Rocket Launching at Floyd Bennet Field NY?

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Feb 18, 2022
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Hi. Thanks to those that replied to my first post. There's a lot of responses so I did not go through with replying but I appreciate the info I was given. I was wondering for those in NY, if Floyd Bennet Field allowed for model rocket launching or not. If a permit is required, how does one get a permit for rocket launching? I tried contacting the field's phone number but I am never able to directly talk to them besides continuous voicemails. Thanks to those who reply.
It would be worth contacting the folks who run the facility to see if you could use it for organized flights as they allow RC aircraft to use their one remaining runway. You could even see if they'd be interested in having you host demonstration rocket launches as part of some activity they have planned. According to Wikipedia, there is an active Civil Air Patrol Squadron that meets at the field; they may be your best way in.
Federal Park Police will not permit you to launch there, but it is a great place for low power launches until the police ask you to stop.
Find out if there's a local Boy Scout Troop in the area. Then, try and organize an event with CAP (Civil Air Patrol) to invite the Boy Scouts over for some demonstration launches. If the scouts are interested and CAP okays it, you might have a regular way into the field as the scouts will likely want to build and fly their own rockets. Basically you're going to be starting a group, and you can register with NAR (National Assoc. Rocketry), which you'll need to be a member of, as they provide safety counseling and insurance!

Let me know if you make progress. I'm in NJ, but I used to live in Queens, and I can make it over there if you're successful at starting a club!
Well- As a former NY state resident myself, things have changed. county and cities can mean the difference than being way out in farm land like I was. Permits weren’t an issue for me.

Spending 20 years in Navy and being around airfields, there will be concerns and restrictions for safety.

I’m sure with low power engines, and some convincing, it will work out ok.

Good luck