Post a pic that makes you LOL

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Wouldn't you just love to see this following the JackA$$ who honks his horn at O-Dark-Thirty in the morning outside your bedroom window?


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Only in Oregon...


Everybody else was carried out...

(hope you like the picture... (That's me))

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As a fire fighter I LOL'ed at this...


Dry chem has it's uses.. This is not one of them.

As a fire fighter I LOL'ed at this...


Dry chem has it's uses.. This is not one of them.


"Here, lemme get the fire extinguisher... it'll probably take care of it... Tell you what, you better grab one too-- that'll do it for sure..."

LOL:) Later! OL JR :)
Man, if there's ever protest march in this area that I disagree with enough to bother, I will be using that sign to mock it.

Here's one to use against those Westboro Baptist lunies:


Here's another good one which easily identifies the old man's logical flaw:

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I laughed so hard I got a sinus infection! Now, if I could just get a foot massage while my shoes are off.....

(?-how many frequent flyers will die of cancer from too many x-rays? Will dosimeters be next???)
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Yes it's in poor taste, but it makes me laugh.

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