My big Viper

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
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Here's my recently completed build of QModeling's MRS Viper. It is an excellent build. Quality parts, great instructions and looking forward to my next QModeling kit: MRS Andromeda.

Also putting in a vote for their next upscale to be the Orbital Transport....join the campaign!



Great looking shot of your Viper. I like the shade of purple you used. What kind of paint is that? Did you have any difficulty doing the purple stripes on the fins?

Here is a shot of the first two QModeling prototype MRS-VIPERS, along with an original Estes EAC Viper.
Here is a shot of prototype #1 on its final flight. The wind blew it on top of a school. I talked the school principal into going onto the roof to retrieve it on Sunday morning, but a thunderstorm on Saturday night before must have dragged it off the roof and carried it away.
The purple was Pearl Purple from Testor's. Really shines in the sunlight.

I didn't follow the instructions for painting and went my own way. First I painted the nose cone and upper tube purple, then when did the fin tips. Waited a week, then masked off the purple I wanted to keep using 1" masking tape for the tube and 1/4" tape for the fin tips.

Then did the yellow, masked that off, then coated with gloss white.

Carefully removed the tape and boom, it looked great. Only a few bleed throughs, but I can live with it.

Yeah, that sounds like a great way of doing the fins. The masking and sealing is tricky on the purple fin stripes because it abuts two different colors. Your method would certainly be much easier. I guess I was afraid of the dark purple showing through the white and yellow.