Looking for a space launch quotation

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score
Off and on for the past few months, I've been trying to locate a rocket quotation
I heard a long time ago.

I've tried all the usual quote databanks and Internet searches, but my keyword-fu
is coming up short.

The statement goes something along the lines of- 'the human race will never be a
space superpower, as long as a simple thing like the weather can prevent a launch...'

Anyone know this one? got a source?

I like Werner Von Braun's quote "We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming."
I'm probably way off but for some dumb reason I want to think that George Carlin said that...but I'm probably wrong.
Well, if you're looking for votes, I'm with Sandman. I don't *know* but that quote is certainly Carlin-esque.
"We will never be an advanced civilization as long as long as rain showers can delay the launching of a space rocket."

-Napalm & Silly Putty, George Carlin

Brian, I remembered a quote along those lines and went after it before Sandman mentioned George Carlin and I couldn't find it through the searches either. I found it with the Carlin clue using www.alltheweb.com which is where I usually can find elusive stuff easier than on the other search engines.

This is the site it was listed at:
Ah Ha!!! I guess I have more brain cells left than I thought I did.

"The only thing better than being right is having someone else prove you're right!":D
Originally posted by sandman
Ah Ha!!! I guess I have more brain cells left than I thought I did.

"The only thing better than being right is having someone else prove you're right!":D

There is one thing better than that...having your wife admit it. :p
Thanks Pippen!

Sand- I also had the feeling that it was a Carlin-ism, but didn't want to skew
anybody elses memories.

THANX! to all that played! Now I'll finally be able to sleep... :)
I think searching was a hopeless cause without knowing it was GC. I remembered it as rain instead of weather and even with that there was so much out there about delayed launches it never surfaced.

Originally posted by brianc
Now I'll finally be able to sleep... :)

Oh, now do be sure and lose enough sleep to catch a view of Mars int he nighttime sky this month! It's a spectacular view (for a planet, that is) but my best viewing has been between midnight and 4 am. It's so bright that the other morning the sky was overcast and it was the only thing shining through.