A few things I learned from my dad who did body work his entire life, back in the days of spraying laqueor with no masks, I grew up keeping the floor wet while he painted.
1-the fiinish is directly affected by the prep!
2-the finish is directly affected by the humidity,and air temp
3-speed painting is the best way to ruin a finish
How I've overcome a few things,
- I use a cardboard dryer box as a make shift spray booth, it works great, a big opening and a square hole in the back with A fan pulling air out of the box (not to close you want air flow not a wind tunnel
- I use an old school heat lamps to increase the temp of the box, I spray then move lamp into the big end to being the temp back up.
- I rotate the rocket the entire time to get temp even on whole rocket.
- I always spray a base coat of white!! It allows you to see the imperfections where as the primer sometimes hides the imperfections, I'll fix what needs to be fixed and re base coat until it's what I want.
- I soak the rattle can in the hottest tap water I can get and that helps the paint as well as the psi of the rattle can.
- I will sand with 400 grit, and 600 grit then 1000 grit and then clear coat the rocket, the clear coat is the real bitch, it does NOT behave like paint!! Add 6 inches of distance from your paint vs clear, the clear will run like you can't imagine, many light coats 5 minutes apart usually works (and keep rotating the rocket)
Remember, your prep is MORE important than your final coat.