Not Another Metric Thread

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FYI: This illustration isn't even right.The hands should be side to side, not wrist to finger tip. Thanks @dr wogz for pointing that out


Hands and stones as units of measurement for height of a horse and an object's weight are still some of the silliest and most arbitrary units.

E: Another one I remember is that an acre is "how much a ox can plow in a day":
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the 'hand' illustration is wrong.. it's 4", which is typically across the hand (thumb to pinky finger), not fingertip to wrist..
one could say the illustration shorthanded the horse? lol... sorry can't resist a pun

And yeah, a 4" wrist to tip hand sounds small. Tiny hands lol
the 'hand' illustration is wrong.. it's 4", which is typically across the hand (thumb to pinky finger), not fingertip to wrist..
+1 that is one of 3 things I remember from riding lessons (the others are, choose a horse that you like and more importantly that like you, and that saddles are not comfortable.)

Ps the only bonus of a horse is that they can self drive.
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I see what you did there. ;)
Since I believe in Freedom Units (tm), I really prefer soft metric thread specifications such as M6.4 x 1.3.

Along those lines, there was a malicious compliance movement some time back when metric units were mandated for some government projects. Some bright bulb assembled a set of metric rebar sizes that matched standard US numbered sizes. Was metric #13 rebar specified for a project? Go to the tables and then order US #4 from your normal supplier with confidence. Of course, you'd get laughed out of the yard anywhere that uses metric for realsies if you tried to order a metric #13 bar. Then they'd ask if you wanted 14,0 or 15M.