I in the mist of constructing my first dual deployment and want some advice or insight on how to mount ejection canisters.
Setup A
What I have seen is construction of the rocket in the anti-zippper configuration. The altimeter mounted in the forward section, with the ejection canister dangling down the rocket body the the aft section. I am under the impression that this is the prefer method.
Why ? or Why not ?
One setup actually had a heavy wire cable connected to a wood block where the canister was mount and dangled down the rocket body.
Setup B
The other is that the ejection canister is mount on the altimeter bay itself.
For setup A my concerns are:
In the case of the wire dangling down the rocket body,how to keep the ejection canister wire from tangling the parachute.
If I have a ejection canister actually mounted on the bulkhead of the aft section. How do I disconnect the wire running to the ejection canister to allow the rocket to seperate ?
Some designs use some type of connection to realease went the rocket seperates ? ( Banana plugs etc)
Setup B
Wires are not a concern they are mounted on the Altimeter bay.
Right now I looking at design a Setup A , only running the ejection wire down the rocket body inside a cardboard tube attached (glued) to the inside and use banana plugs at the aft bulkhead so that when the rocket is to seperate that the wire connection doesn't interfere.
Thanks in advance
I in the mist of constructing my first dual deployment and want some advice or insight on how to mount ejection canisters.
Setup A
What I have seen is construction of the rocket in the anti-zippper configuration. The altimeter mounted in the forward section, with the ejection canister dangling down the rocket body the the aft section. I am under the impression that this is the prefer method.
Why ? or Why not ?
One setup actually had a heavy wire cable connected to a wood block where the canister was mount and dangled down the rocket body.
Setup B
The other is that the ejection canister is mount on the altimeter bay itself.
For setup A my concerns are:
In the case of the wire dangling down the rocket body,how to keep the ejection canister wire from tangling the parachute.
If I have a ejection canister actually mounted on the bulkhead of the aft section. How do I disconnect the wire running to the ejection canister to allow the rocket to seperate ?
Some designs use some type of connection to realease went the rocket seperates ? ( Banana plugs etc)
Setup B
Wires are not a concern they are mounted on the Altimeter bay.
Right now I looking at design a Setup A , only running the ejection wire down the rocket body inside a cardboard tube attached (glued) to the inside and use banana plugs at the aft bulkhead so that when the rocket is to seperate that the wire connection doesn't interfere.
Thanks in advance