Lakeroadster's X-Wing Alpha Build Thread

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[yoda voice]A perimeter around the launch pad make, hmm?[/yoda voice]
[yoda voice]A perimeter around the launch pad make, hmm?[/yoda voice]
Last launch we did there my Cygnus Probe Ship Ground hit maybe 30 yards from the pad. We walked over to it, the end of the body tube was on fire, and the Kevlar chord was burning, and there was a small grass fire. I easily stomped out the fire and then dumped a couple gallons of water on the grassy area that
was affected.

The rocket flew on a F42T-4. The chute deployed pretty much a fraction of a second before ground hit.

But if it had landed 60 yards away, and if we had difficulty in finding it.... then?

It's not worth the risk. Discretion is the better part of valor, or something like that.

2022-07-26 Cygnus Probe Ship 2nd Launch 003 Ground Hit.JPG003.JPG
Last launch we did there my Cygnus Probe Ship Ground hit maybe 30 yards from the pad. We walked over to it, the end of the body tube was on fire, and the Kevlar chord was burning, and there was a small grass fire. I easily stomped out the fire and then dumped a couple gallons of water on the grassy area that
was affected.

The rocket flew on a F42T-4. The chute deployed pretty much a fraction of a second before ground hit.

But if it had landed 60 yards away, and if we had difficulty in finding it.... then?

It's not worth the risk. Discretion is the better part of valor, or something like that.

View attachment 533095View attachment 533096
good point, and with a booster and sustainer possibly igniting two separate grass fires, yeah, a bit risky situation. Would need to be a pretty large perimeter.

mostly I was making a joke to paraphrase a scene from Attack of the Clones when General Yoda rescues the surviving Jedi on Geonosis.

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good point, and with a booster and sustainer possibly igniting two separate grass fires, yeah, a bit risky situation. Would need to be a pretty large perimeter.

mostly I was making a joke to paraphrase a scene from Attack of the Clones when General Joda rescues the surviving Jedi on Geonosis.

I haven't really caught up on all the sequels... it'll happen if they ever make it to Roku / Hulu.

Thanks for the comments, all are welcomed.
I'll say; you appear to be twenty years behind. Of course, there's no rule saying this has to be a priority; to each his own.
Well, if we're being timekeepers, technically we are all years behind.. except for Marty, Doc and the fella running the controls in The Time Machine.

A long time ago.jpg
And they're on their way....

There's always that discount video box in the middle of the aisle at Walmart...
Buy up all the PHYSICAL CONTENT you can before everything disappears under the IP rights of digital streaming. You will have to pry my original Original Trilogy VHS tapes out of my cold, dead hands. HAN SHOT FIST!
Launch Report, Photos and Video

Launch Report: X-Wing Tie Fighter Dog Fight

Date: 2024-05-30​
This is a two-stage rocket. The Tie Fighter has a D12-0, The X-Wing has a C6-5.​
On Site Preparations​
For wadding I used some streamer material.​
For a parachute I used my 12” home made Mylar chute.​
An Estes standard starter was installed and taped into place.​
The rocket was slid onto the 5/16" launch rod and the controller wires were attached to the igniter leads.​
Wind was out of the East and was about 4 mph at the most.​
John stated the sky was clear - launch site was clear and did the countdown: 5-4-3-2-1. Teresa pushed the button on the launch controller.​
The D12-0 motor ignited and the rocket leaped off the pad. It flew stable upward to an altitude of about 50 feet where it made a sharp left turn toward the East. The rocket then gap staged, the Tie Fighter dropped, 60 feet from the launch horse, and the X-Wing took off on a westward path, pointed in a slightly downward angle.​

The X-Wing dove into the earth at full speed, 92 feet from the launch horse, where the motor delay burned and the ejection charge fired. This caused a small grass fire, which John put out.​
Condition of rocket after the flight​
The X-Wing’s 2 lower wings were ripped off the fuselage and the front of the fuselage was burned beyond recognition.​
The Tie Fighter’s one vertical panel was ripped from its support.​
The rockets stability was -0.126 calibers. With the base drag hack it was 0.497 calibers.​
A string swing test was performed and the rocket passed that test.​
This rocket, in the 2 stage configuration, was not stable.​
What I learned​
This was a spectacular flight. The site was clear and no observers were present.​
Don’t push the calculated stability calibers on an odd roc to such extents.​
Don’t put so much confidence in the swing test. It's good, but it's not a guarantee.​

X-Wing Tie 0000.JPG X-Wing Tie 003.jpgX-Wing Tie 003A.jpg X-Wing Tie 004.jpgX-Wing Tie 005.jpg X-Wing Tie 006.jpg X-Wing Tie 007.jpg X-Wing Tie 008.jpgX-Wing Tie 009.jpg X-Wing Tie 010.jpg X-Wing Tie 011.jpg X-Wing Tie 013.jpgX-Wing Tie 014.jpg 2024-05-30 Garmin Track of Ground Hit Locations.jpg
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Oh the slings and arrows of staged flight. I sooooo wish the D12 0 was more powerful. Weight and drag are killers on CHAD staged flights that have to remain going straight until full second stage thrust kicks in. Just a little tilt and off to the races you go.

At least it staged! No grievous bodily injury. Repairable. An oddroc success! :)
No grievous bodily injury. Repairable. An oddroc success!

And so the repairs begin... I mean I have to rebuild this, it's my 1st rocket as a bar and it's a great little flyer.

X-Wing Tie 011.jpg001.JPG 001a.JPG 003.JPG 004.JPG

The Tie Fighter fared much better. Chalk that up to "The power of "The Dark Side". The two ground hit sites were about 136 feet apart.

X-Wing Tie 012.jpgX-Wing Tie 013.jpg X-Wing Tie 014.jpg
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