Lansbergen Ii made 2 great flights.

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2003
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After launching a few small rockets to check out the wind ( there
wasn't any, not worth mentioning anyway ) I thought it was time to
launch Lansbergen II.

First with a C11, then a D12.
I knew I should be able to see a different launch; faster ascent, higher
altitude and more stable flight.
With both engines this improved rocket did all that !
Since this one is about 30 percent lighter (!!) than its predecessor,
even the C11 made this rocket perform beyond expectations. I never
suspected a C11 could bring a rocket this high ! ;-)
And then it was time to put in a D12........... Scary moment. With a loud
hiss and huge smoke column I could see Lansbergen II dissappear
almost out of sight.
Even more pleasing was to see the chute deploy.....|-) I did decide to use
the small chute and that was no problem at all. With all that
rain and sunshine we had the last few weeks, the grass had grown
almost 2 feet high.
All rockets that I launched today, had a perfect launch and landing.
Even the one that landed on an asfalt road ! Fast descent but NO damage !

There was one launch and landing I will probably not improve or even
copy : the first launch of LB II.
Since there was almost no wind, I could launch the rocket at a 2 or 3
degree angle.
It landed less than 7 feet away from the launch pad !!!! I took a picture
the moment it touched the grass.
You can still see the smoke around the launchpad because there was no
wind to blow it away.
Maaaannnn........... I wish you guys (and galls) could have been
there. What a launch.
What a landing. The second launch went a lot higher (D12) so here
I did have to walk a bit. A friend went to pick up the rocket so I could
take a picture of him as he came back with the rocket.

He too was immediately impressed and addicted to rocketry.....|-)
He never suspected that an A3-4T could fly so high..... He found the
C and D engines VERY impressive.

I am making other rockets I have made before, only lighter and more
stable. These should fly better then their twin brothers.

Another first-timer for me was the use of a streamer. Fast descent but
because of the tall grass there was no damage. For some strange
reason my streamer was more and more damaged (burnt) after each
launch. I did however use enough cotton wadding. I'll have to figure out a
way to protect the streamer.
More wadding, maybe ?



Here is an example of 3 successful flights.
On the left you can see the Eclipse II, coming down on a streamer.
In the middle it's Lansbergen II way up there, accompanied by a piece
of cotton wadding. You can clearly see here that the chute is
small compared to the size of the rocket.
On the right another good flight of a rocket which has never let me
down so far.
Flies on many different engines, always flies well.

I could not take pictures of the other rockets, because the launch
battery gave up and
I had to use the battery of my digital camera.... ;-)


p.s. I must admit..... I used a B6-4 for the white rocket (on the right)
and indeed....a fast and high flight. This time it seemed to perform
better than a B4-4; the reverse of what I saw, a week ago. But this
time I launched the rocket almost straight up, the B4-4 was launched
at about 15 degrees. Maybe that could be of any influence .. ??
It landed less than 7 feet away from the launch pad !!!! I took a picture

thats impressive! good job with Lansbergen II
I look forward to seeing what you will create for Lansbergen III !

Lansbergen III ?

Please.... don't tempt fate...........;-)

I'm very happy number 2 has made 3 good flights, so far. As soon as
this one is starting to show wear I might think about a successor. Until
then, I hope to see a few more nice flights of the current version. I still
have a few C11 and D12 engines left.
This one flies very well and it's always impressive to see and hear these
big engines fire ! ;-)


p.s. LB 1 and 2 need a worthy successor. Before I build one, I first need
to find a nice design.

Good job on the flights of the Lansbergen-II. Thanks for sharing the pics...

Hi Erik,

I see you are from the Netherlands...

... do you already know ??

Jan-Hein has some really nice and inexpensive LPR/MPR Kits, and motors as well.

mfg Roman
Hello Roman,

Judging by their prices I think they want to get rich, fast !
They are by FAR the most expensive site I've ever seen........

A 3-pack of C6-5 engines for almost 15 euros ???? That's
DOUBLE the price from any other website.

They sell nice items, indeed, but at a price...

For the time being, I'll stick to, and
Starchaser.... ! ;-)
( )


p.s. Opitec sells A, B and C engines per 10. They cost 9, 12 and
14 euros and they charge NO extra or special delivery cost !!!
10 igniters for only 6,60 euros. Complete rocket kits for
2,- and 3,39 euros ( VAT incl)
This is the website for me !!! ;-) ;-)
Balsa wood boards (10x50cm) for 80 or 90 cents.... It's almost for free....