How to survive a fall from 35,000 feet...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2012
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I stumbled across this by accident and found it very entertaining.

What I found interesting was that they did not suggest fast moving forthing water... While still water can be a bad idea as they pointed out in the article.. Wouldn't forthing water be an exception? The water will not be as dense due to the bubbles and it should give you some cushion effect similar to foam. Now granted you'd like drowned after impact but you'd survive the impact!

For those scared of high places.. I can assure you with 100% certianty so long as you fall from at least 2.5 stories you will not remember any of it. When I was 17 I was snow skiing and had been goig off of a 20 foot long table top that was about 15 feet tall. Long story short some people got in the way when I was shooting down to the jump. I couldn't slow down before the lip and over shot the landing by 30-45 feet.. I went about 2.5-3 stories in the air and landed face first on flat groomed snow. I do not remember any of it (or most of that day). All I do remember was waking up in the ski patrols arms heaving blood out of my lungs then passing back out. I then woke up in the ambulance strapped down.. Those braces are VERY uncomfortable especially for a few hours. I then woke up in the ER with a horrible headache.. Lost most of the skin on one side of my face (can't remember if it was the right or left). I bit my lower lip in half and broke my nose. Walked out of the ER about 10-11 hours later with a stern warning to not bump my head.. That my brain was swollen and another concusion even just mild would/could kill me. But as I said I don't remember going off the jump or what I was doing before.. I don't remember what was going through my mind as I headed for a face plant. By the time I was aware of what was going on all I could feel was a headache. The only reason I know what happened was because friends told me that's what happened. Yes I learned my lesson and yes I wear a helmet now.. But the point is you have no reason to fear high places if you fall you won't remember it anyways.
if you fall from 35,0001 the first 35,000 are no problem,, just saying,,

Over a year ago I fell 15ft or so while doing storm restoration, (ladder took off down the strand, one hook disengaged and the ladder flipped me off, the worst part was it was while coming down, so I had safety off, so I had 20lbs or so of tools and safety equipment pulling my down, yea that SUCKED.
