Forum Games - Word Association (for ALL TRF'rs)

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(Seriously--Protect yourself when you're out there having -fun in the sun- lauching rockets. If there was a SPF 10000 I'd buy it)
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mach7 said: "Despicable."

I said: "43."

I could have added "...and 37."

Not exactly a profound statement, but hey, it's only a word game.

mach7 said: "Despicable."

I said: "43."

I could have added "...and 37."

Not exactly a profound statement, but hey, it's only a word game.
was sorry I didn’t see it in time last night to reply to 43. But since 43 has been mentioned again, then here’s my response to 43:

Richard Petty (number of the car he drove)


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mach7 said: "Despicable."

I said: "43."

Later, I said: "I could have added '... and 37.' "

43 and 37 (see attachments). (Geez, I was sure that most forum members would get the references...)

OK, let's move on.



mach7 said: "Despicable."

I said: "43."

Later, I said: "I could have added '... and 37.' "

43 and 37 (see attachments). (Geez, I was sure that most forum members would get the references...)

OK, let's move on.
Well, actually I’m glad that this thread has tended not to drag in politics, and that last fall TRF avoided becoming the politically poisoned cesspool that I saw crop up in other places.

After all, my first thought on seeing the word “despicable” was a certain person in rocketry who shall not be named. And since I already made one reference to him before (no name), I figured not to do it again.

And for sure when I saw 43... I thought of the #43 I’d known of since I was a kid (and whom I used to live only about 20-30 miles away from).

“Moving on...”

Atlas Van Lines
Well, I certainly didn't intend it to convey any kind of political message - I was making a wisecrack, nothing more. But because everyone seemed to be really puzzled by it, I felt that I had to explain it. I thought that it might evoke a smile or a brief chuckle, and then be quickly forgotten as the thread forged ahead.

Speaking of which...

Heavy hauler.
