LDRS 30 September 1-6, 2011

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Having a hard time selling a road trip to LDRS to the wife. Can anyone offer any assistance/advice? To me, a 20hr drive through the heart of america sounds pretty cool. To her, with my 6yr old, it sounds like a nightmare. She supports my hobby but isn't sold on the idea of a family rocket vacation to Argonia. Perhaps there is some sort of organized activity put on by rocket wives that would be of interest to her?? Grasping at straws here...
Having a hard time selling a road trip to LDRS to the wife. Can anyone offer any assistance/advice? To me, a 20hr drive through the heart of america sounds pretty cool. To her, with my 6yr old, it sounds like a nightmare. She supports my hobby but isn't sold on the idea of a family rocket vacation to Argonia. Perhaps there is some sort of organized activity put on by rocket wives that would be of interest to her?? Grasping at straws here...


I have one! This coming LDRS, the Kloudbusters have arraigned for the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson to open its doors for an exclusive tour/viewing of their facility on Friday evening (Sept. 2nd). For those of you who do not know about the Cosmosphere here is the website: https://www.cosmo.org

Sell the idea as an educational experience for your family. The Cosmosphere has the largest collection of Russian space artifacts to be found anywhere outside of Russia! The place is incredible! If you have an interest in space exploration, the Cosmoshere is a must see!

More details will be available when our website goes live here in a few days: www.ldrs30.org

Bob Brown
Launch Director, LDRS30
Having a hard time selling a road trip to LDRS to the wife. Can anyone offer any assistance/advice? To me, a 20hr drive through the heart of america sounds pretty cool. To her, with my 6yr old, it sounds like a nightmare. She supports my hobby but isn't sold on the idea of a family rocket vacation to Argonia. Perhaps there is some sort of organized activity put on by rocket wives that would be of interest to her?? Grasping at straws here...

I feel your pain... I cannot even think of suggesting such a thing until I book our trip to some island resort for our 25th annivesary... and even then...

Leave her home.:y:

Hahaha... or that...
Having a hard time selling a road trip to LDRS to the wife. Can anyone offer any assistance/advice?

Is she a "Wizard of Oz" fan? Tell her you will be following the yellow brick road or something.

Apparently, Kansas has a number of tourist type things to see, I know my wife is quite looking forward to things such as the "Museum of World Treasures" and the "Sedgwick County Zoo" to name a couple.

I can also vouch for the quality of the displays at the Cosmosphere in Hutchison...... awesome stuff!

I would love to do a 20 hour road trip across the USA ......."Travel broadens your horizons!"
Fortunately for me, my wife isn't big on the Island Vacation thing.

Which direction are you coming from? Lots of places along the way to stop and see some things!

Having a hard time selling a road trip to LDRS to the wife. Can anyone offer any assistance/advice? To me, a 20hr drive through the heart of america sounds pretty cool. To her, with my 6yr old, it sounds like a nightmare. She supports my hobby but isn't sold on the idea of a family rocket vacation to Argonia. Perhaps there is some sort of organized activity put on by rocket wives that would be of interest to her?? Grasping at straws here...

Boy, I got it good, its only 3 hours for me and she gives the "im done" look and the car is packed and home with our 5yearlod.. usually sleeps about 2 hours there and back...

I sold my wife on a two weeker this year... i google earthed a lot of really pretty places like lake tahoe, sanfransisco bay... (shark diving)... alll to end up with couple days for XPRS... (you may google earth to find some stuff to break up your drive) look at the photos on your route to see what is there... so as Troj said : what is your route.. 20hours is a lot more than most kids want to deal with... I am thinking about 4 hours a day is the most i could do while its awake time, laptop games and movies and he is ready to burst at the seams.. and alternating drivers at night when the kiddo sleeps....
so... you could make about 12 to 16 hours a day... reletively easy if kiddo can sleep well...
in my experience when the kids get stressed their crazy level goes up... when the crazy level goes up, mom gets stressed... by going at the child pace... moms are happy...

THe uhmmm "island resort" thing works too... i am negotiating a dive trip for an N3800 right now..... i think i am loosing.... :) but i guess we both win really!
Has the launch organizing committee decided on which days will be EX? Putting in for vacation days....
Has the launch organizing committee decided on which days will be EX? Putting in for vacation days....

At all of the LDRSs that I've been to (25, 26, 28, 29), it's the final two days. Typically, EX day one has MUCH more activity than EX day two (which is kind of an event wrap up day, and everyone's pretty tired by then).
At all of the LDRSs that I've been to (25, 26, 28, 29), it's the final two days. Typically, EX day one has MUCH more activity than EX day two (which is kind of an event wrap up day, and everyone's pretty tired by then).


You didnt goto 27?

EX has been formalized, but I dont wan't to interject what i dont know...
Has the launch organizing committee decided on which days will be EX? Putting in for vacation days....

LDRS 30 will have three days of research flying and three days of commercial flying!

Thursday (Sept.1), Monday (Sept.5), and Tuesday (Sept.6) will be operated under Tripoli's Research rules. Basically, any Tripoli member over 18 may fly rockets to their certification level. Tripoli Level 2 and 3 members may fly research motors to their certification level.

I'm sure the question will come up, why three days of research flying? The answer is really two fold. One, Tripoli research activities have been increasing year to year. This extra day gives the research flyers a chance at perhaps a different weather pattern. The weather can change significantly from day to day in Kansas in the fall and this will allow the research flyers a choice.

The second reason I'll admit is relatively selfish! The fact of the matter is that most of the senior Kloudbuster members are active research flyers. Historically, Thursday's at LDRS have been slower than the other days. By making Thursday a research day, many of the launch organizers will actually get to fly a rocket or two at LDRS. We spend so much time making certain that things go well all of the other days that there isn't much time to fly and recover.

Bob Brown
Launch Director, LDRS 30
BBrown said:
The second reason I'll admit is relatively selfish! The fact of the matter is that most of the senior Kloudbuster members are active research flyers. Historically, Thursday's at LDRS have been slower than the other days. By making Thursday a research day, many of the launch organizers will actually get to fly a rocket or two at LDRS. We spend so much time making certain that things go well all of the other days that there isn't much time to fly and recover.

Hmmmm... I think we need to find a way for the KLOUDBusters to fly on Saturday, too.

Does noon work for you?

You didnt goto 27?

Nope. It was over labor day weekend (just like 30 will be), and the timing worked out poorly with my college schedule at the time. I'm about 95% sure that my schedule next year will allow for me to actually make it to LDRS 30 though, despite the fact that it's after school has already started.
Nope. It was over labor day weekend (just like 30 will be), and the timing worked out poorly with my college schedule at the time. I'm about 95% sure that my schedule next year will allow for me to actually make it to LDRS 30 though, despite the fact that it's after school has already started.

Good luck! maybe you can make it to the best weekend to fly in Argonia! you should start a national AE event. ARGONIA DITCH DAY...week...over laborday weekend...

There are times on laborday weekends af14 ldrs27, (i mist af15) even this year at AF16 that the weather is more than you could ever ask for or believe would occur in such a non obstructed area on earth. (even though af16 suffered the wierdest weather) I am sure people say that about black rock too.. but Argonia is not the surface of the moon to the extent i hear blackrock is... So even though people say nothing compares (like anny lenox) to black rock, i think Argonia might...(maybe not a 100k waiver, but i cant see or hear that far)
LDRS 30 will have three days of research flying and three days of commercial flying!

When is all of this going to be on the web page? It's currently just a static page announcing the date. :eek:
(maybe not a 100k waiver, but i cant see or hear that far)

glasses and hearing aids? hehe, but another difference is that if something explodes on the playa of blackrock, or comes in on landing and explodes(how?) then there won't be any way for it to start a fire :p
There are times on laborday weekends af14 ldrs27, (i mist af15) even this year at AF16 that the weather is more than you could ever ask for or believe would occur in such a non obstructed area on earth. (even though af16 suffered the wierdest weather) I am sure people say that about black rock too.. but Argonia is not the surface of the moon to the extent i hear blackrock is... So even though people say nothing compares (like anny lenox) to black rock, i think Argonia might...(maybe not a 100k waiver, but i cant see or hear that far)

Believe me, I've been to Argonia - I've been to AirFest twice (the most recent one and when Kevin crashed the Delta - I can't remember which year that was). It's an excellent site, though honestly, about the same as the local club (35k waiver, nothing at all to hit).

I'll definitely make it if I can, and my schedule next year should be a little more empty than it was for LDRS 27.
Thanks for the info Mr. Bob! I don't have any complaints but just trying to maximize my time there. I don't know if I'll be able to stay (or afford the motors for) all six days but I did want to make sure I hit at least one ex day. Plus it gives me a clear idea about lining up some swank digs. :cheers:
My son and I saw the airing of the LDRS 29 show on the Discover Channel (I think?) and it got my son's attention as well as mine. I haven't built any rockets for about 20 years but now seems like as good as time as any to get back into the hobby.

We looked up LDRS 30 and realized it's only one state away this year - in Kansas (we're in Nebraska). So, with that said, we'd like to make the trip this year and participate. Where can I find the rules, regulations, etc. for the event? I've looked on the LDRS (29, 30, etc.) sites but haven't found much in the way of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

--- Thanks, Jeff
We looked up LDRS 30 and realized it's only one state away this year - in Kansas (we're in Nebraska). So, with that said, we'd like to make the trip this year and participate. Where can I find the rules, regulations, etc. for the event? I've looked on the LDRS (29, 30, etc.) sites but haven't found much in the way of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The LDRS 30 website, with all the particulars, will be ready soon. I'm sure an announcement will be posted here.

That said....where in Nebraska are you located? I'm in the Omaha area (Bellevue), and am involved with the local club. If you or your son are interested, we'd be more than happy to show you some of what we do, as well as what to expect in Argonia.

That said....where in Nebraska are you located? I'm in the Omaha area (Bellevue), and am involved with the local club. If you or your son are interested, we'd be more than happy to show you some of what we do, as well as what to expect in Argonia.

Kevin, we also happen to be in Bellevue (small world!). I didn't even realize there was a local club but I'm happy to hear that there is. I'd be very interested in finding out more. Is there a web site for the club?

--- Thanks, Jeff
I didn't even realize there was a local club but I'm happy to hear that there is. I'd be very interested in finding out more. Is there a web site for the club?

Indeed there is! We meet the first Tuesday of the month at the LaVista Community Center. Our website is https://www.nerocketry.org

I'll send you a private message with some additional info and questions.

Hopefully a darkstar mini I243???

This is still in negotiation tho.. I am loosing...

I was going to say a regular darkstar on a loki I316. I think you'd beat me off the pad with that tiny thing.

Maybe your I and I can hunt down a J? :D

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I was going to say a regular darkstar on a loki I316. I think you'd beat me off the pad with that tiny thing.

Maybe your I and I can hunt down a J? :D


that sounds like a good matchup, my son will race you with his 54mm darkstar dd.
what case and nozzle is that? the smallest loki i have is 38/740

My son, last time he challenged a drag racer (hes 5) the guy said yes... he look at him in a normal as can be voice said.. "you better ask somebody..." "maybe you should ask your mom.."
I lost it... my 5 yearold is way awesome at pad trash talk..
Hopefully a darkstar mini I243???

This is still in negotiation tho.. I am loosing...

You can always drag race your mini with the rest of us. Bob agreed to a mini darkstar/ mini wildman drag race on saturdays using CTI g106 skids. currently those who have agreed to race are
Me (of course)
another fella from Thor
Troj(whether he wants to or not)
my oldest son
Tim Lehr has agreed
Crazy Jim Hendrickson has agreed
Daryl Hankes(Tim assures me he will)
And another of Tims friends

That makes 8 and Bob said we can fill the 60 and 70 pads.
If we get more than will fit on the pads we may have to do more than one heat.

If you want to race bring your mini.

You can always drag race your mini with the rest of us. Bob agreed to a mini darkstar/ mini wildman drag race on saturdays using CTI g106 skids. currently those who have agreed to race are
Me (of course)
another fella from Thor
Troj(whether he wants to or not)
my oldest son
Tim Lehr has agreed
Crazy Jim Hendrickson has agreed
Daryl Hankes(Tim assures me he will)
And another of Tims friends

That makes 8 and Bob said we can fill the 60 and 70 pads.
If we get more than will fit on the pads we may have to do more than one heat.

If you want to race bring your mini.


I'll join in...