Little Joe II Build

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Active Member
Sep 21, 2006
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Here are some pictures of a Little Joe II I'm working on. I have used the nose cone of the Estes Gauchito as the capsule. The tower is made of toothpicks and cut down matchsticks. The corrugations are scribed on cardstock.
Nice work! Did you turn the tower itself on a lathe?

That is a sweet looking scratch built!!! What weight of cardstock you used for the wraps? The tower is great. I take it you sanded off the capsule's raised details...? Excellent job. I am going to keep an eye on this one. :)

From the looks it appears to be round A-004.
Very fine work!

I'd need a magnifier to do that.

A perfect companion for the 1/100th Saturn V.

Did you use George Gassaway/Tom Beach's scale data?
The tower is a 1/4-inch dowel turned by hand. I don't have a power drill or a lathe, just a file and my hand.

The cardstock was just some that a purchased at a scrapbook store. The corrugations where done with the tip of a file from a Swiss army knife. Note don't do this on the kitchen table other wise your kitchen table will have 1/100 scale corrugations.

The details from the Gauchito capsule came right off with a file.

Yes I did use George Gassaway/Tom Beach's scale data. If you can tell what round this is I've done something right.

This is a really easy build. I’m still using the 13mm motor mount and parachute from the kit.
I’m still using the 13mm motor mount and parachute from the kit.

:eek: OMG I hope so!

I'd hate to see that with a "C" motor!

Zippy quick!;)
nice job there..
the details really make a difference !
Nice work you got going there! I may be motivated to try the
same myself. I'd probably try to make mine a clustered (13 mm)
build (but with the ATF troubles some of our vendors are facing
at the moment, I'll have to put clustered flights on hold for now).
Please keep posting the progress of your build along with the
finished model. I'm very curious what the final outcome will be.
How could clustering (any number) of 13mm motors incur any trouble from the ATF?
He probably used Quickburst Hot Shots for BP clustering. So, he can't get his igniters for clusters anymore.
Originally posted by cjl
He probably used Quickburst Hot Shots for BP clustering. So, he can't get his igniters for clusters anymore.

Yes, QuickBurst is the source of the igniters I use for BP clustering.
What pisses me off is that David Bachelder (QuickBurst owner) is
one of the nicest and most decent guy you'll ever know and the
ATF comes in and interferes with his business like this (literally out
of the blue). I know David is a fighter and he'll get through this
one way or another. That's a topic for another thread...