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OK, more medical stuff. I had my first nerve ablation at The Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. Before the treatment a nurse gave me a Valium. I told her I didn't think it would help because I was already taking 100mg of Oxycodone. Doc said if she ever did it again to me she was putting me out. I'm very ticklish. Every time she touched me I wiggled. Kidney stone. Again at Mayo. I had a Gastric endoscopy the day before. When the pain started I took 20mg of Oxycodone, then another and another. Pain kept getting worse. Called the Mayo nurse line and was told to go to the emergency room. By this point I could hardly stand up. Got in the car and some how didn't wreak on the way there. I walked into the emergency room waiting area and almost hit the floor. The techs moved at the speed of light. Took my info and put me in a bed. Despite the fact that I had probably taken 200mg of Oxycodone I couldn't lay still. Doctor asked my pain level and I said 9. He asked why 9. I said if I say ten and it gets worse what do I say 11.He laughed. 1 shot of Morphine, nothing. Another shot of Morphine, still nothing. Then it was Dilaudid. And I could lay still. As it was wearing off I asked for another shot. As the nurse was getting it ready I passed the stone. Didn't get the second shot. About an hour later she said I could go but call a cab. When the cab came I told the driver not to start the meter and gave him $20 to drive me to my car and drove back to the hotel. Completely sober. I'm a fast metabolizer.
Well, since we're all sharing ;)

One thing I loved about my vasectomy is they gave me a prescription for a single Valium. One tablet, to be taken just before the appointment. (Perhaps it's to keep you from changing your mind at the last minute and jumping out the window.)

Holy Mother of God! I get why people have trouble with those things, the doc coulda cut off my legs and I would have been fine with it. Talk about being happily wasted. Pie in the sky.

And my nurse! Oh, my nurse. She was smoking hot, insanely hot. An absolute beauty. So naturally in my lubricated state I had to chat her up. I remember telling her she was well placed to know which men 'had the good insurance' as well as 'other factors'. I also remember laughing when I saw and smelled smoke.

A suggestion for the young'uns who might do this some day: The secret to recovery is a bag of frozen peas. It's the perfect cold compress. Draw a face on the bag with a Sharpie - you're already thinking of someone, aren't you? - and settle in. I mean, hey, might as well make it weird!
I tried the peas, but it was overkill. I didn't even take the hopped up Tylenol they prescribed for me. I wasn't going to go out and practice kicking field goals, but my pain was minimal. My doc didn't have a sense of humor, but he apparently knew his business.
Reminds me of someone I knew in the USAF.

Back when I was in the USAF, I worked with a guy who came from old money (or so I believe). He described how his grandmother's house had a long, curving, stairwell, and the kids had a habit of sliding down the handrail, sidesaddle, jumping off before they hit the knob at the bottom. One day as a kid, he got it into his head to just throw his leg over and ride the thing that way. He figured he could catch the knob with his hands and push himself over it. Well, it didn't quite work that way. He impacted the knob, instead of flying over it, and said that his um... parts were severely swollen (to the size of a grapefruit) for quite a while... Basically, he gave himself a DIY vasectomy before the age of ten. By the time I knew him, he was married with zero chance of having children of his own.
That happened to me once, it was a bike though, but thanks to modern medicine I can still have kids.
Well, since we're all sharing ;)

One thing I loved about my vasectomy is they gave me a prescription for a single Valium. One tablet, to be taken just before the appointment. (Perhaps it's to keep you from changing your mind at the last minute and jumping out the window.)

Holy Mother of God! I get why people have trouble with those things, the doc coulda cut off my legs and I would have been fine with it. Talk about being happily wasted. Pie in the sky.
That probably would have helped a lot.
Valium does nothing to me. As in I can't tell I've taken it. Same with quadruple doses of oxycontin. Zippo.

PS: My daughter is an MD. She says my "opiate receptors are messed up".
Wow, sucks to be you (under certain circumstances).

Before the treatment a nurse gave me a Valium. I told her I didn't think it would help because I was already taking 100mg of Oxycodone.
The thing is, valium isn't opiate or opioid. It's a benzodiazepine, a tranquilizer good for, in this context, relieving anxiety and as a muscle relaxant. That makes it a good adjunct for opiates and opioids.
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“Feynman recounted another good one upperclassman would use on freshman physics students: when you look at words in a mirror how come they are reversed left to right not top to bottom, what is special about the horizontal axis?”

Ps I recall a news headline about how the sun rises on mars are blue and I was like obviously!🙄

PPs the sun makes very little violet light so there’s not enough to make the sky violet.

Ppps I Have no clue about the mirror, anyone know?
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TRS-80 (my friends', I didn't have one). That device is responsible for current FCC regulations.

Doesn't matter now, all the Switching Power Supplies from China are missing the parts that prevent interference; Caps and Coils are left off the circuit board to save costs and be cheap. Only the Prototypes sent for testing contain them.

Even the DOT silver boxes next to Stop Lights to control them are missing such parts and can cause RFI I have measured.

The "stuff" in an average home; the wall warts, Laundry Washers, Heat pumps, AC can wipe out complete HF and VHF radio bands several houses or even a block away. Once that gets into the Overhead AC power lines, it acts as an antenna and spreads it further.

FCC is not doing anything about it unless it interferes with Aircraft or Public Safety Radio. Aircraft is the higher priority as Public Safety is mostly now Digital that doesn't hear the noise and they don't notice it even though it reduces the radio's reception range.
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PPs the sun makes very little violet light so there’s not enough to make the sky violet.
Also, sunlight contains a lot of green and cyan, which are also scattered more than blue and violet. The sky on a clear day isn't really blue, it's cyan. You can add a good deal of violet to a strong cyan and never see it.

Languages evolve over time, and the meanings of familiar words change. The sky was blue is Isaac Newton's time, because that cyan color was called "blue" then. Blue was called "indigo". Haven't you noticed that the spectrum shown by a prism has a band of cyan?
Roy G. Biv is dead and should be buried. The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple (or violet, if you prefer).