PF MAWD Data Analysis

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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I have written a short chunk of code /*C++, that i have learned from HS programming*/. It is meant to take the altimeter data from a MAWD, or any altimeter /*With .05 sec sample rate*/ and return
-Time to Apogee
-Max Velocity
-Time to max Velocity
-Altitude of Max Velocity
-Descent rate under main
-Descent rate under drogue
-Total Flight time.

I am also working on getting the data points to graph Velocity. .. Maybe acceleration.

So what I am looking for is some flight data to run through my program and do some error checking. I have it working for one data set but not sure if it is flexible for all.

If anyone is interested i will post the code.

Heres my data.

Uh it wont post .pfd files Email?

bandman444@yahoo. com

I think that would be really cool
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Will it handle 2 stage ? hm. . . at the moment yes but for max velocity it will only pick out one, not one for each motor burning period. I am entering in some more custom-ability such as allowing to select single or DD.

Attached is what is currently printed out, I know its crude but it gets more data from the flight.I am Working on throwing your data into it now, results in a bit.


P.S. This method was how i got all the data in that video


Here are the results after running your data through. Not sure if its 100% correct for the max Vel info. I found the descent rate by hand to be ~42 so that looks ok. I also looked at the thrust curve to see if it made sense for the early Max V .


Im really happy with your info it all seems to match the flight curve and what i think a normal rocket would be doing :D may need to add some complexity to this program soon.

Thanks guys for that data!!
Now im setting out to get all the data points for velocity so i can graph it. I will also make it a little more user friendly such that anyone could use it.


Your data was a little challenging, really i just did not look at the time scale on the normal flight curve. My program wanted to pick up a change of 30 from drogue to main for ex if the main descent rate was 20ft/s it was looking for 50+ft/s for the drogue. Once i re did some stuff it picked up the small change in your flight.

Very cool!

Thanks for the data, hope to see this program out for un-computer savy people!

Now could you change the units? Say meters for the brits or a mach number for velocity or gees for acceleration? That would be very cool.

Glad my data worked out
Nicely done!

Thank you very much for the data. With this, it make the MAWD suddenly have much more capabilities.
I am currently making this program more user friendly, explaining when to enter the name of your file etc etc.

If you would like a copy of the program to use, or to give criticism please let me know .

I am currently making this program more user friendly, explaining when to enter the name of your file etc etc.

If you would like a copy of the program to use, or to give criticism please let me know .


Very cool! I'd love to get more data out of my MAWD.

It may not be until later this week that I can get this out to you all. Little slow getting all the details together.

Its not really to complicated. It was just very crude, you had to enter the name of the file in the compiler, now the program prompts for user input. I also wrote a short "read me" party for fun partially to explain how it works. The error checking thus far is minimal so it is still possible to crash the program with an incorrect input. I am also including a test data file within the zipped folder.

... I am also including a test data file within the zipped folder.

Peter, I'd also like to receive a copy of the program, and have some MAWD files if you still need data to crunch.

Well i have everything wrapped up in one nice zipped folder with instructions and test data. . . but cant email it beacuse it is a ".exe" file.

Scratch that i got it uploaded here.

I am looking for feedback on both the functionality of the program as well as if the results look correct.

I think its pretty nice for my first program as a High School Student :D, but i will keep the party till after a few of you crash it.


View attachment Flight
I am looking for feedback on both the functionality of the program as well as if the results look correct.

I think its pretty nice for my first program as a High School Student :D, but i will keep the party till after a few of you crash it.

The program worked just fine with the test data included. Brings back memories, looking at a DOS screen. I'll try it on some of my data tomorrow. Thanks!

And, tell your teacher that you get at least an A on this one! ;)
The directions were a bit confusing. You should just say: "Rename the Perfect Flight file extension to .txt" then delete the everything but the actual recorded data.
Then just open it in your program.


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rocksotocket-I think i have the problem, if you re run the program and do the piniacle.txt data first it should work.I will work on fixing the problem.

Do you all see this being useful or just a hassle for the information you get ?

Thanks for helping me out.

I'm sorry, I'm just not that computer savy...

I could hit enter but not get the file name write.
Now I need a computer class.

Great job though
I'm sorry, I'm just not that computer savy...

I could hit enter but not get the file name write.
Now I need a computer class.

Great job though

Bryce, I'll explain it on facebook later.

Towards the end of the file, it appears to be a bunch of binary code. I couldn't open the file, then I deleted the binary and it worked again. Everything looks good. Except for it says I achieved maximum velocity at 2649 ft. and that was at 35.75 seconds after launch. It took 16 seconds to get to apogee. So It must have been falling a lot faster than it appeared :wink:

It also says under drogue my velocity was -1.#j ft/s

Other than that, it's an awesome program! Thank you for sharing! I like having all that data, vs the altitude time plot.

rocksotocket-I think i have the problem, if you re run the program and do the piniacle.txt data first it should work.I will work on fixing the problem.

Do you all see this being useful or just a hassle for the information you get ?
It is deffinately useful. A few little tweaks could make this program much more user friendly and powerful.

Keep working on it!
I have been a little busy with school, i have not given up on this program. I will need to fix some problems, the program does not like a rocket to land lower then it launched, and some other things i have found. Then i will start a new version that better approximates the vel, and will not pick up the spike at drogue deployment as apogee.

Also think of making it work in a windows environment! But it's a really cool app....another thing to add would be speed vs time and altitude vs time curves....