NB Rocketry HPR launch: Oct/12/2013 -- Personal Launch Report

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
NB Canada
I arrived at the field around noon. It was rather chilly at the time due to a strong breeze blowing though the air, but fortunately; the wind died down shortly there after.

First up was my Phoenix Set to fly on an Aerotech G40 White Lightning.

Hooking up the leads to the igniter:


Looking good...
Pheonix launch 2.png

CATO!... about 60-100 feet up.

All things considered the rocket survived pretty well. The only damage (besides my pride) was some charring of the inside of the motor mount, and a frayed shock cord (I'm currently fixing that... Drilled holes on opposite sides of the airframe, and put a bar across to serve as the shock cord attachment point from now on. Also planning to repaint, and rename her (more details will be posted in the build thread.)

Here it is coming down under chute:
Phoenix chute.png

I'll be filing a Mess Report, and contacting Aerotech about a replacement.


Next up was my Nike Smoke flying on a Aerotech G77 Redline!

Flight Prep:

Setting it up on the pad:
Nike pad 2.jpg

Nike launch.jpg

Nike going up.jpg

Great flight! Motor performed properly, and recovery was perfect. No damage to the rocket. According to OpenRocket it reached an altitude of 1567'.
My third flight was my Arreaux on an Aerotech G40 White Lightning.

Heading out to the pad:

Setting it up on the pad:

Starting up:
Arraux launch 5.jpg

Off she goes:
Arreaux launch 4.jpg

Up, up, and away!!!
Arreaux launch 3.jpg

Great flight. Recovery was perfect! Drifted quite aways, though. No damage to the rocket. Open Rocket says it hit 2251'.


My 4th flight was my Mini Eagle Claw on an Aerotech G80 Blue Thunder.

On the pad:
MEC on pad.jpg


Here is how it landed:

Flight was perfect! OpenRocket say it reached an altitude of 2555' (my new personal record). No damage (other then a paint chip on the nose and one fin).
There were some other cool flights during the day.

A LOC Cyclotron lifting on off on an H motor:

An upscaled Lazer-X flying on a K1440:

Recovery of the Lazer-X:

Just to name a few...

All in all it was a great launch! That will probably be it for me until 2014...:(

Hope you enjoyed!

Looks like some great flights and a really nice looking launch field. Aerotech has been good with responding to failed motors the couple of times I had a problem with them (both were F42Ts)
Great report and pictures!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to post. :clap: :handshake: Looks like you had a great launch!