Post pics of your trip to the KSC

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Sea Killer rocket
TRF Supporter
Jul 25, 2009
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Many of you have visited the Kennedy Space Center and I'm planning a trip to visit in October and hopefully witness a launch. So let's post as many pictures as you can post, and tell us all about them.
In the Space Shuttle Exhibit, on the lower floor, there is a tribute to the Fallen Astronauts from the two Shuttles that were lost. There is a hallway that has memorabilia from each of the astronauts lining the walls. At the end of the hallway you can turn either left, or right. If you go to the Left, it will take you back out to the other exhibits. But if you turn Right, you will go into a room that has these quite sobering exhibits in a very tranquil, somber setting.
1226191552a[1].jpg Side panel from Shuttle Challenger
1226191551[1].jpg Window Frames from Shuttle Columbia.

After visiting KSC and this exhibit, every time I think about these images, I get a lump in my throat. If you ever get a chance to go to KSC, Please! make sure to see this part of the Shuttle exhibit.
I copied a handful of files from the HTPC to a chip so I could upload some pictures. There are a ton of terrible pictures, due to the 'run and gun' method so I could look at things with my own eyes, instead of seeing things through a lens only. At times, I spent a bit of time and took an OK picture. I spent about 2 hours picking pictures from the first 1300 that looked ok.

I'll post some now of the control room, as that is an inspirational area, but having said that, I was experiencing the event, not switching the camera to different settings appropriate for lighting conditions. I'm going to just post them, even though many are junk. Later pictures should be more acceptable.

If you are planning on going, feel free to skip, as the experience itself is probably better if you know nothing. Guessing it was 3-5 minutes in length, but I could be way off. (edit: Duh, the pictures have time stamps, so it is 5 minutes and again, if you're going in the near future, feel free to skip the pics and just experience it as it happens).



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Apparently there is a 10 image limit, so here are some more.


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Well, I'm suprised that there hasn't been more posted to this thread, but OK.

This was a display showing a model made by a gentleman and donated for the exhibit. It is obvious what it is, so no explanation needed. I was impressed with the quality and detail, but many just walked by it. There are lots of things to see, but many seem to just want to see the Saturn V and get a refill on their souvenir drink cup. (For reference, they had free refills I think, so the drink cup wasn't a bad call. . . ).



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Here are a few more from the bus while going out to the Discovery attempt in November 2010 (later moved to February 2011).

The first pic is one of the crawler, very big and full on industrial. Next pic shows the treads from one portion with an Econoline van next to it. Huge. . .

The white dome is one of the super insulated fuel storage units. I don't remember the specific thing the tour guy said, but it was something similar to 'an ice cube would stay an ice cube if you put it in there for XXX years (with XXX being 10's, 100's or 1000's - just don't recall). Either way, it was a 'wow' moment and I took a picture.

There were 2 pads at the time: 39A and 39B. 39A has Discovery's tank visible and the anemic one (already under disassembly/reconfiguration) was 39B.

Can't leave out the LED sign on the road: 'Go Discovery!'. The launch was delayed due to a technical issue that would cause the window to close for sure, so my wife and I headed home, but not before taking more pictures!



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Sandy: Just keep posting more pictures for us who are infatuated with KSC. I wish they had a shuttle that you could walk into the main bay and peek into the cockpit.
I had a good chuckle the last time I was there, abut 10 years ago..

As I entered, we did the usual 'screening, and I was pulled aside. My camera bag was searched, and they found a "blade".. The young guard wanted to confiscate it, as it was a blade. In fact it was the blade on a [cheap] cigar cutter I got at the Sosa cigar shop, a memento, from the night before.

His boss, also agreed (after some back & forth), and patted him on the back. "No blades allowed.."

I lost the cigar cutter. Like that was really gonna do damage... "Hey, put your finger here.. OK, now drive me to Cuba!!!"

My full sized tri-pod was OK though.. (could easily swig it like a club if needed..)

While he did his job, he may have been a little too literal..
I had a good chuckle the last time I was there, abut 10 years ago..

As I entered, we did the usual 'screening, and I was pulled aside. My camera bag was searched, and they found a "blade".. The young guard wanted to confiscate it, as it was a blade. In fact it was the blade on a [cheap] cigar cutter I got at the Sosa cigar shop, a memento, from the night before.

His boss, also agreed (after some back & forth), and patted him on the back. "No blades allowed.."

I lost the cigar cutter. Like that was really gonna do damage... "Hey, put your finger here.. OK, now drive me to Cuba!!!"

My full sized tri-pod was OK though.. (could easily swig it like a club if needed..)

While he did his job, he may have been a little too literal..
The stupidity of some people know no bounds. They don't know the difference between a weapon and a tool.
I think the last time I went was '75. We got to see a launch (an Atlas? I don't remember). They had this setup where they'd take your pic, run it through the computer to analyze monochrome density, print it out on a teletype using regular characters, and then iron it onto a t-shirt.
I had a good chuckle the last time I was there, abut 10 years ago..

As I entered, we did the usual 'screening, and I was pulled aside. My camera bag was searched, and they found a "blade".. The young guard wanted to confiscate it, as it was a blade. In fact it was the blade on a [cheap] cigar cutter I got at the Sosa cigar shop, a memento, from the night before.

His boss, also agreed (after some back & forth), and patted him on the back. "No blades allowed.."

I lost the cigar cutter. Like that was really gonna do damage... "Hey, put your finger here.. OK, now drive me to Cuba!!!"

My full sized tri-pod was OK though.. (could easily swig it like a club if needed..)

While he did his job, he may have been a little too literal..
I used to carry a pocketknife.

That changed to a folding razor knife/box cutter, just because it was easier to keep sharp.

The worst was at the Louisiana Superdome. The girls at the door put my knife in their pocket after I went through. Made me wonder how much stuff they "confiscated".

I don't carry knives on my person anymore........
I always have two knives on me, except the airport. A small Swiss Army knife in my right front pocket where the money it. I've given several to TSA. And a 3.5" folding knife with a clip in my right rear pocket. To some they are weapons. To me they are tools. Snip a thread, open a box etc. Lot of knives with clips in front and rear pockets around here.