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Frank Davis

Sep 23, 2019
Reaction score
Rock Island
Nice to meet you all. My name is Frank Davis and I'm new to HPR. I recently bought an H130W-14 and have the Hardware and RAS system to go with it. Need some guidance on putting this together. Thank you all for your time, and look forward to flying with many of you.
Find a local rocket club is the best way to go. Explaining things like this online can be a bit problematic. Plus the directions on reloads aren't always the greatest so showing in person usually works a lot better. Whereabouts are you roughly? Not looking for personal info but just looking to see what clubs you are closest to.
Welcome to the forum Frank :).
Find a local rocket club is the best way to go. Explaining things like this online can be a bit problematic. Plus the directions on reloads aren't always the greatest so showing in person usually works a lot better. Whereabouts are you roughly? Not looking for personal info but just looking to see what clubs you are closest to.
Second what Dave said.

IF you're the Frank that was hoping to launch with the TWA group at Bong this past weekend, you have one more shot with the Woosh group at Bong this coming weekend...sorry the weather rained on the parade. After that, there are farm field launches this fall/winter/spring in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan.

Second what Dave said.

IF you're the Frank that was hoping to launch with the TWA group at Bong this past weekend, you have one more shot with the Woosh group at Bong this coming weekend...sorry the weather rained on the parade. After that, there are farm field launches this fall/winter/spring in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan.

Yes, this is the same Frank. Will be there this Saturday. Need some insight and help in putting together an H rms ras motor to get my level 1 certification. Should I send the paperwork and 20 dollars to join club,?or can I do this Saturday. Thank you
woosh will likely suggest joining in January to let you get your moneys worth :)(you don't actually need to join a club to get your L1, or to fly HPR...just need to fly with a club).
Hi Frank - welcome to the forum.

I fly with both TWA and Woosh at Bong. Unfortunately, I won't be there this coming weekend to see your successful L1 flight (Homecoming Dance at school) - I can share some tips that might make your cert a bit less stressful. :D:D:D

I assume you are a member of a NATIONAL organization either Tripoli or NAR. If not, you have to join one or the other before you can cert. You don't necessarily need to be a member of WOOSH or TRA, but you do need to bring your TRA or NAR card (or a receipt if you just joined) Hint - join online before the launch.

Remember to bring the rocket and motor and any other stuff... parachute, camera, etc. It's easy to forget things. Make a list.

Super prepared people (like you and me ;)) go online and print out the cert form at home. NAR FORM TRA FORM
When you print out the form at home, you get a chance to look it over and see just what you are getting into. :eek: Also, the NAR form can be filled in with your information (It's a fillable PDF doc) so all your info is nice and legible. (you can fill in the TRA form with a pen) The NAR form has an excellent Safety Checklist that will really help you understand what the cert-team is looking for when they examine your rocket. Read that checklist over about 6 or 8 times to become a safety expert. Bring the checklist along, the cert-team will fill it in. BONUS POINTS :cool::cool::cool: bring a stamped business-size envelope addressed to NAR or TRA so you are ready to mail in the completed cert. (WOW are you prepared or what?!?!:rolleyes::rolleyes::cool:)

Mark the CP (Center of Pressure) right on the rocket with paint or a magic marker. You will find the CP in the kit instructions or in the sim you created or modified to match YOUR rocket dimensions. If possible, put your rocket together just like you would when getting ready to fly it. Maybe do this a couple of times cause its good practice. If you are using one of those motors that need to be built ** don't build it ahead of time ** The cert-team will want to watch you (might assist you) to build it. Use something that weighs the same as the motor when you are putting it all together at home. When you have it all together - including the right motor weight - BALANCE IT. Where it balances is the CG (center of gravity). This next part is key. The rocket must balance at least one diameter in-front-of (closer to the nosecone) than the CP. EXAMPLE - a 3-inch diameter rocket must balance at least 3 inches (or more) ahead of the CP. Most kits are designed this way and you usually have nothing to worry about. If the rocket is not balancing far enough forward - you must add nose weight until it does. SHOW-OFF POINTS:p:p:p Bring a sim print-out (OpenRocket or RocSim) to show the cert team. Totally unnecessary for L1, but some superstars just can't help going overboard.

Friends and family can help you celebrate your successful cert. Plus they are helpful to watch where the rocket went. Ya gotta' bring it back in good condition after the flight to complete the cert. Many people will say "recovery is the hardest part of rocketry'... they're not lyin!:mad::confused::eek::oops:

Please ask ton's of questions and have lots of fun. This is gonna' be a BLAST!

-Good Luck!:D
+1 What Sabrina said.

Also, pack up the night before! Make a checklist of everything you need. Pack it up the night before when you aren't so nervous. Take your time, and double check your checklist. When you get there, I'd suggest a few simpler flights first to get the flight jitters out of the way. Save your L1 attempt until you're in a launch rhythm. It helped get my nerves out of the way by launching a few C and F motor rockets first before my L1.

For my L2, I started off with a few F motor launches and then an H100 launch before I flew my J. Likewise, for my L3, I went through an F, an H, and an I before my M.
Hi Frank - welcome to the forum.

I fly with both TWA and Woosh at Bong. Unfortunately, I won't be there this coming weekend to see your successful L1 flight (Homecoming Dance at school) - I can share some tips that might make your cert a bit less stressful. :D:D:D

I assume you are a member of a NATIONAL organization either Tripoli or NAR. If not, you have to join one or the other before you can cert. You don't necessarily need to be a member of WOOSH or TRA, but you do need to bring your TRA or NAR card (or a receipt if you just joined) Hint - join online before the launch.

Remember to bring the rocket and motor and any other stuff... parachute, camera, etc. It's easy to forget things. Make a list.

Super prepared people (like you and me ;)) go online and print out the cert form at home. NAR FORM TRA FORM
When you print out the form at home, you get a chance to look it over and see just what you are getting into. :eek: Also, the NAR form can be filled in with your information (It's a fillable PDF doc) so all your info is nice and legible. (you can fill in the TRA form with a pen) The NAR form has an excellent Safety Checklist that will really help you understand what the cert-team is looking for when they examine your rocket. Read that checklist over about 6 or 8 times to become a safety expert. Bring the checklist along, the cert-team will fill it in. BONUS POINTS :cool::cool::cool: bring a stamped business-size envelope addressed to NAR or TRA so you are ready to mail in the completed cert. (WOW are you prepared or what?!?!:rolleyes::rolleyes::cool:)

Mark the CP (Center of Pressure) right on the rocket with paint or a magic marker. You will find the CP in the kit instructions or in the sim you created or modified to match YOUR rocket dimensions. If possible, put your rocket together just like you would when getting ready to fly it. Maybe do this a couple of times cause its good practice. If you are using one of those motors that need to be built ** don't build it ahead of time ** The cert-team will want to watch you (might assist you) to build it. Use something that weighs the same as the motor when you are putting it all together at home. When you have it all together - including the right motor weight - BALANCE IT. Where it balances is the CG (center of gravity). This next part is key. The rocket must balance at least one diameter in-front-of (closer to the nosecone) than the CP. EXAMPLE - a 3-inch diameter rocket must balance at least 3 inches (or more) ahead of the CP. Most kits are designed this way and you usually have nothing to worry about. If the rocket is not balancing far enough forward - you must add nose weight until it does. SHOW-OFF POINTS:p:p:p Bring a sim print-out (OpenRocket or RocSim) to show the cert team. Totally unnecessary for L1, but some superstars just can't help going overboard.

Friends and family can help you celebrate your successful cert. Plus they are helpful to watch where the rocket went. Ya gotta' bring it back in good condition after the flight to complete the cert. Many people will say "recovery is the hardest part of rocketry'... they're not lyin!:mad::confused::eek::oops:

Please ask ton's of questions and have lots of fun. This is gonna' be a BLAST!

-Good Luck!:D
Thank you very much for all the information. Will follow these guidelines. You have been a tremendous help. Thank you again.
+1 What Sabrina said.

Also, pack up the night before! Make a checklist of everything you need. Pack it up the night before when you aren't so nervous. Take your time, and double check your checklist. When you get there, I'd suggest a few simpler flights first to get the flight jitters out of the way. Save your L1 attempt until you're in a launch rhythm. It helped get my nerves out of the way by launching a few C and F motor rockets first before my L1.

For my L2, I started off with a few F motor launches and then an H100 launch before I flew my J. Likewise, for my L3, I went through an F, an H, and an I before my M.
Thank you for the information. I am bringing 2 model rockets, one with a B6-4 motor and one with a C6-3 motor. My L1 rocket is a Wildman Jr. with a H130W14A. I have to adjust delay to 10 seconds according to open rocket simulation.
I might be at the WOOSH launch this sat (weather depending). I would echo the comments above to ask for advice if you have any questions, even if you think they're stupid. If you ask at the registration on what to do, they will be glad to help, or point you in the direction of someone who is available.

Are you a NAR or Tripoli member?
I might be at the WOOSH launch this sat (weather depending). I would echo the comments above to ask for advice if you have any questions, even if you think they're stupid. If you ask at the registration on what to do, they will be glad to help, or point you in the direction of someone who is available.

Are you a NAR or Tripoli member?
Yes I am NAR 107549 and Tripoli 1884.
Welcome to High Power Frank. If you do make it to Bong this weekend I'd be happy to let you use my delay adjustment tool. I might not be the best person to ask motor assembly questions though, even tough it is simple I always get a bit confused with all that delay stuff. Never had a failure but I have had to take more than one apart and re-assemble it correctly. Otherwise there's always someone willing to help. Stop by the Wildman trailer and talk to Tim, Ya'd be hard pressed to find a more helpful person. He's usually pretty busy but he's never not made time for me and all my questionso_O
Hello, Frank. If you need guidance on how to build the motor, may I assume this is your first motor build? If so, why not get some practice building MPR motors (like F and G impulse) before jumping headfirst into an H?

Also, be prepared ... I can't remember if it is NAR, TRA, or both, but the person who signs your paperwork may need to watch you build the motor. Hopefully that person will be kind enough to warn you if he/she sees you about to do something wrong.
when last I looked, NAR folks needed to have their motor assembly observed. for Single use motors I would guess that delay time adjustment would fall into the observation catagory too. tis a simple thing and your 'witness' makes it easy to get answers(usually) to assembly Questions :).
no change on the observed motor assembly for NAR, and its not a bad idea period since one of the most common failures in motor building is grease on the delay grain or it gets extruded up through the flash hole and contaminates the powder causing a ejection failure.
when last I looked, NAR folks needed to have their motor assembly observed. for Single use motors I would guess that delay time adjustment would fall into the observation catagory too. tis a simple thing and your 'witness' makes it easy to get answers(usually) to assembly Questions :).
Hello, Frank. If you need guidance on how to build the motor, may I assume this is your first motor build? If so, why not get some practice building MPR motors (like F and G impulse) before jumping headfirst into an H?

Also, be prepared ... I can't remember if it is NAR, TRA, or both, but the person who signs your paperwork may need to watch you build the motor. Hopefully that person will be kind enough to warn you if he/she sees you about to do something wrong.
when last I looked, NAR folks needed to have their motor assembly observed. for Single use motors I would guess that delay time adjustment would fall into the observation catagory too. tis a simple thing and your 'witness' makes it easy to get answers(usually) to assembly Questions :).
Thank you Rex
no change on the observed motor assembly for NAR, and its not a bad idea period since one of the most common failures in motor building is grease on the delay grain or it gets extruded up through the flash hole and contaminates the powder causing a ejection failure.
Thank you
Welcome to High Power Frank. If you do make it to Bong this weekend I'd be happy to let you use my delay adjustment tool. I might not be the best person to ask motor assembly questions though, even tough it is simple I always get a bit confused with all that delay stuff. Never had a failure but I have had to take more than one apart and re-assemble it correctly. Otherwise there's always someone willing to help. Stop by the Wildman trailer and talk to Tim, Ya'd be hard pressed to find a more helpful person. He's usually pretty busy but he's never not made time for me and all my questionso_O
Thank you
Good luck on your flight!

*Word on using the forum cleanly, you can click "+ Quote" on multiple messages and respond to them all in one message instead of ending up with 6 short posts in a row