How to make parachute ejection work

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Jan 17, 2023
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Jestem nowym w HPR i chcę wiedzieć kilka rzeczy, zanim zmarnuję pieniądze lub rozbiję rakietę.
Moje pytania to:
- Jak sprawić, by wyrzut spadochronu działał na dużych wysokościach, gdzie panuje prawie próżnia?
- Jak obliczyć dyszę i rozmiar dzwonka dla silnika rakietowego?
- Czy moduł GPS, który będzie działał do 100 km?
- Jaki procent nadchloranu amonu, proszku aluminiowego i jakiego spoiwa powinienem użyć
-Jaki moduł transmisji danych powinienem zastosować do dalekiego zasięgu.

Mam nadzieję, że ktoś z was, konstruktorzy rakiet dużej mocy, może odpowiedzieć na moje pytania.
Have a nice day!
Translate Polish to English and you get :

I'm new to HPR and want to know a few things before I waste money or crash a rocket.
My questions are:
- How do you make the parachute launch work at high altitudes where there is almost a vacuum?
- How to calculate the nozzle and ring size for a rocket engine?
- Is there a GPS module that will work up to 100 km?
- What percentage of ammonium perchlorate, aluminum powder and what binder should I use
-What data transmission module should I use for long range.

I hope one of you high power rocket builders can answer my questions.
Expand your learning in smaller steps than from 100 m to 100 km as a single step.
You won’t get helpful responses to your questions. Your post is comparable to a post on a competitive cycling forum, if there is such a thing, asking, ”Before I spend a lot of money on a high end road bike, how do I win a stage at the Tour de France?” Only a handful of people have successfully flown to over 100km, and they aren’t going to respond to your post. Your questions on propellant violate forum rules outside of the restricted area, and since you are likely not a U.S. person, you won’t get permission to get to that part of the forum.

Consistent with the above, here’s some rather unhelpful information. Getting the parachute to come out at high altitude is trivial compared to the rest of the challenges. The only easy answer to your post is tracking. At that altitude, everyone uses Kate 3.

As suggested, if you want to fly a rocket to the altitudes you’re looking at, get a lot of experience at 1km first.
This is obviously trolling. Let's NOT get 5 pages of viewpoints, in a day, on how to learn and move up through the ranks, only to have the thread locked in a few days with no more posts from the original poster (OP).

[ My apologies to the OP if this is serious. In that case please be active in the discussion. ]
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Nie uzyskasz pomocnych odpowiedzi na swoje pytania. Twój post jest porównywalny z postem na forum kolarstwa wyczynowego, jeśli takie istnieje, z pytaniem: „Zanim wydam dużo pieniędzy na wysokiej klasy rower szosowy, jak mogę wygrać etap w Tour de France?” Tylko garstce osób udało się przelecieć ponad 100 km i nie zamierzają odpowiadać na Twój post. Twoje pytania dotyczące paliwa naruszają zasady forum poza obszarem zastrzeżonym, a ponieważ prawdopodobnie nie jesteś obywatelem USA, nie uzyskasz pozwolenia na dostęp do tej części forum.

Zgodnie z powyższym, oto kilka raczej niepomocnych informacji. Uruchomienie spadochronu na dużej wysokości jest trywialne w porównaniu z resztą wyzwań. Jedyną łatwą odpowiedzią na Twój post jest śledzenie. Na tej wysokości wszyscy używają Kate 3.

Zgodnie z sugestią, jeśli chcesz polecieć rakietą na wysokość, na którą patrzysz, najpierw zdobądź dużo doświadczenia na 1 km.
Poszerzaj swoją naukę w mniejszych krokach niż od 100 m do 100 km w jednym kroku
I know, that 100km Is wayyy to high. I'm trying to make 1km altitude rocket. I need good dps for stratospheric balloon.
I know, that 100km Is wayyy to high. I'm trying to make 1km altitude rocket. I need good dps for stratospheric balloon.
The way to start is with whatever kit you can find at a local shop, coupled with whatever motor you can find at a local shop. There do not appear to be any Tripoli prefectures anywhere near you, so the place to start asking would probably be
I know, that 100km Is wayyy to high. I'm trying to make 1km altitude rocket. I need good dps for stratospheric balloon.
1st, Rockets and Balloons are very different flight profiles. So the equipment and processes for a lot of the flight are not the same. The idea for rockets, is relatively straight up, and straight down with minimum drift, and it happens quickly. Ballooning on the other hand is slow moving flights of long duration covering long distances.

- GPS systems for rockets are line-of-sight, they have a radio link from the rocket to the ground station. (Works well in the air, and on the way down, within a local area.) A balloon can use this for the release, and early stages of the flight. But later in time it will be too far down range to send data back. Also, descending a long way down range the line-of-sight link will be lost while there is still significant altitude. In that case the landing location could be a long way from the last data package received. It needs a "Cell Phone" based GPS system that can use the the phone networks to get data about landing location back to you, as it nears the ground and after landing.

- Parachute ejection at high altitude is done with servo releases, or Compressed air (CO2) cartridges, etc.

- DO NOT START OUT, TRYING TO MAKE YOUR OWN MOTORS. If you do want to do this. You need to find a local mentor to help you. We can not talk about formulas, processes, or design calculations on this section of the The Rockery Forum. ( Sorry it's the rules.)

- This altitude is easily reached with commercial rocket kits, and motors, and usually does not require GPS tracking. The Commercial motors use a built in ejection charge to delpoy the parachute.

I hope this helps, please be as specific as possible, with your information and questions... the language translation can make this type of conversation confusing at times.

Thank you very much!!!!
I used before rockets with built in ejection charge (E class), but i want to learn electronical parachute ejection. I've purchased magnetometer for it, also im pretty sad, because there are raspberry pi zero all sold in my country, or at astonishing prices. I don't really need gps at 100km, but I just wanted to know if that gps exists, and how in space is parachute ejected, because of my curiosity about how does it work. The throttle size calculation is important for efficiency, that is why I asked about it. Again thank you for answering my questions!
Have a clear skies!

My mentor is actually a guy who send rocket to space, by using AP CP propellant, but sadly for him second stage parachute didn't work, and it crashed. He used phone for gps.
1st, Rockets and Balloons are very different flight profiles. So the equipment and processes for a lot of the flight are not the same. The idea for rockets, is relatively straight up, and straight down with minimum drift, and it happens quickly. Ballooning on the other hand is slow moving flights of long duration covering long distances.

- GPS systems for rockets are line-of-sight, they have a radio link from the rocket to the ground station. (Works well in the air, and on the way down, within a local area.) A balloon can use this for the release, and early stages of the flight. But later in time it will be too far down range to send data back. Also, descending a long way down range the line-of-sight link will be lost while there is still significant altitude. In that case the landing location could be a long way from the last data package received. It needs a "Cell Phone" based GPS system that can use the the phone networks to get data about landing location back to you, as it nears the ground and after landing.

- Parachute ejection at high altitude is done with servo releases, or Compressed air (CO2) cartridges, etc.

- DO NOT START OUT, TRYING TO MAKE YOUR OWN MOTORS. If you do want to do this. You need to find a local mentor to help you. We can not talk about formulas, processes, or design calculations on this section of the The Rockery Forum. ( Sorry it's the rules.)

- This altitude is easily reached with commercial rocket kits, and motors, and usually does not require GPS tracking. The Commercial motors use a built in ejection charge to delpoy the parachute.

I hope this helps, please be as specific as possible, with your information and questions... the language translation can make this type of conversation confusing at times.


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