Ohhh Noooooo, Mr.Bill!

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Jun 6, 2011
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This from the Roc-ring:
"Lucerne Dry Lake is on the “Focus Area List” and “Special Variance List” for development for renewable energy. If carried to fruition, Lucerne Dry Lake would no longer be available for rocketry activities. Is an effort being raised to have BLM designate Lucerne Dry Lake as a “Special Recreational Area ???”

Bummer, as I just missed the past Rocstock because of work. Now I have a big hole in my T-shirt collection. Just a few hours away and a great bunch of people to fly a great range with will be sorely missed. It also means my hobby goes even further into 'part-time' than it is now...does this mean LDRS is shaky? I know you can't avoid progress, but what about Rabbit Lake? I'm not ready to give up the hobby, as I stated before I plan to fly rockets from my off-road wheelchair, but only if I have a place to fly from!