Lemony Lifting Body

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
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Ok...Everywhere I look I see rockets.
When the BAR bug bit ...it bit hard. On one of my first BAR builds I was challenged by my daughter to build a rocket from items in the garbage. I found the challenge to be entertaining. Water bottles, cosmetics, and of course a huge amount of food items all contain wonderful streamline designs that scream at the scratch designer in me. Don't get me wrong...I still love kits. Especially Fliskits and Semroc because of their excellent quality.
I really enjoyed the "floundered parts" contest over at EMRR.
After completing my Quest M2Q2 Lifting body rocket last week I was seeing lifting bodies in my garbage. Thus the birth of the "Lemony Lifting Body" .
Have any of you attempted any garbage or floundered parts builds? ...or am I just a looney :)
LOL, that is just to funny, very clever recycling ;) . I lack the imagination to compete with your fine example of a ballistic lemon bottle. The closest I have come to anything like that was to use a 20 oz soda bottle and a small yougart bottle as nosecones.
Originally posted by lessgravity

Have any of you attempted any garbage or floundered parts builds? ...or am I just a looney :)

Have never tried this, but think I will now... :)

For some reason, I've never "seen" a shuttle type vehicle in a lemon cleaner bottle... but *now* I will never see anything else LOL

This is a *wonderful*, perfect, satisfying example of imagination at work. This is an example of why I will never tire of model rocketry :)

Hey, if you can make a cleanser bottle look like a lifting body and I can make a coffee cup look like a flying saucer there is clearly no end in sight! LOL

keep up the good work!

But to answer your question "...or am I just a looney"

Yes you are. (thank goodness!)

(we need more loonies :) )
Originally posted by lessgravity
Ok...Everywhere I look I see rockets.
When the BAR bug bit ...it bit hard. On one of my first BAR builds I was challenged by my daughter to build a rocket from items in the garbage. I found the challenge to be entertaining. Water bottles, cosmetics, and of course a huge amount of food items all contain wonderful streamline designs that scream at the scratch designer in me. Don't get me wrong...I still love kits. Especially Fliskits and Semroc because of their excellent quality.
I really enjoyed the "floundered parts" contest over at EMRR.
After completing my Quest M2Q2 Lifting body rocket last week I was seeing lifting bodies in my garbage. Thus the birth of the "Lemony Lifting Body" .
Have any of you attempted any garbage or floundered parts builds? ...or am I just a looney :)

I really liked the Tampaxroc! I guess I'll have to check out EMRR more often.
Originally posted by lessgravity

I really enjoyed the "floundered parts" contest over at EMRR.
After completing my Quest M2Q2 Lifting body rocket last week I was seeing lifting bodies in my garbage. Thus the birth of the "Lemony Lifting Body" .
Have any of you attempted any garbage or floundered parts builds? ...or am I just a looney :)

That's cool!

I like to build from flounder parts too, here's "Segmentation Fault Orange". It was meant to be two "lifting bodies" back to back, each on a D motor. The ejection charges were each ducted into the other lifting body to give two chances of seperation. It wasn't one of my prouder moments:

However, I did win Descon 7 with a flounder parts design ;)
So how well did the Lemony Lifting Body fly? Does it glide back or parachute?
(You're thinking like me now...)
First Flight Report

Flew Lemony Lifting Body today for the first time. I wasn't really too worried about stability -- tested it thorougly before launching but I've had a scratch garbage build go wrong in the past so there is always that heightened sense of anticipation. I wasn't really sure what the best fit for the engine would be. So today I flew her with different engines to determine in reality how she would fly. Starting with lower power first. I flew her on an A8-3, B6-4, and finally C6-3.

A8-3 - a little too under powered but she flew straight and true. Engine blew out the back at ejection failing to eject nose (wading to tighly packed) but because of her shape she did a little half fall/glide and landed in one piece. I had originally wanted to act like a true lifting body but the weight made me go the direction of the chute kinda like my Quest M2Q2 Lifting body rocket.

B6-4 - Delay a little long but nicer flight. Cut back on the wading and chute deployed as planned- nice soft landing.

C6-3 - This was the perfect engine. Great flight.

A friend took pictures and I will post as soon as I can get them.

I'm looking in the garbage today. My plans are to build a true lifting body.

Loved the idea of the "Segmentation Fault Orange" hokkyokusei. Keep using floundered parts
check out this link to a German 40's paper on rocket bombers...pg 59 looks vaugely familiar:eek:


other parts of this paper are pretty disturbing--knowing now what was in planning back then...and to know how close they came to achieving their goals...