my 50th anniversary in model rocketry!

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. I see why you wanted the Model Rocketeer cover scan but you were't too particular which issue. Fun read.

You're welcome.
I said thank you in the other thread but I'mm say it again to be a decent person.

BTW, that Alpha II was painted an Allis color, but it was aluminum instead of orange.
Congrats, @Doug Holverson! If I could be half the rocket builder and rocket photographer that you have been, it'd tickle me pink! I still pull up your "Final Cut" just to show people what can be done... amazing!

Now unlike @Hobie1dog, I don't know for sure what year I'm in. I don't know what age I was when I got into it, and like many, I was out of it for most of my "adult" life. So congratulations again! Marvelous achievement!