do whatever want, and I want to never run and hide from a debate... doing that might lead opposing views to believe that their view is the only one out there...I'd bet a K motor that I get more irrational responses to this comment than rational. ...

I have a rational response for you---> If you don't care for seeing gun threads in the watering hole, stop participating in them. You only voice your objection to threads where you deem the content disagreeable. You cant piss and moan about the nature of a thread if you are an active participant.
Looks like the "ayes" have it, closely followed by the "me's", "my's" and "mine". Do we have any "nays"? :rofl:
Hey, whoa... I know this is crazy and everything, but look!!! There's a forum for guns and gun owner issues!!! What?! I know, crazy, right? Here, here's the URL. I slaved over my computer for an exhausting one second to find it, so I'm willing to share the link with you all. I'm such a nice guy.
And, you'll never guess it... there was like a gazillion of them! One for each and every state! Even several cities! Even a gun owner/lover dating forum! So you can easily find people who love to talk guns! Whoa... what an amazing time to be alive!
I sure would appreciate it if someone could point me to a rocketry forum that isn't a haven for people to spew their politics all over... you know a forum for people to discuss rockets and rocketry issues? I've been looking for one for a couple years now... anyone?

You have only yourself to blame for being here. This is the "Watering Hole", a pretty open discussion area. You are more than welcome to NOT click on this thread anymore and instead click on any of the vast rocketry related threads located elsewhere in the forum. Now, was that so hard? Take care now, bye bye then.
Maybe you're missing my point...
There's already several Gun related threads here on TRF. I can literally not go anywhere without seeing gun-obsessed people talking about how much they love their guns, how much they need their guns to defend themselves,
CZ on the 1st page of the Watering Hole there is only this thread about guns, could one thread be too manny?
how much "Liberals" are stupid and don't know anything about guns, and how "Liberals" are trying to destroy their rights because of sensible gun legislation.
Show me a post where I said liberal???? I said I understand some legislation, but disagree with it, I guess I don't get to have an opinion
I'm pretty sick and tired of it. Of course you don't see it as name calling because you're the one doing it.
Please show me where I called you or anyone a name? Unless saying anti gunner is offensive? Maybe you need a safe zone like so many college kids do today.
I've tried a couple times on this thread to put my opinion into the mix, and what I got in response was the standard "gun-lover" taking points I listed above.
well CZ with all due respect, it seems you are giving the anti gun talking points, and I do not want to infringe upon your right to your opinion.
How much internet do y'all need? Can't you all just shut up about your precious guns?
It is not about how much internet anyone needs, its about people with one common interest (rockets) discussing other interests, like PETS, BIRDS & BIRD WATCHING, BIKES & many more! And no i will not SHUT UP about my weapons & YES they are precious, like all my other rights granted to me by GOD!
I've never, ever, ever, ever seen a "Liberal" start a thread on TRF about how we need to take away guns, but I've seen many threads about how crappy "liberals"are for trying to "take guns away from law abiding citizens." Neither of which happen to be true.
I will agree with you 100% that i have not seen any threads that start "take away guns", but if anyone did i would respond the same way I do here, I would NOT try to SHUT people UP! Also I have heard politicians & private citizens state that they would like to ban all guns!
So I arrive at TRF to read about rockets, and I'm inundated by everyone's political views on guns.
Come on MAN! inundated, PUHLEEZE, its simple do NOT click on a gun thread, i am not forcing you to view this thread!
Meanwhile, there is zero comparison of "other side" threads. No where did anyone start a thread saying, let's celebrate one year of legal gay marriage!
you are absolutely right on this point, but again, I would either reply on the thread (as respectfully as I could and try NOT to offend) or I would not get involved, but I would NOT TRY TO SHUT DOWN THE THREAD!
No where did anyone start a thread denigrating someone else's profession, no where did anyone start a thread called, "what's wrong with America's welders?"... yet I have to browse through those threads, have to look at your hatred of me and my point of view on a daily basis... thanks for that.
The thread was what is wrong with American High Schools, NOT TEACHERS! I stated it was unions, and gave examples of why I believed it was unions.
Then, when i comment as such, I'm told that, "we're just felt expressing ourselves." Well yeah, but y'all are completely unable to respond to what I've actually said
I think i am responding to you in a civil way, what say you?
instead of responding to what y'all think I think... again, pretty sick and tired of having to scroll past just another gun thread.
Even as I type this, I realize that several TRF members will respond with the exact same talking points instead of actually reading what I've said... so until y'all can actually respond to me
again, how am I doing in responding?
going to continue pointing out how absolutely ridiculous this obsession is and how ridiculous it is that y'all feel inclined to shove it down everybody's throat all the time in every space of your
lives. A friend of mine posted up thread. I know how he feels about guns and I don't see him talking about it all the time everywhere he goes. That's a healthy enjoyment of his guns.
I guess the only thing I should do, then, if this is allowable on TRF is start threads posting my political obsessions and make sure to refer to "Conservatives" as if they're all a single person with
a single mindset and make blanket statements about them... no?
go ahead knock yourself out, it will NOT offend me! AND because i swore an oath to GOD to defend the US Constitution I will defend YOUR Rights with MY LIFE, even something i disagree with!
Because when I do that, the threads get locked and pulled because "conservatives" always resort to name-calling which, of course, gets threads locked.
I think both sides resort to name calling & the owners & reps of this forum can lock and delete a thread for any reason, and when the do, they still let the members comment on the locked thread!
And no, i don't want to just scroll past it. What really makes America great is that we can all do whatever want, and I want to never run and hide from a debate... doing that might lead opposing views to believe that their view is the only one out there
you do not want to run and hide, but it seems to me you object to this debate here on this forum? so what is it? Stay and continue the debate, Stop the debate from being on this forum (which has the same effect as running & hiding) or scroll past this thread!
I'd bet a K motor that I get more irrational responses to this comment than rational. ...
How about this, you show me where I attacked YOU personally, name calling, and or denigrated your profession on THIS thread, and if I agree with you I will apologize to you and not post on TRF for a week. If I do NOT agree with your assessment that I attacked YOU personally, name calling, and or denigrated your profession, we will get a moderator to be the judge, and I will abide by his ruling. But if you can not prove any of your charges, then all I would require is an apology! Fair enough?
I can literally not go anywhere without seeing gun-obsessed people talking about how much they love their guns, how much they need their guns to defend themselves, how much "Liberals" are stupid and don't know anything about guns, and how "Liberals" are trying to destroy their rights because of sensible gun legislation.

I know you're exaggerating because you are upset; however, in fairness, the following forums have absolutely zero gun threads: list a few.
For those who have an aversion to the use of guns as a method of self defense (the original topic of this thread), you might consider this technique with the understanding that it has its limits.

For those who have an aversion to the use of guns as a method of self defense (the original topic of this thread), you might consider this technique with the understanding that it has its limits.

Please also be aware that any fight can result in bad consequences and even death...never fight unless you have to and if you have to, commit and know what you're doing. One split moment can change lives. A person can take 7 shots and still survive, but another may take a dare punch to the stomach and die (ex. Houdini).
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