Favorite Song

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Sep 29, 2011
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Howard, NY
When asked "What's your favorite song" almost everyone will answer "Oh, I can't just pick one" and/or "I'd have to give a different answer on a different day." But now I say, fine, you can't just pick one, but pick just one anyway; OK, it'll be different tomorrow, but just pick one today. YouTube links welcome.

This song directly led to one of the most idiotic/ridiculous/surreal few hours (and story) of my life. Short version includes coming the closest I have ever been to being arrested along with 8 other people, four of whom were in tuxedos, and one of which has since won a Nobel prize...smart people acting REALLY dumb!
Here is a song that always makes me smile and gives me goosebumps. It is probably my favorite live performance caught on tape. If I could travel in time, I'd catch this set at Wacken.

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With the caveat of there's no way there can be only one, it is possible to narrow it down to perhaps ten or so that have consistently enough been "my favourite" over the years.
We'll do with this now:

okay it's been a few days, so I can post something different now.

So many, but again and again I return to Skellig. I’m a bit of a loner, so I guess I can relate.

When I saw this post, but before playing the Loreena McKennitt piece (which is lovely), I immediately thought of this:

I have walked the steps and visited the beehive cells on Skellig Michael. It is an amazing place.

I will have to think of what my answer to the OP would be.....
When I saw this post, but before playing the Loreena McKennitt piece (which is lovely), I immediately thought of this:

I have walked the steps and visited the beehive cells on Skellig Michael. It is an amazing place.

I will have to think of what my answer to the OP would be.....

Totally jealous! It is definitely on my bucket list of places I wish to visit!
Can't post from Youtube, but no matter, because YOU ALL KNOW IT.
"All along the Watchtower" -- written by Bob Dylan, performed by Jimi Hendrix.
an epic performance and the most musically interesting song I have ever heard.
Iron Maiden
Waisted Years

First time I ever heard it was on a CD I bought to take to my first Hellfire rocket launch on the Bonneville salt flats about 14 years ago. I had never been before so I just waited on the pavement until some people came I could follow out. Around sunrise while waiting there this song came on. It's a very fond memory.
I really like a number of her songs; especially The Highway Man.
I was introduced to Loreena McKennitt when my 6th grade English teacher played The Lady of Shalott during our poetry unit.

I liked it so much and it stuck in my head so well that I tracked the song and the artist down in my adulthood, bought a bunch of her albums, and eventually went with my then-girlfriend, now-wife, to see her perform live. She is just as good live as on her recordings.
