Centuri UFO Invader 4x

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Wings receiving numerous fillets 2012-08-04 19.01.35.jpg
The Decorative Nozzle not quite fully seated. Upon completion, the end will be flush with the retainer and will be removable. DecorativeNozzle.jpg

Received the vinyl transfers from StickerShock23 a week or so ago. They look beautiful!
That's looking awesome! I still have my original from the late 70's, yet to be flown.

Are you going to do the scale "dual parachute, horizontal recovery"?

I'm seriously considering running an anchor into the lower centering ring and doing it, yes! I even scaled up the old Centuri Stand pattern, but I won't be sure if 1/4" plywood is up to the task unitl I've got a final weight.
My goodness man......I had no idea it was that BIG :eek:

I love it ,very nice job !!!

Paul T
Does anybody have a picture of the original connector (that was blow-molded as part of the nosecone)? I need that detail that was on the side of it.
I've got my original from the late 70's, early 80's. I'll try to get a few pix when I get home, unless someone beats me to it.

I don't think there's much detail on the connector. Maybe a hatch?

Yessir, now that's a rocket that puts the "Super" in SuperKit!
I've got my original from the late 70's, early 80's. I'll try to get a few pix when I get home, unless someone beats me to it.

I don't think there's much detail on the connector. Maybe a hatch?


No worries! I found a good pic on the Archive, dropped it into Paint.net and brute-forced it out of perspective so I could drop it into ACAD. Modeled it out and sent it off to ShapeWays - I should get a couple of detail bits in the mail in the next few days!
Here's the pic from Bill Eichelberger with my Shapeways output matted in:
Stickers are done.
Only a few more things to do and it's ready to fly!
Very nice! Looks like there will be quite a few upscales at Red Glare next weekend. I hope the wind behaves. Friday should be OK.
Well, it went up beautifully (Pictures by Nick DeBrita). It was the 'coming down' part that we had difficulty with...
I haven't taken any post-mortem pics yet, but there was a very polite little girl at the far left side of the Red Glare XIII flyers' area who asked if she could take a picture of the damage. If anyone can get that pic, please post it here.
Well, it went up beautifully (Pictures by Nick DeBrita). It was the 'coming down' part that we had difficulty with...
I haven't taken any post-mortem pics yet, but there was a very polite little girl at the far left side of the Red Glare XIII flyers' area who asked if she could take a picture of the damage. If anyone can get that pic, please post it here.

That is an incredible launch photo!
Crashing,coming down, can be a bitch. Sorry to see that.
Anywhoo- That sure is a beautifull bird.
you gona fixy??????
Crashing,coming down, can be a bitch. Sorry to see that.
Anywhoo- That sure is a beautifull bird.
you gona fixy??????

Fixing is already in the works. I still have 4 of those 5.25" tubes left and have started cutting for the new AVBay. The consensus is that I should've gone DualDeploy. That situation will be remedied next time.
I'd made the AVbay ridiculously huge previously - 25.5". The new AVbay is cut and fitted - a more resonable 12.5" (2" switchband + 2x5.25" shoulders)
So I never revisited this thread after the post-RG13 rebuild decision...

I did complete the rebuild and took another stab at flying at Red Glare 14 on a K1440...
(photo by Joe Zawodny)

2013-04-14 Up01.jpg2013-04-14 Up02.jpg
2013-04-14 Up03.jpg2013-04-14 Up04.jpg
(photos by Nick DeBrita)

2013-04-14 Coming Down.jpg
(photo by Joe Zawodny)

You can see where the nozzle cracked. The motor also scorched the case. Ken at Performance Hobbies took care of a replacement for me. However, neither was the issue that let to its demise. I'd apparently grabbed the wrong ignitors for the ejection charges. Neither fired and it was only the motor ejection that jerked the whole thing enough to bust the main out. Too little too late. From 2481' to 0' at significantly more than 20f/s led to another rebuilt...


I sat out Red Glare 15 as it was too close to the holidays and picked-up my next K1440 from Wildman at RG16. Everything than could go wrong did go wrong and after my 3rd kluge to make something work, I backed off and packed it all away.

Fast Forward to July 5th at NALF Fentress for SEVRA's first Beach Blast...
2014-07-05 Kids.jpg
(photo by Mark Batterson)

I stuck another K1440 in it and took it to 2567'. This time, everything worked as advertised and we had a nice soft landing in the grass to the south of the main runway & taxiways. The only damage was where some of the stickers weren't sealed down properly and ripped back. (Hi Mark!). Joe Z is currently sorting pictures, so once he's done, I'll post some flight shots.
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